The changes that happened to Naruto are very simple, and can even be described as familiar to Naruto. In the past battles, he used the same method to solve the opponent several times and finally defeated the enemy.

Yan Yanluo adjusted his chakra to a state similar to Naruto with his ability to completely imitate the chakra. After grabbing Naruto's spiral pill, he cooperated with Naruto to infuse his chakra with increased power.

Two similar chakras are intertwined and resonate, forming a special state like yin and yang fish inside the spiral pill, the so-called Tai Chi spiral pill.

"How could this happen!" Naruto was at the center of his power, clearly feeling the changes made by Helix Pill.

Another chakra injection greatly increased the power of Helix Pill, and also made him lose control of Helix Pill.

While encountering hardships, making new friends, creating new bonds, gaining strength from friends, and ultimately defeating opponents, is obviously a proof of friendship bonds, but now it has become a means for the enemy to hinder oneself.

"It's all this guy, it's not that he delayed our pace, it's not that he kept harassing us, it wasn't this group of guys who took Gaara away. Gaara may have gone back with them now, or he may have returned to the village. A group of people greeted him, and he may have been listening to his experience of practicing these years, maybe...maybe..., absolutely will not lie there motionless".

Yan Yanluo’s close face reminded Naruto of the past, Baiyun Yeshan, Te Kuno, Furusuke, Gaara, the way they died before they repeatedly reappeared in their minds, and the angry emotions gradually swallowed up reason. The bright red evil Chakra overflowed his body again, merged into the spiral pill, and set off a storm outside.

"Take Gaara back to me!", the lines of the fox demon appeared on his face, the skyrocketing power pressed the huge red spiral pill against Yanyanluo, and the strong will to kill made Yanyanluo feel that she was hiding in Naruto's body The Nine Tails inside were roaring at him.

"I know that you will still be animalized, but just a single one is not enough to deal with those people outside", the corner of his mouth twitched, and his mood was quite happy. As expected, he did not misunderstand the wrong person. Ren Zhuli's sorrow reminds his life, sunshine and optimism, and love Zhongyi’s character and unexpected power burst at a critical moment. This Uzumaki Naruto fits the protagonist’s setting too much, and his name is the same. It was right to let him go back then, okay, okay, okay. You can continue to dig, and you must give more suffering and more training. It happens to be at the best age, full of vitality, and progressing every day, so I must not let him wait too long.

"It needs to be stimulated again."

Naruto, who was instinctively overwhelmed by the beast, suddenly felt a different murderous maliciousness from Yan Yanluo's body. The dangerous smell stimulated Naruto's sensitive nerves and made Chakra become intense.

"I Gaara, Gaara, I'm so annoying, how sad if I don’t have someone with the same disease! Pretending to show someone, it’s just a tool for manufacturing failure, countless people want to die, why didn’t I see you when Xiu died So sad," said while struggling to press the spiral pill back.

"It doesn't matter who knows him!" Naruto yelled angrily.

"I got the bait, the kid is so impulsive to cheat," Yan Yanluo thought.

"It doesn't matter? Does it! Then the hundreds of people in the northern stronghold of Sand Ninja that I destroyed before I came must have nothing to do with you, and you also have nothing to do with the unidentified sister of Gaara!"

"What are you talking about?" Naruto's momentum fell in an instant.

"Xiuyi! Xiuyi! Get up! Get up!" Yan Yanluo shouted, imitating a woman's voice.

"Hehe, I don't know what his surname is, but the woman whose legs were broken while crawling toward the ruins of the sea of ​​fire called this name. The one buried in it should be called this name. It's really miserable. I'm kind. I helped her and threw her in. What do you think! Because you are so slow and keep getting in the way, I have a lot of time to greet them!"

"You bastard".

Red filled the pupils. After less than half an hour, Naruto, who had just calmed down, lost control again. The power of the tail beast broke out, covered by the fox's clothing, and fangs and claws grew directly into the stage of three tails. Chakra was irritable. He tore his skin and spewed out uncontrollably, his eyes were completely stained with red, and he was sensible.

The three-tailed Naruto Chakra rises to another level. The nine-tailed Chakra makes the spiral pill between Naruto and Yanyanluo look like a burning fireball.

"Three tails, okay, this is strong enough!" The hardening of the earth spear was completely covered. Originally, only the hands and feet were hardened. Now, the black light reflects all over the body, against the pressure of the three tails that have stretched out, and the strength has risen to monster level. Pushing the nine-tailed chakra spiral pill that had been stuck in front of him, he pushed it back on Naruto's face, and at the same time grabbed a tail that was drawn and materialized.

"Go you".

Three-tailed Naruto was thrown out together with the spiral pill that was several meters in size.

Seeing that the storm barrier formed by the spiral pill became like burning, it was red, Kakashi kept cold sweat and said, "Oops!"

"I lost control twice in a row in such a short time, I don't have a second seal talisman."

Seeing the electric current of Lei Dun's clone spread all over Yan Yanluo's body, but Yan Yanluo did not waver at all, Kakashi secretly said that it was not good, and such a serious misjudgment occurred in such a battle.

It was not affected by the effects of thunder and lightning paralysis, this kind of situation was completely encountered and never thought.

This situation would not have happened in the first place, but the serious lack of physical strength and Chakra in the successive battles made him eager to make a quick battle, and mistakenly regarded the previous battle as the whole thing.

"It's careless! How easy is an enemy of this level!"

The expected paralysis effect did not appear, and it didn't work the first time. Although Naruto's spiral pill was much more powerful this time, it might not be effective.

As he expected, once again, he grabbed Naruto’s Oyamaru Maru directly with his bare hands, and then the storm barrier enveloped the two people. The storm bounced off Kai at the same time and blocked his sight, allowing him to take risks again. The idea of ​​launching a divine might fell through.

The burning air mass flew over Kakashi's head, and with a bang, two fists that were also rubbing the air and burning flames collided.

Kai's attack immediately followed when Yan Yanluo appeared in front of him.

Ignoring Kai, seeing that he opened a six-door punch and received a face of surprise, he pointed to Naruto who was slowly falling over there relative to the speed of the two: "Is there any time to deal with me! My reinforcements are here!" "

All of a sudden, a great earthquake trembled, and smoke was everywhere.

With Naruto as the center, all the surrounding areas were destroyed by the storm, and all the people, including Yan Yanluo, were thrown away severely.

Everyone struggled to get up. Yan Yanluo's figure was no longer seen. In front of them, there was a shocking giant crater, like a crater crashed by a meteorite. A red light shot out from the crater and went straight into the sky.


With the fourth tail stretched out, Naruto had already broken away from the human form, looking for the ground with all his feet, and red and black chakras covered his whole body.


The light wave spread with Naruto's roar and forced Kakashi who was approaching to retreat.

"Damn, you actually used Naruto, Xiao Li, every day, you guys leave as soon as possible, the farther the better."

"Kay, it's going to be hard."