Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 2057: Create Light, Dispel Darkness

Intermae didn't lose her composure, but kept thinking about how to get Tiga to recover, but she didn't know much about Tiga, and she could only judge by feeling in many cases.

"Light, by the way, you can use it up!" Seeing more and more dark fog, Intermedia Hui's eyes lit up, and he took out his handheld computer, which is the pds that every guts staff has, and will connect to the TV station to notify nearby humans. At that time, a burst of dark light suddenly appeared in the dark night sky.

If the strong light brought by Tiga Altman appeared was a match, then this strong light was the sun, and the gap between them was huge.

"Light, this is light, it's so warm and comfortable." Lina, who was surrounded by growing darkness and very uncomfortable, suddenly saw the strong light that tore the night appearing, and she felt comfortable all over her body. , So people who are exposed to strong light all feel the same.

It's just that although this light is strong, it is not dazzling at all, and it only gives people a gentle feeling.

Everyone, including Kirielod, all looked at the source of the light, and found that a figure in the center of the glare was surrounded by glare, and a person burst out with a terrifying light that illuminates the entire planet as if surrounded by the sun.

"Liu Hao!" Intermediate took a look, and was afraid that no one on this planet was more familiar with the man in front of her. After all, he was his own pillow, and he had just talked to him this morning, so I saw it. Recognize it immediately.

"Is it him?" Lina also saw Liu Hao's appearance, and immediately recognized that she had saved herself at the time. Although she had only been in contact for a short period of time, she was extremely impressed by the man who was called by Lina. A man as perfect as a god, because Lina had never seen a man comparable to him.

But he was shocked when he heard what Hui Mae said, and almost didn't bite She's head, and said in surprise: "What, Captain! The Liu Hao you just mentioned is him."

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the alien was not scared at all at the time. It turned out to be so powerful. At the beginning, the Kirie Rod was killed in his hands. No wonder the captain said that unless he shot, the captain knew he was Liu Hao early on.

After being together with Liu Hao, I tried every means to cover up Liu Hao’s affairs and information, so no one on earth found Liu Hao. She knew that Liu Hao hated trouble with Chan, so she did this. .

Although she knew Liu Hao’s ability to do what he wanted to do, no one could find him, but in Liu Hao’s words, he hates trouble, but it doesn’t mean that she would be afraid of troubles to find him. Hui was helping him to deal with it. As a wife, she certainly had to take care of the little things around Liu Hao.

So now even her boss hasn’t suspected that Liu Hao was the mysterious person who solved the Kirialod people. It’s just that the world will be violent after today, but it doesn’t matter, even if the people on earth have ulterior motives. It's useless if people want to put their ideas on him. With Liu Hao's cultivation base, even hundreds of millions of earths can't be murdered.

And when Ji Mahui looked at Liu Hao, he found that he was looking at herself. When that eye contact, Ji Mahui's heart shook violently, and her heart was filled with touch and love, because she understood from Liu Hao's eyes, Liu Hao's shot was entirely for her, could this make Intermahui's heart not moved?

I was already thinking about how to prevent any trouble from affecting her and Liu Hao’s lives afterwards. After all, Liu Hao exposed herself for her. Although Liu Hao didn’t care, Iimae didn’t want unnecessary things to destroy their happy lives. At the same time, I was thinking about how I would serve Liu Hao well tonight, and I must make him happier.

"Light!" A substantive beam of light condensed in the palm of Liu Hao's palm and penetrated Ultraman Tiga. This time he made the shot because of Megumi Interma, and there was also a mission. He wanted to pass this time. Try to see if this can save Tiga and turn him into Shining Tiga. After all, his mission is to save Tiga and turn him into Shining Tiga.

Although it is not done now, Liu Hao, who likes to be prepared for everything, doesn't want to hurry up. If he has a chance, he will try it. Now it seems that there is no problem.

Just a little bit is enough to recover Tiga, who is on the verge of petrification, and with more, even if Tiga turns back into a stone statue, he can be resurrected and turned into the state of shining Tiga. Seeing that his experiment has been expected As a result, Liu Hao was in a very good mood.

The unconscious Tiga Altman gradually woke up, only to feel that he was full of power and looked at the place where the light was like everyone else, and looked at Liu Hao who was like a god.

A terrifying coercion was released and swept the entire planet so that all human beings were oppressed to kneel on the ground, especially some high-level people with ulterior motives were specially taken care of by Liu Hao, and they were crushed to the ground.

Even Tiga Altman is no exception, he can only kneel on the ground. Obviously Liu Hao hates trouble, so let’s take it easy. He has a deep understanding of human nature, and I believe no one is more profound than him. So doing that directly put an end to all the troubles and tell everyone that as long as he thinks about it, a single thought is enough to wipe everything out.

"It's terrible!" The same thought arose in everyone's minds. Even the first time Liu Hao, who is most familiar with Liu Hao, saw Liu Hao's domineering leaking, his sharp-edged appearance was shocked, but After all, she was different from the others.

Although she was not oppressed by the coercion, she was her own woman after all, and she was focused on herself. Of course she would not release any coercion to Intermae, but in order not to arouse any ideas, Intermae knelt down, and she was different from others. , She was willing, and Liu Hao was ashamed of others in private, Yin had done all the dirty things, and she had done so willingly, very happy, let alone this.
