Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 085: Find a way

After all, Shao Lun Yan is very famous for the increase in illusion. Any illusion master who is famous for using Shao Lun Yan is very powerful.

Because in addition to their own powerful illusion, it is the writing wheel that has a great power to increase illusion. Now Liu Hao can be sure that not only his insight, but also the increase in illusion has also improved, and Liu Hao found that his double writing wheel Eyes on Fire Drain Ninjutsu has also increased, which may be the reason why Nine Tails Chakra itself is a fire attribute.

"That's great, as expected, the stronger the Chakra, the stronger the power of writing round eyes. No wonder I can see through Jiraiya's movements when fighting.

In any case, Jilai is also a strong veteran film class. Even if he is suspicious of keeping his hand just to test himself, he should not be able to see through with his own strength, let alone predict the next move, but he It can be done.

Obviously, it should be the reason why I got the Nine-Tailed Chakra, which caused the Shulanyan to mutate. Thinking of this, Liu Hao found that his capital became more and more abundant, and his confidence became more and more sufficient.

So after getting the result, Liu Hao immediately rushed out and told Buma everything. Of course, Buma was happy for Liu Hao. At the same time, Liu Hao was surprised and pleasantly surprised that a weak chakra appeared on Buma. Fluctuations, apparently Boomer is no longer resisting refining Chakra.

Because Liu Hao has always hoped that Bouma can refine Chakra. That is not to make her a ninja, nor does she want her to have the power to protect herself, but to hope that Bouma’s body can be better. Chakra is in Bouma. The physical fitness is definitely doubled compared to before.

Even at the age of 40 or 50, Bouma has mastered various high-tech inventions and various rare skin care products. The nutrient solution is absolutely no different from a woman in her twenties, and her body is extremely healthy. In fact, Liu Hao is still There is an ambition, but this ambition is only implemented after opening the kaleidoscope.

That is to use the various powerful secret techniques of the Ninja world to make myself and Bouma immortal. Even if they can't be immortal, they hope to live a long life, especially before they die.

After fighting with Zi Lai Ye and the Shulanyan mutated, Liu Hao stayed at home and stayed in the gravity room to exercise every day. Bu Ma also built a gravity room for Shui Wuyuebai.

After all, Shui Wuyuebai’s speed is amazing. She is the best at the same level of power or even facing people who exceed her own strength. Moreover, women’s bodies are relatively light, with agility and elegance. Excellent, so Liu Hao suggested that Shui Wuyuebai use the gravity chamber not only to make her body stronger and faster.

Even one’s physical strength will rise, because no matter how strong the appearance is, if the internal organs are not strengthened, it will only be strong from the outside. On the contrary, as long as all the organs in the internal organs can be continuously strengthened, your physical fitness But it will continue to rise.

It is precisely because Liu Hao exercises the internal organs and the outside of the body at the same time that he can have such a strong physique in such a short time. This is obviously more effective than other physical ninja exercises in the ninja world. The benefits and efficiency are much faster. More, too much.

"By weakening countless times, the phagocytic and aggressiveness also weakened countless times the genes obtained from Yamato's blood, and then fused with the genes extracted from Xiaohao's blood, and found that Yamato Although the cells of the first generation of Hokage were obtained, it was no longer considered a wooden escape.

When put together with your genes, there is no aggressiveness at all. There is no fight between the two sides, as if your genes look down on the genes of Yamato, disdain to swallow the genes of Yamato, the situation where the two genes are endlessly dying. It doesn't seem to exist anymore, so I guess there is a way to succeed."

After hearing the good news from Liu Hao, Bouma also seemed to be afraid that Liu Hao was not excited enough to throw out another thing that made Liu Haole blossom again. It is not Uchiha to say who are the two most mysterious and fascinating people in Naruto World. Madara is not Payne, but Kakashi's father, Shirataki, and Tsunade's grandfather, the original Hokage.

The strength of these two people is actually a mystery, a existence that allows the three ninjas to stand in front of the white teeth and can only retreat, and at the same time allows the ninjas of all countries to give up when they encounter tasks related to the white teeth. , One is to defeat Dreamy Naruto Uchiha Madara, who has the help of the nine tails and the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

Therefore, as the most powerful ability of the first generation of Hokage, the real Mu Dun Liu Hao has been fascinated for a long time. Now I heard Bouma say that he has guessed that there may be a way to succeed, although this is just a guess, and even the experiment has not started. But this is already a good beginning. At least there is a goal. Only with this correct and possibly successful idea can we continue to study.

Like the blind flies, they will crash everywhere aimlessly. In fact, it is not difficult to invent something, but the difficulty lies in finding a way to implement it. As a pioneer who can only explore by himself, Bouma is obviously extremely difficult. Yes, but she can still do it.

It is indeed a genius scientist who can make even a time machine in Dragon Ball. Even in the world of Dragon Ball with many advanced instruments and already very advanced technology, the time machine spans hundreds or even thousands of years or even tens of thousands. A cross-universe invention that appeared so much earlier in the year.

"What way?" Liu Hao couldn't wait to ask very anxiously.

"It's very simple. As long as the two genes are unable to perceive the other's existence when the two genes are fused, to be precise, it is impossible to feel what kind of genes the other is. Even in the process of fusion, the two This gene can't find out that the other party is actually his own mortal enemy.

So when the fusion is completed, it will be too late to discover the genes of a more powerful and perfect new breed. Of course, this is just an idealized guess as to whether this effect can really be achieved.

If this effect is achieved, what kind of equipment is needed and what kind of medicine is needed to help me. I can’t answer you for a while, but my hunch is very accurate. I believe that I can invent it in the month of the Zhongnin exam. ."

Bouma’s words scared Liu Hao almost to faint. He just thought of a feasible way and said that he should be able to succeed within this month. Your genius invention is too enchanting. What do you think of such a mysterious field of genes? It seems to play house.

"Don't think it is difficult. The most difficult part of invention is not the process of invention, but the way to find the invention. The confusion without any clue when exploring unknown areas is the most difficult place. Now that we have found a way, Then, according to this method, it will take almost one month to implement it. If it is not for the one-time success and foolproof, it will be almost half a month."
