Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 013: Science Opens Eyes

"Have you ever heard that Konoha's first clan, Uchiha, all died yesterday."

"Cut, you only know it now. I knew it a long time ago. I heard that it was made by that cool Sasuke's brother. It's amazing."

"Huh deserve it, only Sasuke is still alive now, so he dare not look down on us like before." There was a lot of discussion in the classroom for a while.

"Hinata, do you know what's going on?" Although Liu Hao knew what was going on, he still had to show enough surprise, otherwise it would be too abrupt.

"Ah...I...I know, I heard from my father that it seems that Uchiha Sasuke's brother Uchiha Itachi killed the whole clan, leaving only Uchiha Sasuke alone." Hinata yelled, then watched. When Liu Hao stared at him, his pretty face blushed, and he hesitated for a while before speaking slowly.

"Hehe, you can't see such obvious loopholes. Even if Uchiha Itachi turns on the Kaleidoscope, how many times can the Kaleidoscope be used in a day? Although the Uchiha clan is not as powerful as before, even ninjas that exceed the upper ninja level can reach There are a few below the shadow level.

Even if Uchiha Itachi could kill them all, how could he kill them all silently without disturbing anyone with his strength?Forget it, it's my shit anyway."Liu Hao pretended to have a sudden realization, and then he didn't care about it, anyway, life is still to be passed.

After school, Liu Hao returned home as usual, but Bouma caught him in the basement just after he sat down on his front foot.

"Why Bouma?" Liu Hao looked at Bouma in a puzzled way. He knew that the fusion of the blood inheritance boundary that Bouma was studying had not yet come to fruition, so why did he suddenly bring himself down.

"Idiot, of course it is to help you check your body and see if your body and genes have been transformed. After the transformation is successful, I will help you open your eyes." Bouma knocked Liu Hao's head anger.

"Really? Can you open my eyes?" Liu Hao looked at Bouma in surprise.

"One gouyu is still possible, one gouyu is the easiest to turn on. If you are not wrong, it is to produce fluctuations in your heart, perhaps hatred or anger, etc.

So as long as you have extreme mood swings, it is enough. As for Ergouyu from the beginning, there is no way to pass this method. You can only realize it during the battle. Yigouyu is the easiest way to use this method to open it."

While talking, Buma checked Liu Hao's body. After half an hour, Buma's detailed physical examination of Liu Hao ended, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that you have worked harder than before in the past six months. Otherwise, your body will not be able to successfully integrate the genes of Shao Lun Yan so quickly, and it will be more perfect than I thought." Bouma said happily, after all, the stronger Liu Hao is. The happier she is.

Liu Hao didn't speak, but just smirked on the table, so that he can definitely open the writing wheel. As for the kaleidoscope, those of the eternal kaleidoscope are too far away at the moment, let's talk about it after opening the three-gou jade writing wheel, as for the kaleidoscope blindness. He doesn't have to worry about things at all.

In addition to the idea that the boat arrived at the bridge, he believed that Bouma would have a solution, because he had already told Bouma everything he knew about Shao Lunyan.

"Xiao Hao, what is the most profound thing in your life? Is it something that will not be calm once you think of it, and that your mood fluctuates greatly, are there?"

Boomer asked a little worriedly. Boomer’s method was very simple. It was to use electronic instruments to directly hypnotize Liu Hao without a trace of resistance and defense, so that Liu Hao recalled the most profound things in his life, and at the same time let Liu Hao think of it. Reproduce these pictures.

Although it is not as exaggerated and true as the illusion created by Yuedu, but directly recalling the most profound things, Liu Hao's whole mind is only those things and no other superfluous thoughts, as if the whole person has gone back to the past and was in that matter. This can open his eyes to a large extent, of course, only if Liu Hao has such a thing that allows him to produce violent inner fluctuations.

"It didn’t exist before, but I should have it once I die. It’s the scene at the time of death. People are afraid of death. I am one of the best. I am afraid of death. If I experience it again, I think I will definitely have a lot of inner fluctuations."

Liu Hao recalled the process of his death. Although he passed out in a coma and the pain had been reduced to a minimum, the feeling of helplessness, darkness, loneliness, and fear still enveloped his body and mind.

"Very good." Bouma nodded in satisfaction, and the crackling button clicked immediately, and something that looked like a headset came to Liu Hao's temples from left to right.

"Relax your whole body without resisting it. Once you start, you can resist it. As long as you can break free from the fear of death brought by hypnosis, then you have a great opportunity to start a gouyu writing round. There is only one chance to live.

If you fail the first time, there will be resistance in your heart. Even if you face this kind of thing again, you won't be of any help. If you fail, I won't be able to help you anymore. I can only rely on you in the future."Bouma said softly.

"Come on." Liu Hao relaxed, and Bouma took a look. After confirming that Liu Hao had relaxed and did not resist, he gently pressed the red button in front of him.

The silent electric wave immediately stimulated Liu Hao's brain, and Liu Hao slowly closed his eyes when he was relaxed. He found that there were countless images in his mind, which were completely different from what he usually recalled.

The scenes that appeared in my mind seemed to be watching a movie, as if I had blended into it and watched it as a bystander, and as if I had gone back to the past and performed it again as an insider.

"Haha, it's twelve o'clock, you can go out for supper." Twelve o'clock has passed, and Liu Hao in the picture in his mind starts to repeat everything from the beginning, but Liu Hao himself no longer seems to be an outsider. Look, he seems to have gone back to the past and merged into his memories.

He experienced it again, and he knew his fate, and died immediately. He didn’t want to die, he wanted to struggle, he wanted to resist, but he couldn’t do it, as if there was an invisible big hand manipulating all of this, because it’s just It is a memory, Liu Hao is just deeply immersed in his own memories and cannot extricate himself.


Liu Hao's eyes widened. He knew he was going to die. Although he knew it would be like this early in the morning, he was already absorbed in the memories of the past, regardless of each other, as if the patient knew in advance when he would die. But there is no way, only fear and helplessness waiting for death.
