Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 1421: From Kira vs Iron Rhino

"So that's the case." Joey saw this scene and had already reflected what Boomer said. Rather than worrying about Liu Hao, he might as well worry about herself. Her chances of losing have been increasing.

"That's great, that's Tongwu's trump card. That little bit unexpectedly beat him out all at once. The power is so great." Some onlookers saw that Kira had the upper hand, especially because of the difference in body shape. The impact is stronger.

"Yeah, I couldn't find the elf called Yukira, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The iron-clad rhinoceros is so powerful and defensive, she was actually beaten into the air."

"It's normal, but Yu Kira has great power to smash rocks since he was a child." Joey is the clearest among so many viewers. Don't look at Yu Kira, but his attacking power is already very sharp.

"Don't be too proud, it won't be that easy this time." Tongwu felt dull when he heard the discussion from around him, and waved his hand: "The iron-clad rhino let him see your strength and run as a shadow clone. Rush forward."

After the iron-clad rhinoceros ran, it was simply a giant, faster and faster, and suddenly split into three. Liu Hao suddenly smiled when he saw it, playing Doppelganger?Even if he doesn't need to look at it, he knows which one is true, this trick can really kill a lot of rookie trainers.

Because they have no commanding experience, they are not calm enough, and they don’t have many methods. In such a situation, many people will be in a hurry. Even if they have a way, they miss the best time. But who is Liu Hao?He is a rookie, but is he comparable to those rookies?What Daoshanhuohai universe stars have faced before, such a small thing can make him not calmly face it?joke.

"Yu Kira stared at the user on the left." Yu Kira didn't know how to tell. At this time, she could only rely on Liu Hao. After Liu Hao's order, she faced the iron-clad rhino on the left without thinking about it. Use stare.

The iron-clad rhino that was running was stared like this. The action was a little stiff and almost didn't fall to the ground. Many trainers ignored the effects of staring, fear and other skills. In fact, these skills unless they are very strong. Little elves, such as those who are at the least elite level, stare and other tricks are still very effective. If used well, they can completely turn their bodies.

"How did he know." Tongwu couldn't believe it, but Liu Hao was quicker when he knew he was about to give orders. "Original power."

"Hurry up." Tongwu was already a step slower, and the iron-clad rhino was stared at the run and almost didn't fall to the ground. When Tongwu ordered him to adjust, the original power had already launched and hit the iron armor. The rhinoceros hit the iron-clad rhinoceros again and screamed.

"Dragon Dance." Liu Hao sneered. All the abilities of the original power to successfully hit Yu Kira have been improved. Whether it is speed, defense, and attack, it can be said that all aspects have been improved, and the armored rhinoceros was injured twice if it was not level. Kira is taller, and he is a thick-skinned type that has long fallen.

Now he is breathing heavily. Compared to Kira, he is not flushed or breathless. After getting the increase in raw power, his combat power has long surpassed the iron-clad rhino. It's not a second.

"Is he really a newcomer?" Joey stared at Liu Hao's back. From Liu Hao's calm judgment, accurate choices, and familiar use of skills, these are not something newcomers can have, especially he is too Calm down, this is too abnormal.

"It's so stupid not to win the chase." Tongwu was delighted, and then ordered: "The armored rhino digs a hole."

"Sure enough, he is a newcomer." Liu Hao was very happy. If he is an experienced trainer who has played several gymnasium games, facing the rock system, the elves of the ground system will never choose to use digging, because digging Most of the time, the cave is to dig its own grave.

"Yu Kira, earthquake." This trick was only learned today, because Liu Hao asked Kira to exercise his skills and learn as much as possible, and even used a computer to simulate those skills to make it easier for Kira to learn. Although the power just learned is not great, it is enough.

"Wonderful!" Joey couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart, but she reacted right away, her face turned into bitter melon, and she quickly looked around and found that no one noticed that she was ready to slip away. She was already unwilling to win Tong Wu. Any hope anymore.

"Worse, come out of the iron-clad rhino." Tongwu was originally proud to use the digging hole to suddenly appear in Yu Ji La's foot to give a heavy blow, but he did not expect that after entering, Kira jumped up and stepped on the ground. The sound of the iron-clad rhino came out from the underground in pain. It can be said that every move and every action he made from the beginning of the battle was cracked and countered by Liu Hao, and he was eaten to death. How could it be Liu Hao? Opponent.

"Be prepared by Kira. Wherever the iron-clad rhino comes from, you can hit me with raw power." Tongwu's face changed drastically, and the people around him also reacted to Liu Hao in surprise. Driving Tongwu into a dead end, both left and right are dead.

As everyone knows, in Liu Hao’s opinion, it is Tongwu’s lack of experience, lack of calmness, and lack of wit, no analysis, and no understanding of the rock system and ground system Pokémon battle methods, the use of skills will lead to death. It wasn't that Liu Hao forced him into a dead end, but he found his way to death. Even if Kira didn't make an earthquake, Liu Hao would have a way to deal with him, let alone an earthquake trick.

In the end, the iron-clad rhino couldn't bear the earthquake's attack and came out of the ground, but Kira immediately launched the original power and hit the iron-clad rhino's head. The dragon dance and an increase in original power directly knocked the iron-clad rhino into a coma.

"I actually lost?" Tongwu looked at the iron-clad rhino with a bit of despair. The iron-clad rhino was his initial elf, not from Dr. Oki, but his father captured it for him, otherwise, with his strength The iron-clad rhino can be caught there.

"I want to go." Liu Hao picked up Yu Kira after the victory and found that Joey had actually gone away. This Nizi's head was not bright at the critical moment. She is the host of the Wizard Center. Unless someone comes to replace her, she can go. The monk can't walk into the temple.

"It's really quick to start, isn't it exciting to meet others in front of my wife." When there was no one, Bouma changed back to what it was before, revealing the truest emotions in her heart without reservation.

"I am sacrificing the ego for the sake of the future, and fulfilling us." Liu Hao hugged Yukira in his left hand and Bouma in his right hand and said awe-inspiringly, letting Bouma's original stern face loosen and hit Liu with an anguish. Hao's chest.
