Blood Succession Limits

Chapter 2646: Crimson Eye Kills Daidas

"The night attacker, come here well!" Daidas's eyes suddenly shone cold, and the two large axes in his hand flew out and blasted towards the red pupil.

Crimson Eye did not retreat in the slightest, and his figure flashed directly like a stab cheetah, avoiding the two large axes and rushing towards Daidas without slowing down.

"Huh!" Daidas snorted coldly. The two big axes that flew out actually turned around and cut towards the red pupil. If they were replaced by others, they would definitely be beheaded and killed because of the sudden change. The heart is like steel, and he completely ignores the two big axes behind him. Instead, he uses the pressure of death to stimulate his potential as much as possible.

A tragic aura of whether you died or I died filled Daidas's face greatly. It was the first time he met such a person, completely ignoring the attack behind him, didn't she know that even if she could kill herself , Will she be beheaded by an axe too?What's more, she can kill herself in an instant?Daidas said nothing to believe.

It's a pity that she really faced the wrong person this time. Chitong's own fighting style is a one-shot kill, leaving no room for it, just like her imperial sword kills Murama. This fighting style requires a lot of effort. A tough will is good, otherwise it's easy to collapse without killing the enemy.

And Chitong has undergone cruel training since she was a child, and stood out among many assassins. There is no need to say more about her will. The one-strike fighting style combined with the one-shot must kill Mura Yu has reached the strongest point. It is simply making Chitong this The combat power of a fighting style has been raised to the extreme.

Especially now, under the pressure of death, the red pupil exploded with power and speed that exceeded the usual limit.

With a single knife, the whole person puts the Buddha and Murakami as one, regardless of each other.

Changed to other people, even if the strength is stronger than Daidas, it is impossible to kill Daidas in one move among the thousands of troops, but it is a pity that she is facing the red pupil this time. Not only is his strength stronger than him, but he is also good at one cut and kills. Coupled with Mura Yu and this terrifying aura, the power, speed, and soul of the red pupil burst to the extreme.

Daidas only felt a cold light flashing past his eyes.


Before he even felt the pain, he saw his arm soaring into the sky. This kind of injury was originally not fatal, but don't forget what the Emperor is in Chitong's hand?One slash will kill Cun Yu, just a little wound can kill the enemy in a very short time, let alone cut off the entire upper arm.

It is precisely because of the brutal ability that one cut will kill Murakami, that makes Chi pupil's one hit kill style to the extreme. She does not need to destroy the enemy's heart or brain and neck like others. To cause death, she only needs to leave a little wound on the opponent's body.

Especially fighting a little wound among thousands of troops is really enough.

"Am I going to die?" Daidas's face changed drastically. He was able to continue fighting fiercely after changing another person’s attack and destroying one arm. However, the sword technique that Chi pupil showed at that moment was too cruel. , Almost completely concentrated the spirit and energy in the emperor.

This knife not only cut off his arm, but also destroyed all the nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and tissues near his shoulders. It can be said that even without the ability to kill Mura Yu, he will not live long.

"Huh!" Chitong gasped slightly. Although it was a fleeting battle just now, only she herself knew that the knife was the strongest and most powerful knife in her life so far. There were many times in the battle of thousands of troops. The battle is fleeting.

There is not much time for you to prepare to perform all kinds of posture moves.

Therefore, the fighting style of Aki Hitomi is not only related to assassination, but also frontal combat is also very on the battlefield. Together with her, Tegu Mura Yu is even more powerful.

In the moment she not only consumed a lot of physical strength, but also energy, now it is as if she started to slide downhill after the peak, which means that if Daidas continues to fight, the combat power of the red eyes will become more and more. weak.

She just wanted to pursue the ultimate instant kill and gathered her spirits and spirits to burst out in a violent manner. She even used the pressure of external forces to force herself to the extreme, and it would be strange if she didn’t consume much later. .

As far as Chitong is concerned, the cost of fighting in just a moment is not worse than the consumption of fighting a jiu battle with another strong at the same time. It can be said that don’t look at Chitong’s winning of chic, in fact, if there is a slight deviation just now, it will die. It will be her, and now she won’t be easy.

Ten% strength Now she only has 50% or 60% strength left. Although the red pupil did not suffer a single bit of damage, the energy consumption was so large that it was even more weakened than ordinary injuries.

Chitong didn’t talk nonsense. At the moment when Daidas’s arm was cut off, she continued to swing and rampage, because besides Daidas, there were a lot of cavalry behind him. She couldn’t turn her head, she couldn’t avoid it. Continuous rampage, just like dealing with Daidas just now to destroy all the oncoming enemies.

Fortunately, although Chitong consumes a lot of energy, only 50% or 60% of the strength is left, but the cavalry behind Daidas is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables for Chitong. Coupled with Mura Yu's ability, it is easy to take a large group of cavalry. After cutting down the horse, he was not overwhelmed by the oncoming cavalry, but instead rushed all the way through the battle.

The killing dew on the battlefield, the fight between gold and iron, and the tragic atmosphere of blood flying all over Chi Tong's indifferent but fiery heart beat fiercely, making her completely forget her fatigue and fight hard.

With the leadership of the red pupil, it will be the courage of the soldiers. Seeing that the red pupil is so powerful, coupled with Chelsea’s sudden surprise attack hidden in the opposing army, the morale of all the soldiers of the revolutionary army is greatly increased. The imperial army began to be suppressed under such a terrain disadvantage.

"I can't just fall down like this, at least I have to destroy the grain and grass before I die!" Daidas roared. He knew that the strength of the village rain would soon kill him, but he did not allow himself to be so useless. Fall down.
