Blessing the protagonist from Naruto

127 Hot Pot Noodle Soup 2

She actually didn't like her abilities, her state was unstable, and her power fluctuated too much, and she couldn't control it at all.

The Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, once a year, gathers elite knights from seven magic knight schools to compete on the same stage and select the martial arts festival for the strongest student knight.

This year, as a freshman, she represented Wuqu in the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival and won the fourth place.

The freshman's fourth place result is already remarkable, but she herself knows that her grade is moist.

In the quarter-finals, she was able to beat her opponents because the opponents were strong enough and her personality was also of a more impatient type, so she presented a higher risk factor and she could exert stronger strength. In the quarter-finals, the opponent’s The personality is relatively mild, and her magic power is one level lower than her. Therefore, the risk factor is as low as 100 or less, and the ruler can only change to the second stage. Her magical advantage can not be used at all. The low-level ones were defeated.

Her ability is like this, for opponents with weak magical powers and intensive martial arts, her power can't be used.

Damn, she is already close to the B-level in terms of magic power, and her other abilities are not bad, but because of her lack of ability, she can only be evaluated as a C-level slasher.

Now that I am actively approaching danger like this, I am not reconciled to the status quo, and I want to force myself.

And it's not that dangerous. Her ability is particularly good at long-distance detection. It can detect opponents even through several layers of walls. The perspective ability is far above any perspective instrument.

The risk factor is so high, as long as you determine the approximate range and sweep over with a big mask of the spirit suit, you will know if the person she is looking for is here.

"Show the soul, the arbiter".

The sharp edges and corners, a pistol-shaped spiritual suit with a sci-fi style appeared in his hands, and the gun body glowed blue.

"The most suspicious thing is that building, starting from it."

On the street more than 100 meters away, the muzzle of the spiritual suit was aimed at the building, and immediately.

The blue light on the gun quickly turned into a dazzling white light.

As the opponent's threat to him is different, the spiritual outfit will change differently, and the color of the gun body will be different.

The normal anesthesia form emits a light blue light, the strong attack state emits a blue light, and the most powerful sniper gun form emits a red light. If the shape has not changed, the color has changed, and it emits a white light that has never been seen before. She has never seen the situation.

Suddenly his body softened, his physical strength and magic power were like a flood of opening the gate, which was quickly lost, and was drained in a few seconds.

"Risk factor, 510."

Not only the magic, but also the physical strength. Chang Shou Zhu Gang, who had difficulty even standing upright, wanted to complain about his disobedient spiritual outfit. When he heard the emotionless mechanical sound, a cold sweat came down.

"I found something!!!"

510?The largest number she had ever seen was 210. At that time, she knew she was definitely not an opponent just by looking at it. What kind of talent would have such a number?

"Risk factor, 600."

"Risk factor, 670."

The alarm keeps giving new values, and each time it gets higher.


The spirit outfit didn't listen at all. After actively draining her magic power, her form changed unprecedentedly.


The four tripods were nailed to the ground, firmly fixed, the gun body expanded and extended, and it grew and grew bigger. She had never thought that her spiritual outfit could change into this way.

A cannon is mounted in the road.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

I kept kicking the spirit outfit that was out of control to stop it.

Without permission, it is illegal to use spiritual outfits in public, and if she takes the initiative to attack, she will be discovered immediately.

The spirit outfit that drained Chang Shou Zhu's magic power radiated light from the muzzle, as if it was pregnant with powerful power.

Heavy, scorching, and leaning on the nearest Chang Shouzhu himself couldn't believe that this force was his own.

"Once this thing happens, the whole street will be destroyed."

In her mind, the street was destroyed and the whole building turned into rubble.

"Hurry up!!"

Thinking that something like that would happen, she didn't care about her original purpose at this time. There might be a world-famous wanted criminal, shouting hoarsely.

The dazzling white light overflowed the muzzle, it seemed that the filling of the ability had exceeded the limit of the spiritual outfit itself, and finally, a fiery ball of fire burst out like a small sun.

The moment the shell was fired, the strong reaction force pushed the shell out more than ten meters, and the asphalt pavement was cut open. This is the result of the anchor bolts that have been laid. If not, there is no doubt that the huge shell will look like a A cannonball hit Chang Shou Zhu's body, crushing her into flesh.

Crossing the 100-meter-long street, the flying energy cannon blows the flowers and trees on both sides of the street and sprints towards the building.

Before he touched it, the huge energy had already pressed the walls down, deformed the windows, and made the building crumbling.

"It's really annoying, what's going on with students nowadays, isn't it a characteristic of this country to behave? Eating a meal doesn't make people delicious!

The scene before him made Chang Shouzhu's eyes burst out.

Behind the broken wall, a small figure stood there.

The rough rock envelops his right hand, and it is out of proportion. The rocky claws larger than the whole body are held flat in front of him, like a standing rock blocking it.

The blow that cleared all her magic power was caught in his hand.

The petite person fell in front of her as if flying from a high place, and as the five rock claws closed, the energy was completely enclosed in the palm of his hand.

In places she couldn't see, suckers with sharp teeth grew in the palm of her hand, biting, swallowing, and absorbing all the energy.

Holding the energy bomb with one hand to prevent it from exploding, while the other hand pressed her on her shoulder, pressing her lower than him.

A light ride is extremely weighty. She feels that not to mention that she has no physical and magic power, even in the most complete state, she has no possibility of breaking free.

"do not move."

The person who appeared before her said so.

Actually, she doesn't need to say that she has no strength anymore, she no longer has the strength to resist, anyway, she can't beat it, she is now relaxed.

The spirit outfit returned to its original state and disappeared, and then she began to notice the person in front of her. Only then did she realize that the guy who made the spirit outfit out of control was actually a child, only eight or nine years old.

She was pure white like a snow boy, she could not feel any amazing boldness in her, but she said angrily:

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, the polite bastard, sent someone to shame me as soon as he helped him catch someone. I really couldn't believe it."