Blessing the protagonist from Naruto

190 Looking forward to tomorrow's battle

After Kirahara left, Ikki's eyes also sharpened.

No matter how dull it is, Shizuya Kirahara has this, and the reason for the abnormal reaction is Ryuya, not to mention that the few people present are excellent swordsmen with superb observation ability.

Stella, a recognized super genius, her magical power is enough to explain everything, her intuition will get an accurate answer one step faster than thinking, for her, no matter how good it is, she will be exposed in an inexplicable position. Horse feet.

Zhu Shizuku, Long also had a bad head. When he first ran away from home, Wang Ma and Ikkiye left the Black Iron house one after another. Only Zhu Shizuku stayed at home, and it was different from Ikki’s early rejection. Outside, Zhu Shizuku has always been the one that has received much attention. Long has done what she has done, she knows a lot, An she said, "What that guy can do and what he will do, you don't need to think about it."

Ikki, his power of observation can be called demon-mirror, mind-reading, and he can even predict the opponent's thinking mode and the next big judgment.

From the beginning, he knew that there were other reasons for Tongyuan to take special care of him. When asked, Tongyuan's hesitating response explained everything. In order not to cause trouble to Tongyuan, he assumed that he didn't know anything.

Now that the last piece of the puzzle is put together, Tongyuan will take special care of him, and it must be his "master" who used some "special" means.

"Talking about what he is doing, I haven’t seen each other for so long. Even Zhu Shizuku said hello only half a year ago. I didn’t bother you before. Now let’s talk together as a family. Ikki, the first official match. How is it? I just heard that you were beaten to pieces!" After taking the tissue and wiping the corner of his mouth, he opened the peacock fan to block half of his face and smiled.

Almost in the state of being surrounded by three parties, Ke Long didn't feel any tension at all. His exposed eyes were cold, which put a lot of pressure on several people.

At this moment, Ikki absolutely believed what Long Ya just said, if he loses, Long will definitely kill him.

If his answer is not satisfactory to him, he might do it on the spot.

"It's completely different from what I thought, and I'm so nervous. Not only is the plan I made in advance useless, my hands and feet are not at my disposal." There is no excuse for his ugly appearance on the court just now.

In fact, he has no need to be nervous at all. Shizuhara's ability is stealth, which can be regarded as the strongest sword-cutting skill against people. He is the most restrained type of fighting with swordsmanship, but it is completely counted. No threat.

Stealth is just unobservable, it's not that people disappear, as long as you can attack the opponent with an attack that can cover the entire field.

The original Ikki couldn't do it, but Ikki now has no problems at all.

But that was too physically demanding. After using such moves, it would not be able to recover in the next few days. The actual combat can be done in an easier way.

His speed is faster than that of Kirigahara's arrows, as long as he takes the opponent's arrow first, and then moves and pursues it according to the direction of the arrow shot. It doesn't even need to be [fully master].

But at the beginning, he was attacked so much that he could not fight back.

Under the spotlight, he underestimated the pressure of the official game.

Nervousness is the reason why this is more laughable than carelessness. He almost lost the game. This is a fact and he has nothing to say.

"Nervous!" The eyes behind the fan stared at Ikki closely, and the pressure grew stronger.

"Pop!" The fan closed, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and a gentle smile appeared on his face like a lily in full bloom.

"The competition is not the same as the actual battle. The environment is so different. I was so nervous when I first played that year! Hahaha."

The atmosphere just now was particularly tense, and suddenly it became relaxed and happy again, and the sudden change of moody and anger in the dragon made several people unresponsive for a while.

"I remember Long Ye, you never played a formal game?" Ikki asked blankly.

He showed extraordinary strength when he appeared in the Black Iron House on the first day and became the master of the dojo.

Undoubtedly strong, strong enough to be intimidating. Many people lost in Long Ye’s hands. However, Long did not participate in any official competitions, such as the Primary School Cup, the Middle School Cup, including the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival. Official competition.

"Remember my title?" Long also prompted.

"Humanity's strongest shield machine?" Zhu Shizuku said with a curl of his lips.

"Haha, I really like that nickname, but I'm talking about another hyena in the duel-the King of Fallen."

When I said this nickname, it was Yihui's turn that his face changed drastically, which was obviously quite something.

"Why did I forget such a thing!"

Long has not participated in any competitive competitions, but he has fought in many other forms of battle.

Actually, it was not that Ikki had forgotten it, but because the dragon had also helped him a lot on the road of the knight, he subconsciously didn't want to remember the bad information about the dragon.

The information really affects others' views of Long Ye.

"I remember that the reason for my first duel was that Yan proposed a proposal for special recruitment of student knights under special circumstances. The reason was that it was the most serious one. At that time, many people disagreed. In order to prove that even if it is not an official knight, Many of the students still have strengths that cannot be ignored. I fought a duel with the representatives elected by the opposition. Remember, Ikki you hadn't left yet."

"Yes, that was, six years ago."

"Six years?" Stella exclaimed, with dragons flying up and down.

From the can’t tell from the outside, but he is Ikki’s elder brother, in the third grade, six years ago...

"Then you are still a primary school student!"

"Just graduated."

"Your opponent must be a formal knight, right?"

"The third of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival that year, the Thunder Warlock was the most controversial, but it frightened me." Long also looked scared.

"I'm a ninja. I used to sneak attacks from behind, suck cold, and sap, and suddenly let me fight in front of a group of big people. My opponent was the Thunder Warlock, who was the most damned. I was nervous but my heart stopped."

"But I don't see you feeling nervous at all," Stella said in his heart.

Moreover, being led by Ryuya, thinking of what happened at that time, Ikki and Zhu Shizuku, his face turned blue.

"I was just like Ikki at the time. I was particularly tense, my muscles stiff, I forgot all the techniques, and I couldn't control my strength."

"Then you beat them severely disabled!" Zhu Shizuku gritted his teeth and said.

"Disabled? Isn't there a rule in the league that before becoming a student knight, there is nothing that is not allowed to use physical form to fight?"

"So I tore off that guy's hands and feet with my bare hands." He said scary words with a smile on his face.

"At that time, I thought it would be dealt with seriously. I didn't expect that the old people in the family would be quite satisfied, and felt that they should do so. It played like a black iron clan."

"In the duel, shooting down the shining stars, this is the origin of the nickname of the king of falling."

"You just asked, why is he so afraid of me? In thirty-four duels, only three of those who fought against me survived. He was one of them, and my bones were broken three times."

"I look forward to the battle tomorrow."

Before leaving, Long Ye patted Stella and Ikki on the shoulders.