Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 009: Get the Writer's Eye

What did Liu Hao see?He saw that there were many objects that resembled a space capsule with songs in front of them, but they were transparent, and there were many people in them, but those people looked bloodless and didn't have any anger. They were obviously dead for many years.

"These are the bodies that I secretly sent out some invisible robots to get back at night, some from the Hyuga clan, and some from the Uchiha clan. Of course, because these two clans have the most people, I also got the most dead bodies. I I have been thinking that there must be some reason for them to have blood inheritance limits.

Perhaps the ancestors of those who have the blood inheritance boundary were just ordinary people at the beginning, and then it must be some adventure that allowed the ancestors of these people to obtain the blood inheritance boundary, and finally passed on through the inheritance of their ancestors. Can get it, so why can't others get it?

This is where the value of my research lies. At the same time, I am also thinking if I can get blood succession limits for ordinary people, then can I get multiple blood succession limits at the same time, so I conducted six years of research."

Boomer’s eyes shone brightly and she said in a slightly deep tone. Bouma, who is already twenty-five years old, is as charming as a ripe peach, but she looks a bit like a female scientist at this time. She is a female scientist herself.

"So I invented a robot that can escape, stealing back the corpses of those people who had just died not long ago, who had blood inheritance limits, to conduct research and use various instruments to explore. , Although the blood is somewhat different, I can see that it is not pure blood that will allow them to have the blood limit.

So I have been puzzled. After knowing you and saying that you saw an anime with me in your world, the anime called Dragon Ball, I heard you say that the invention Xilu has a variety of powerful fighters. After the genetic artificial man, I understood that it is a gene.

In other words, as long as the gene of an ordinary person is changed to the same state as that of a person with blood inheritance boundary, after a period of the world, the body, brain, etc., all organs have adapted to the new genetic transformation, does it also mean ordinary people? Can also have such a blood inheritance boundary?"

Bouma said that she was proud of her face. After all, she was the only one in Naruto who had cracked the secret of the Blood Succession Boundary and mastered the technology that allows ordinary people to have the Blood Succession Boundary. Otherwise, she would not bring Liu Hao down. Which kind of Bouma is worthy of pride.

"It's a pity that the time is too short. I only have time to study the results of successfully allowing a person to have blood inheritance limits, but I don't have enough time to study how to make a person have multiple blood inheritance limits, so that these genes are perfectly blended together and will not conflict with each other. Thus the body exploded.

That’s why I just asked you what Blood Succession Boundary you want. Although any of the bodies here are dead, their genes are still there. I have preserved them so that their bodies are not decayed, but this is just Konoha. The blood following the limit.

As for the other blood inheritance boundaries, only you can take the part or blood of the owner of the blood inheritance boundary you want. The best thing is to bring him back. Then I researched a way to make multiple blood inheritance boundaries coexist. After the fusion is going on, so fortunately you chose to write round eyes, if it is another blood succession boundary, I might break your trust."

Bouma’s words of rejoicing moved Liu Hao's heart, and the corners of his eyes were slightly moist. However, Liu Hao turned around and prevented Boomer from seeing it. It was a pity that Boomer had noticed it a long time ago. Worried about being disappointed.

In order to do so many things without breaking his faith, in fact, even if he couldn't get the blood inheritance boundary, and there was no surprise for himself, he was very happy, because everything he had was given by Bouma.

"What am I going to do?" Liu Hao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, but his voice was still a little choked.

"Extract their genes, with me as a genius inventor who is using superb technology to integrate into your body, and then for a period of safety, without a trace of danger, and after excessive changes, you can have their blood inheritance limit, conservatively estimate this paragraph It should take a year and a half for the change."

Bouma said that it was easy, but I don't know why Liu Hao had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, it was soon fulfilled, I saw Bouma came to the console and cracked it up, and then flew out three palm-sized machines that looked like insects and came to the front of the three space capsules. The space capsule opened with a click. , The three insects actually opened the eyes of the three bodies in front of them, and suddenly something similar to a straw protruded from below these insects and plunged into the eyes of the three Uchiha tribesmen.

"Isn't it? Anyway?"

Liu Hao stared at the changes in these three bodies. Not long after, the eyes pierced by the straws melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if turned into liquid and then absorbed. After finishing one eye, Choose the second one.

Soon after he was recovered by Bouma, Bouma pressed a button again. These capsules of Uchiha people who had lost their eyes turned into a gopher-like mechanical animal, and then turned underground. It seems that the body was transported back.

"Although it only requires blood to obtain the Shao Lun Yan gene, it may be more effective if they directly extract the eyes that they have opened the Sha Lun Yan. According to you, the Sha Lun Yan can evolve into a kaleidoscope, and everyone’s Kaleidoscope has its own unique abilities except Amaterasu and Susanoo.

That is to say, the abilities obtained after the evolution before and after each person's writing wheel evolved into a kaleidoscope are the same, but after the kaleidoscope, the evolution field began to be different. The writing wheel eyes of all three of them were opened to the three-gou jade. .

Although the genes are all genes for writing round eyes, the abilities that have evolved to a kaleidoscope are all different. I have selected these three types through my thousands of choices. In my opinion, they are the best three writing rounds among so many people. The eyes are fused together. Fortunately, they are the same genes. Otherwise, I really won’t be able to merge successfully, and even more impossible to integrate into your body."

Boomer breathed a sigh of relief after the manipulation. After all, she was in control. You must concentrate and not make any mistakes. You must know that there are many Uchiha people who have died, but there is no body that has not rotted not long after they died. How much, of course it cannot be wasted.

Especially the genes for writing round eyes used by these three bodies are among the best three among so many corpses in Boomer's view, so there can be no mistakes.
