Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 1382: Won the Peerless Sword

"Peerless sword, let me see if you are powerful, or the sword of defeat made by me and Buma is stronger." The sword of defeat was polished by Liu Hao's vigorous spirit day and night, and Buma combined The forging technology combined with technology and the casting method of Baijian Villa is now stronger than in history.

The raging fire on top of the peerless sword was swallowed immediately after Liu Hao approached. Liu Haoshi commanded, as if he was playing a piano music, and the water vapor spread all over his body into a torrent of sunflower water sweeping the world. The huge, peerless sword was shattered and the flame was extinguished. What you saw was a pitch-black sword whose length was very similar to the sword of defeat.

"Is this the true essence of the sword? It's equal to the soul of the sword of defeat, where the essence of power lies. Then you can turn into a truly peerless sword." Liu Hao ejected the true essence of the peerless sword with strength. The black ash swept over the countless great swords in the sword pond.

"How can he know so clearly?" Zhong Mei was taken aback, and looked at Liu Hao suspiciously, why he knew so well.

"Now the sword is among the countless swords, but there is really only one. How do you find out." Although Zhong Mei was surprised, he knew that no one could stop Liu Hao's strength. Zhong Mei wanted to know what he wanted. How to find a great sword.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the game of finding things slowly, because I'm tired of finding things these years." Of course, what Liu Hao said was looking for Jing Ruilong and Wu Wudi. He has been secretly sending people these years. Or to find things by himself, it can be said that he now has a deep hatred of finding things.

"So!" Liu Hao held up his right hand. An airflow that was many times hotter than the one that burned on the Peerless Good Sword just now spreads to force everyone back. Under everyone's shocking eyes, it turns into noble, gorgeous yet gorgeous. Suzaku full of destruction.

"Burn the Eight Wastes!" Liu Hao yelled, and the Suzaku flew above the sword pond. Between a pair of fire wings, countless flames fell from the sky, hitting the sword pond like a meteorite. A fire directly covered all the peerless swords in it.

"Real gold is not afraid of the red fire, so now I will look at this peerless sword and be afraid of this inextinguishable fire." Liu Hao sat on a boulder with Erlang's legs up and admired the fire.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Zhong Mei is not an unseen person, but he has never seen such martial arts.

Under the burning of the unquenchable fire, many black peerless swords have been burned into powder. Of course, some of the higher-quality swords have not disappeared, but they will not last long. As time passes, every minute and every second, There are fewer and fewer swords above the sword pond.

"Three, two, and the last one." Many people did not expect that the peerless sword was actually a dark long sword with no brilliance or even sharpness. In their opinion, it should be cold, and the sword can only be turned by the streamer. Correct.

"It is also forged by Heihan, but it has gone out of two extremes." Liu Hao stroked this defeated sword. He liked the defeated sword better than a peerless sword. Although he was not a swordsman, he rarely used external force in battle. But he is also a human being. He just doesn't allow his own heart to be dependent. If the problem is solved with weapons, then it is better to use a nuclear bomb, and this is not his way. He can use it, but he absolutely cannot rely on it.

It is equivalent to many powerful cultivators who are accustomed to using powerful magic weapons against the enemy, but once the magic weapons fail or are broken and restricted by some special methods, they will be slaughtered by others. The magic weapons can be used but they must not be relied upon. It is waste material, let alone the heart of dependence, so in Liu Hao's view, if you are a cultivator, you can have a magic weapon, but what really rules is the core of your own magical powers.

The same is true for Liu Hao now. No matter what it is, everything revolves around his martial arts. As long as he doesn’t rely on it, he can use everything, but he doesn’t need it. Because of his body, his martial arts have solved everything. The question of whether there is a magic weapon or not is almost redundant.

His one stroke of the White Tiger Seal is equivalent to hiding countless magic weapons in himself. One stroke of martial arts solves the problem of weapons. As long as he wants countless magic weapons to appear, all this is Liu Hao himself, not outsiders. Things, as long as he wants to have them, there will be nothing if they don’t, everything is fundamental, not external objects, external forces.

"Where is Kong Ci?" Bu Jingyun stood up, eating his hand or standing up.

"Do you really want to see her so much? How about letting you see it? Sometimes something only exists in memory and there is a good memory, not a cruel reality." Liu Hao checked it and it turned out to be a collection of peerless good The tasks of sword, Xueyindao, and Huolin sword were completed, and another task was solved. Liu Hao felt relieved, and he was in a good mood.

"Nonsense, where is Kong Ci?" Bu Jingyun said, obviously not dead in Yellow River.

"Well, if you want to see her so much, I will fulfill you, but I really want to see if you will regret it after seeing her." Liu Hao didn't know when someone appeared beside Liu Hao. Everyone knew it was Liu Hao's speed. It was too fast, leaving and coming back so fast that people can't see it.

"Kong Ci." Bu Jingyun said excitedly when he saw someone who hadn't been for several years.

"You know what to do." Liu Hao stood in place with a smile, Kong Ci's eyes flashed a little complicated, helpless, panic turned into helplessness and then became calm.

"Master Yun, this is the last time Kong Ci called you this. I am no longer the Kong Ci of the World Association. From the day I left, I have been Liu Hao's Kong Ci. If you forget me, If you still want revenge, then you can go as far as you can, don't appear in front of me, and don't be enemies with Hao, otherwise you will only perish yourself."

Kong Ci took a deep breath and said in a cold tone, Duan Lang also defeated Jian Pian at this time, and stayed aside to watch the show.

Bu Jingyun didn't expect Kong Ci to say that. Is this still the innocent, kind, and uncontested Kong Ci who would obey everything others say?Become so strange.

"No..." Bu Jingyun roared. He couldn't accept it. Liu Hao must have forced Kong Ci.

"You don't need to think too much, I am not forced, I am voluntary, I am sorry for your love for me, but unfortunately I don't like you, I am already his person." Kong Ci's words seem to be merciless The sharp knife pierced Bu Jingyun's heart, making his breathing hurt.

"Master Yun, I don't want to do this either, but it is best for you and me. Forgetting me is your happiest choice." Kong Ci knew that this was not enough, she was no longer the one in the world. Be kind, knowing what she should do now is the best, so she sat on Liu Hao's lap in full view and kissed Liu Hao on the cheek.

"My innocence seems to be insulted by you, okay, I admit that you are my person, but it seems that I haven't touched you in the past few years." Liu Hao's voice sounded in Kong Ci's ear, even if he had a good temper. After listening to Kong Ci like this, I couldn't help but curse shamelessly. It is true that Liu Hao has not touched her so far, but is there any difference between touching and not touching her?Kong Ci is destined to be labeled as Liu Hao all her life, especially her actions today are even more conclusive.
