Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 2062: Hidden Giant

"Then what do I call it?" A blush flashed across Lina's face, especially when she thought of her crazy appearance last night, she felt ashamed.

"Just call me Ahui or Sister." Intermahui smiled lightly. Although Lina had already given herself to Liu Hao last night and became a woman from the ranks of women, it was more natural than that. The charming style unique to mature women is not as good as Intermae.

Especially Ji Mahui still carries the majesty and extravagance of being in a high position. Even if her whole person is not stunningly beautiful, she is just a beauty selected in a thousand and is enough to make her beauty rival those stunningly beautiful women. After all, the beauty of a woman is extremely important in addition to her figure and eyes, her temperament, character, performance, and self.

And Ji Mae is very outstanding in appearance and body, and after decades of training and nurturing in a high position, such as temperament, character, performance, self and so on, he is also very outstanding. So attractive.

Of course, the reasons why she attracted Liu Hao were not enough besides these. Coupled with the memories of childhood, these combination is the main reason for attracting Liu Hao.

"I'll call your sister." Lina wanted to call Ahui, but found that she couldn't say it. First, she has always respected Intermae, and second, she knows that she can get the love she has always wanted is also Intermaezai. Although he is not as calm and rational as Intermae, he is not a fool. After regaining his senses, combining all the actions of yesterday, after careful consideration, he still didn't understand that it was Intermae who created a chance for herself.

So she can be jealous of Liu Hao's other women, but she can't be jealous of Intermae. Now that the relationship is closer, Lina retains her original respect for Intermae and also has an intimacy that she didn't have before.

"Let's go, otherwise the two of us will be late today." Intermahui chuckled lightly, thinking that he didn't have Lina Bai, and the two got into the car and drove to the Guts base.

At the same time, after the two girls left, Liu Hao also set off. Liu Hao's whole person looked illusory. The next moment he let the Buddha and detachment out of this world, but the next moment he let the Buddha and the heaven and earth merge into one, mysterious and mysterious. Nothingness, misty and dusty.

Since Liu Hao broke through the shackles of the law and cultivated into the realm of heavenly immortals, he found that no matter what plane he went to, even some extremely powerful planes were difficult to restrain him, and he was much stronger than many ancient and powerful heavenly immortals. a lot of.

Although it is said that the resources of many immortals in ancient times were very rich and completely beyond Liu Hao's ability to compare, he also had his own advantages. He had gone through countless planes of trials and training. Although he did not completely make up for the lack of resources, With his hard work and dedication, luck and chance, he got more than countless ancient gods.

The strength is very powerful, even the real Xuanxian is not his opponent, and only the higher level Jinxian can threaten him.

Since reaching the immortal, Liu Hao only feels that his strength, speed, reaction, spirituality, intelligence, etc., as well as the level, form, and structure of his life, have undergone earth-shaking changes. They are simply different levels, especially the distance. The condensing of Mie Yuanshen was getting closer and closer to the last step. Liu Hao felt that once this step was taken, it was equivalent to a mortal stepping into the realm of an immortal.

"Ancient ruins?" Liu Hao suddenly appeared among the ancient ruins and looked up at the three ancient dark giants in front of them. It can be said that they are the outstanding ones among the ancient giants Ultraman, just like the ancient Tiga. Is the top Ultraman, very powerful.

"Wake up, ancient giants." Liu Hao's voice was steady and with an unquestionable smell. The three petrified dark giants, Altman, exuded a black light covering the three bodies, Liu Hao's voice To let the Buddha go is to speak out and move the world with one word.

The three giants gradually woke up under Liu Hao's order, and the petrified body had changed and returned to its original appearance, with three dark auras permeating the entire remains.

"Haha!" The only female giant in the middle and the strongest. It looks like the best and most fascinating existence among all female Ultraman. At least there is not a female Ultraman in Liu Hao's memory. Can be more fascinating than the one before.

Originally, female giants are generally difficult to give people a beautiful feeling like a woman from a human aesthetic point of view, but the woman in front of Ultraman gives people a charming and fascinating feeling, especially her The huge body makes her visual impact stronger.

The three giants who woke up all laughed loudly, full of joy, and soon they all noticed Liu Hao in front of them, but they lost interest after seeing just a human being, the dark giant Ou with super power. Temandaram, the giant before the pure power of the three giants, kicked Liu Hao directly.

"Is it such a way of repaying your lifesavers and resurrecting your people? It seems that the beasts are really unfamiliar." Liu Hao was not surprised, and the eyes flashed, and Durham's huge body suddenly fell. Flying out and hitting the wall of the ruins, a group of falling rocks suddenly fell and hit Durham's body.

Durham’s encounter immediately drew the attention of two other dark giants, Camilla the strongest and Hitler the fastest. The two dark Altmans looked at each other and shot at the same time. Hitler’s right hand flashed. The blue light shot a beam.

A blue lightsaber appeared in Camilla's hand and stab Liu Hao at the same time.

Although Liu Hao is just a human that they don’t care about, the giants respect the strong, even if there is no clear rule, they will respect the strong in their hearts. Therefore, the stronger the giant, the higher the status. Respected by other giants.
