He rushed out of the dojo without hesitation, and when he got outside, Long also stopped suddenly, scratched his head, and walked back step by step.

The strange action left everyone in a daze.

"What do you want to do?"

There is such a question in everyone's mind.

"Smart tactics."

If they don't understand, it seems that two people can communicate with each other by making eye contact. It only takes one movement and one eye to understand the other's consciousness.

"Look at the master's feet." Sawai said.

His temper was a little irritable, but his swordsmanship level was real. After seeing Long Ye's magic power, he also put away his feelings of dissatisfaction and jealousy, because he knew that Long Ye could not match him.

After the mood returned to normal, many attacks were observed.

"It's not the starting position anymore, the master has just taken a step."

That's it, Miko Shiba was just about to start the attack first to make a surprise attack, but he didn't expect Longya's first reaction was to retreat and flee, running faster than his surprise attack, which disrupted his rhythm.

"This is a habit. The battle of a ninja is to raid and retreat."

"The first step is to retreat, set up traps, smoke bombs, flash bombs, gas bombs, and use various methods to kill opponents. The purpose is clear. It will not be exhausted for emotions other than completing the task. Strong strength is the last guarantee. Killing is against the ninja's reservedness."

"But you are back."

"The purpose is different. A sneak attack is unconvincing. If you want to become a deterrent, you must show absolute strength."

This is his positioning for himself, and it is also his original positioning as an S-rank rebel, a shadow-rank powerhouse.

Like a nuclear bomb, regardless of status, as long as it exists, it is a powerful deterrent.

As long as he demonstrates strong enough strength that cannot be ignored, even if his identity is in doubt, the Black Iron Family will accept him.

His investigation is clear. The magic knight in this world is just like the celebrity. It is much more popular than the ninja in his original world. Entertainment news, gossip tabloids, and matches between the magic knights are even reported by major TV stations. breaking news.

An A-level knight with great potential is always a target.

Bai Shilong also returned to the court with ease, and Miko Shiba was waiting.

Want to be like him?No, maybe it's different. The talent of this kid is much stronger than him. With his knowledge, he has never seen anyone more talented than this kid. With his talent, he is destined to become a world-famous person.

Patriarch is really amazing, and he has already begun to think about this kind of thing now.

With Master Wang Ma, and now with this young man, the status of the Black Iron Family will not be shaken in the next few decades.

Since it was the person chosen by Master Yan, let him try the fineness of this piece of gold first.

Both feet suddenly stepped on the floor, and with just one step, the distance between the two sides was greatly drawn.

At the same time, it stabbed out, with a stream of light, piercing towards Long Ye's throat.

Tooth flash


This time, Long Ye didn't move his feet, with a playful smile on his face, and with a wave of his right hand, Iwajutsu in his right hand held the piercing knife.

The straight stabbing move is indeed the fastest in terms of straight-line speed, and its lethality is more powerful than slashing, and its ability to withstand lateral forces is much weaker. This does not require much force. A gentle blow from the side, the sword The trajectory will shift.

Mikoshiba's sword deviated from its original trajectory, just as it was just now.

"This is... just my move! Is this showing me?"

Wang Ma watching the battle next to him watched the battle and murmured when he saw this.

This is an extreme offensive move with no retreat. Used for surprise attacks, it is enough to make most opponents lose the first move, but once it fails, it is extremely difficult to change it.

How to do?How to do?

Miko Shiba's change of moves was as expected. When the blade slid halfway away, he slashed down suddenly, and the blade was bounced on the floor. This method forcibly changed the trajectory of the blade.

With the force of the rebound, he lifted towards the armpit.

"It's not a tooth protrusion, it's a tooth protrusion, it's a modified type of tooth protrusion two!" Sawai said.

As a disciple, most of the time he replaced his master to instruct swordsmanship. He naturally knew the moves of Miko Shiba. This move was originally made by raising the head with a knife and slashing down after being stabbed.

That's it!It's body shape.

