No one believes it. The government's power is only effective within the city, and the instructions given are not even sent to the remote suburbs.

All the power is concentrated inside the city, which guarantees the stability of the city. If you leave the city and arrive at another city, no one can guarantee safety in between.

Hiring bodyguards for travel has become the norm here.

After leaving the city of Northenloire, into a desert, after another hundred kilometers, you can see a fortress.

Once the remains of an ancient city were here, but now, it is called Shantucheng, a private fortress belonging to individuals, where the most famous bodyguards, mercenaries, and rock flame twins live here.

According to the division method of the alliance, those two people are both A-level swordsmen, and therefore, although there are only two people, they are the biggest power in the neighborhood.

From war employment, to assassination, to protection, and even as long as the money is paid, they also provide safe accommodation, food, and medical care. As long as the money is in place, they will accept any work. As long as the money is in place, they will guarantee the completion of the commission.

On the contrary, if they don't give money, even if they die in front of them, they will not give any help, even if the help is only half a bottle of water left in their hands.

Here, no one will accuse them of their cold-bloodedness for this kind of thing, but their behavior is reassuring.

In a row of convoys, six trucks drove swiftly, five of which were full of goods and one car was full of people.

A full squad, ten soldiers with live ammunition, not only equipped with rifles, but also carrying a heavy machine gun. Under their feet, they were also preparing to attack tanks with anti-tank bazookas.

The magic barrier of the knife cutter can effectively defend against bullets, but it is only the level of an excellent body armor. It cannot stop the continuous shooting of bullets, let alone an anti-tank bazooka that can be destroyed by tanks.

With this kind of firepower, even if there are two slashers, there is a battle.

In addition to the ten soldiers who came out, there were four other people in the carriage who looked different from the others.

All four are women.

A dark-skinned woman with white scars on her neck, wearing a combat uniform with a heavy sniper rifle in her arms, exuding a capable breath.

With flax-colored hair and a pair of round glasses, she looks like a female teacher.

With short brown hair, it looks like a battle has gone into it. The tight-fitting sportswear is covered with dust, the clothes are soaked with sweat, and a power blade is tightly held in his hand.

The upper body is a black sailor suit, the lower body is a black short skirt, and he has beautiful black hair. Even if he is not taken care of, his face is very pretty, the appearance of a standard Oriental.

With a red tie on his chest, he looks like a student at the age of thirteen or four.

Ten soldiers, four women, including the driver who drove, all looked like a disaster.

When I came here, I rescued a child who was being hunted down. When I ran into it again today, I thought it was a revenge. As soon as the Lord appeared, they knew that the target was them at the beginning.

It was a beautiful woman like a dying black flower.

The black dress that seemed to have been wet and soft with black hair, split like petals, appeared in front of them holding a bunch of lilies.

"This is the flower that I just picked and cultivated for everyone to express condolences."

Just like a bride throwing a bouquet, she throws the bouquet like them with a malicious smile.

The appearance of the white petals flying all over the sky was really beautiful, but the next moment, everyone fell to the ground with paralysis.

"It is modified by adding the characteristics of highly poisonous shellfish to the lily, which can produce pollen with a strong paralyzing effect. Just one flower can paralyze an elephant, very powerful!" The woman said very happily.

"Dr. Hill, this is specially cultivated for you. In order to give birth to this child, I have suffered a lot. Don't worry, in order to show respect to you, I will use pure lily to let you die without pain. "

One is enough to make the elephant fall. What she sprinkled just now is a whole bunch. People can't move, and this amount can even stop the heart.

It should be.


The whole body is covered with weird runes, the dark red magic is draped like a coat, and his eyes are full of tyrannical madness.


The woman leaped back by a large margin, and the whole ground exploded where she was standing the previous second, and she saw a young girl who turned into a crimson light and disappeared in place and appeared there.

"It's dangerous. If you cut it down, it's dangerous. You can still enter a violent state. I just wanted you to enter. Mark it to make it easier to start. I really added a trouble to myself!" Even though I said that, But the woman did not have the slightest distressed expression.

Only then did they understand that the child they saved was not being chased and escaping to them, but being driven to them.

"It hurts!"

"Kill...Kill...I'm going to kill you!!"

The girl burst out with amazing power, but obviously, this was at the cost of losing consciousness and reason.

"Lovely child, the flowers you cultivated must be very gorgeous, sister will play with you later!"

"Poke the green bamboo!"

The green bamboo broke out of the ground under the girl's feet, and the ordinary knife cutter was skewered into skewers at the moment of discovery. In order to avoid this happening, the woman avoided the vital points and aimed at the limbs.

The target person is an ordinary person, meaningless, but the people around her are good. She wants to hang the person here, and then slowly plant seeds in the opponent's body after a while.


There was a roar of pain, and circles of sound waves rippled out. The soldiers who were paralyzed and unable to move even were shocked to the point that blood came out of their ears.

The sharp green bamboo spear pierced the girl's body, and did not penetrate the girl's limbs as expected. Instead, it seemed as if it had stabbed steel, and she was broken.

Under the magical impact of the girl's roar, the surrounding green bamboo spear bursts instantly shattered.

The power is completely different from when she was chased by her a few days ago.

"This kid, how much progress has been made after only two days?!"

The strength is stronger and the more irrational, maybe this is her true face.

The woman's pupils shrank and dodged in a hurry. The girl stepped on the ground and rushed in front of her with a knife. The speed not only left a shadow on the spot, but also burst the air, causing a sound burst.

With physical strengthening, the girl's speed broke through the speed of sound in an instant.

However, it was still a bit short. The experience gap allowed the woman to avoid this almost impossible blow, and only her fingertips were scratched.

But this little bit of scratches makes people and women lose their peace.

"Venus flytrap!"

The ground suddenly exploded, and two blades came out.

It was a huge Venus flytrap, with sharp bristles growing inside the leaves, and the wide leaves could even swallow the whole person in one bite.

The leaves of an ordinary Venus flytrap can only bite and digest flies, but the huge leaves of this Venus flytrap are more than that.

The blade has a bite force comparable to that of a crocodile and can instantly squash the prey caught.

This is a man-eating plant that squeezes people into flesh to be swallowed.

It was originally used as a trap, but at this time it was made for myself.

She saw it a few days ago, how did this girl kill her beloved flower, how dangerous that power is.

As long as a little bit of wound is scratched, those weird runes will spread everywhere and can be fatal in a few seconds.

Just after a moment of thinking, the rune spreading from the little wound on the fingertip has crawled to the wrist.

The bite force comparable to that of a crocodile tore off half of his arm, and the blood was flowing.

good chance!

A hunting knife with a rocket booster suddenly appeared in the hand of a woman with short brown hair. After throwing it at the woman, it instantly appeared beside her, another flash, and the two disappeared in front of everyone together.


Half a minute later, he reappeared, but he looked even more embarrassed, calling everyone to evacuate here.