Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 1420: The First Fairy Showdown

"Another contestant is here, hey Tongwu, are you okay? Your little boxing stone doesn't have much physical strength anymore." Liu Hao went on the court and some people immediately started booing, especially the one named Tongwu Young who had just won. The young man immediately looked at Liu Hao, and the people around him said to him a little worried.

"It's nothing, the game is one to one, and I still have the trump card." Tong Wu is not worried at all: "The rule of the game is one to one. If the elf loses combat power, then even if it loses, there is no problem. ?"

"No, but your little boxing stone seems to have little physical strength, are you sure you want him to come?" Liu Hao glanced at the short-breathing little boxing stone. Obviously, even if his opponent was weak, he played several consecutive games. The rookie trainer has no abilities, even a little messy, but it also consumes a lot of physical strength. After all, he is not very strong, but he is very good compared to the rookie trainer.

"Of course not, come back, Xiaoquanshi, you are out of luck, because what you have to face next is my trump card, come out the iron-clad rhino." Tongwu let out a rock gleaming all over his body with full momentum. Luster, his forehead has a sharp horn, and his thick and strong limbs make people have no doubts about his defense and attack power.

"Oh, it's an iron-clad rhino. I underestimated this trainer." Joey's face changed slightly. Although she didn't want to lose, she didn't want Liu Hao to lose too ugly. She didn't expect this trainer named Tongwu to have it. He didn't think Liu Hao could win.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, yes, from Kira, the first trainer I found for you as an opponent is the iron-armored rhinoceros. He is the first opponent you want to defeat." Liu Hao released the elf ball hanging on his chest. Whispered.

"Why don't you seem to be worried at all." Joey found out that Bouma was not worried about Liu Hao at all when he saw the armored rhinoceros and couldn't help but curiously asked. But she could see that Liu Hao and Bouma had a very deep relationship. I hope Liu Hao loses.,

"Don't you really want Liu Hao to lose?" Bouma pursed her lips and made Joey a little embarrassed. Now she doesn't know what she wants, and she doesn't want Liu Hao to lose. "You don't want to worry about Liu Hao. , It’s better to worry about yourself."

"Huh?" Joey was confused and didn't understand why Boomer said so, but she quickly understood through this game.

"Come out, Jira." Liu Hao released Yu Jira, who had been thinking about it a long time ago. As soon as he came out, Jira immediately jumped into Liu Hao's arms and grinned and said that he would not stay inside.

"Okay, I won't let you in in the future." Liu Hao could see that Kira was already very obedient. She did not want to stay in it, but she was very happy after holding it in for a long time, and decided to go there later. Where, unless there are special circumstances, she will not be placed in the poke ball.

As soon as Yu Kira appeared on the stage, her lovely appearance, her shining body, still so dazzling in the dark, immediately captured the hearts of countless women.

"This is what little elf can actually shine." Many people opened the illustrated book but couldn't get the information. The reason why Liu Hao's illustrated book contains Kira's information is also because Dr. Omu knows that he is very knowledgeable and does not need to be one by one. The district went to learn about the elves, and he felt that Liu Hao was a little sorry for not having the initial elves, so he upgraded Liu Hao’s illustrated book to the entire Chengdu area. The elves found in the Guandu area were all recorded. There are no other illustrated books that have not been upgraded.

"This is actually by Kira." Maybe it was changed to other elf Tongwu, but I don't know, but as a rock trainer, how can he not know the degenerate body of Bangira, the strongest elf in the rock system, and this Kira is so unique and rarer. He was so embarrassed because of consecutive victories, but now he looks at Liu Hao jealously. Such an elf is no less attractive to him than a beast.

"By Kira, and still by Kira, God, this is an extremely precious little elf, and will evolve into a super elf of Bangira in the future. There are very few races that can naturally rival him except for the beast. And it's still Flash by Kira, how did he get it?"

Joey's eyes widened and her mouth widened. She now understands why Bouma is not worried at all. She understands that Liu Hao and Bouma are not from a big family like her, so if you want to get it, you can only rely on the family. Own, it takes unbelievable luck to get it.

Perhaps the average trainer doesn’t know it, but Joey, who comes from a big family, knows secrets that many people don’t know. For example, for some reasons, the elf, who was born as a flash, has some special skills, which is different from other kids of the same race. Elf, she is now a little curious about how this shining Yukira is so rare that it is different from other Yukira's special abilities, and even the matter of winning or losing is temporarily ignored.

"Although you have Yukira, it doesn't mean that you are great. Go on the armored rhino and run with horns." Tongwu also knows that it is a game now and cannot be too coveted, so he turned his jealousy into Motivation teaches Liu Hao a lesson and vents his jealousy.

"Leave Kira." Liu Hao knew that Yu Kira lacked combat experience, and the armored rhino was obviously better than Yu Kira, and the combat experience was much richer than Yu Kira, so he must personally direct this battle.

Yu Kira grew up eating the best rocks since he was a child, with sufficient nutrition and excellent development, especially with sufficient training. Trainers like Xiaozhi rarely train. They walk with Liu Hao instead of staying in the elf. In the ball, walking with your feet is also an exercise.

Therefore, Kira's body is very petite compared to the iron-clad rhino, but the dodge speed is not slow at all. When his feet step on the body, he has jumped and staggered the horns of the iron-clad rhino, almost wiping the iron-clad rhino to avoid.

"Remember what I taught before? While avoiding, counterattack as quickly as possible, awakening power." Yu Kira kept remembering Liu Hao's words, even if Liu Hao didn't say it, she was ready in her heart. After Liu Hao's order, she knew that she was right, and she was happier, and her fighting spirit became stronger and her awakening force was released and knocked the giant body of the iron-clad rhino away.

"Roar~" The iron-clad rhino cried out in pain, but he completely swallowed the awakening power.

"Iron-armored rhino, are you okay." Tongwu didn't expect Liu Hao to be quite capable. Not only did he avoid the attack of the iron-clad rhino, but he also fought back at the same time. He had to put away his contempt. Originally, he thought the opponent was a lost dog. Shit Luck has a trainer from Kira, and it doesn't seem to be right now.