The height difference between the two sides is too big, the master's knife will be higher than the other in any case, the normal tooth protrusion will inevitably become the tooth protrusion type two. The master takes advantage of this, and the two moves can be switched at will.

He doesn't stick to his moves, he does whatever he wants, and he has a lot to learn.

"It turns out it can be like this!" Wang Ma saw Miko Shiba's approach, and he understood that to do such a thing, accurate prediction is more important.

What will he do?

Wang Ma stared at Long Ye's every move.



There was a crisp sound and a muffled sound, and the two people who had met each other disappeared at the same time.

what happened?People?

"Did Sakai feel that way just now? No wonder he falls. With such a technique, any martial artist will suffer when he encounters you."

After moving his gaze more than ten meters, Miko Shiba got up in embarrassment.

It took a few seconds for the abnormal feeling on my body to disappear. I touched my neck, and there were no scars at all, but in terms of feeling, my neck was almost torn apart.

A few meters in front of him, a handful of ten-handed rock pierced the floor and skewed there. Most of it skewed into the ground, with only the handle exposed.

His sword brushed the Long Ye Ling suit. Just as he changed his move, he felt a huge pressure on his body. The sudden pressure made him almost kneel on the ground, using magic to force his body to complete the trick. Next, facing Iwajushou who flew over, he couldn't avoid it beautifully.

The very ugly roll on the spot escaped the headshot, and after a few seconds, the suffocating pressure disappeared.

"Is this your ability? Gravity?" The dragon raised his head and said to Wuding.

Everyone looked up and was surprised to find that the dragon that disappeared from the place also appeared on the roof, and was still standing on the roof upside down.

"Very ordinary magic control, nothing more than basic, not so powerful."

There was a living creature by his feet, and a gecko ran out in fright. The rare meat could not let him run. He grabbed it, turned his head, and threw it into his mouth.

Raw food is a bit fishy, ​​and the bones are a bit hidden, but the small bones can be chewed up, and they look a bit like beef when it is tasted.

When the opponent took advantage of the rebounding force and swung a knife to his armpit, his first reaction was not to hide, but to let go of Iwaju's hand and throw it out, aiming at the gap between the small branch and the main trunk. neck.

He doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, and most of his experience in using weapons comes from fighting A Fei.

That guy was too slippery. Over time, his sword skills... or maestro skills were actually well practiced. He was particularly skilled in the skill of hand-cuffing his neck.

Then he jumped up vertically, dodged the sword, and stood on the roof.

This is what happened at that moment.

"The samurai is still so annoying, it won't work to relax a little bit." Long Ye said silently in his heart.

Close combat is the most annoying, and he doesn’t need much martial arts. His ninjutsu is too restrained against this kind of direct contact fighting method. Even if it is a superman like Metakai, the first fight It's also the other party's disadvantage.

Whether it is a sword or a fist, most of these people are the target of his spike.

"It seems to be broken at the touch of a touch, and the sword is unexpectedly strong."

Fortunately, he can bear the triple weighted rock, otherwise he really doesn't know how to perform it.

What to do if you accidentally beat someone to death, how good you are if you are weak.

"It's worthy of being the person that Master Yan found back. It's really delicate magic control. It seems difficult to win with swordsmanship."

Gathering magic power on the soles of your feet to increase mobility, just by relying on that moment of short contact, you can play such magic skills. Not only is the magic talent high, the magic control technology is also rare and superb, and the reflex nerves are also great.

"With our poor magic power, he should be able to evaluate that the magic power was blocked just now. Isn't he used to this kind of battle? A little bit of his full strength." Miko Shibaki secretly admired his strict eyes and could find it. Such a talent, Black Iron, the Patriarch is really powerful.

"Boy, does your swordsmanship have a name?"

"Two scales."

The earth and rocks condensed, and the other Iwatoshou appeared in the palm. The dragon also fell gently from the roof, and when it landed, it shot at Mikoshiba, picking up the upper ten hands that were stuck on the ground, and turning the two ten hands into a storm. Smash it towards the other party.