Blood Succession Limits

4238 Boomer's Surprise

"Bouma, how high is your nuclear drive?" Liu Hao asked.

"Sixty percent." Buma said: "The nuclear-driven Gundam components, armor, consoles, etc. are all higher than the battery energy packs. Therefore, the requirements for these equipment are also higher and time-consuming. A little more."

"Hey, I still want to play with Nuclear Drive Gundam this time." Liu Hao said.

"Although this Gundam has not been manufactured yet, it doesn't mean that you don't have to play the nuclear-driven Gundam." God Bouma mysteriously said, "Come with me."

"So mysterious?" Lacus asked curiously. It was apparently that Bouma had caused curiosity in her heart. At the same time, Bouma said that she didn't talk about the version to arouse her appetite. Lacus couldn't help but push up her little zui. In normal times, as long as it has nothing to do with war, then Lux's political accomplishment, city government, calmness, and calmness will disappear. Instead, she will be simple, cute, and innocent. This is also her own character.

Very contradictory, on the one hand innocent and simple, on the other hand calm and deep, it is simply a collection of contradictions, so some people in the world before Liu Hao would call her a demon girl. For a while, she is pure and kind and has no intention. She was really isolated from the world like a piece of white paper, but she was calm and composed for a while. Even an old politician couldn't compare with the city's deepness. No wonder some people would call her a demon girl.

Of course, all this is not the case at the beginning. Lacus only has these talents at the beginning, and has an extraordinary awareness and knowledge of human nature, war, politics, etc. It is just that she is the daughter of the speaker and sees it every day. They are all fighting over and under, and they are still in the age of continuous war.

With her talent in this area, even if she doesn’t study or contact her in such an environment, she will understand everything naturally, just like a person eats when he is hungry, and when he is thirsty. Like drinking water, Lux's talent will naturally be stimulated in such an environment.

Especially after her father died, she was determined to end this war and grew even bigger. On the battlefield, she knew what to do to be the best for herself and all those who supported her, so on the battlefield, her city Deep, restrained and calm, but once she leaves the battlefield, she does not want to be affected by these things. She still has this fairy-tale pursuit, but her nature is still kind and simple.

The main reason is that Lacus has two extremely contradictory personalities and performances. The contrast is so great that it gives people a strong impact and a sense of contradiction. But in fact, everything becomes very simple when you think about it. Who said it is pure and cute. Can't people be smart, calm and deep-minded?Calmness and composure have no conflict with her innocence and kindness, it's just her innateness.

Therefore, as long as Lacus stays away from the war, her calmness and deepness will disappear in normal life. She does not want to live in this way in normal life. Her calmness, her restraint and wit are for peace. Used to let the war end.

So if you leave the battlefield, all of Lacus will disappear and will be replaced by innocent, innocent and cute. This time, the appearance is in line with the youthful romance and cuteness of a girl of Lacus's current age.

This was not done deliberately, nor was it deliberately put on a mask to pretend to be. How could Lux, who was just an ordinary girl in front of Liu Hao and others, pretend to be able to pretend it? It is the original character of Luxe, the most real side.

"Just go and see, you'll know. Before, Bouma was also tricking up something mysterious and mysterious. It seems that she wanted to surprise us." Nuwa said, even if she converges, she still looks graceful but extraordinary. The refined and ethereal temperament made everyone admire, fascinate, and adore it. When Lacus first met Nuwa, even if she was a female, she was amazed by her demeanor.

What made her even more amazed was that besides Nuwa, there were too many stunning beauty in the world. Peerless enchantress, with a frown and a smile, turned all beings upside down. The red dress that fascinated the world, like a rose with thorns, is full of high above, strong and cold. Yan's queen temperament, but she usually looks very gentle Queen Esthers, mature and rich man, dignified and dignified, she exudes the drunken feng rhyme all over her body, which makes people want to hold her in her arms all the time. Every one of Bouma, who loves ai ruthlessly, is a beautiful and unimaginable existence.

In particular, the higher their cultivation level, the more perfect their temperament and so on. They have broken the shackles that had been perfected to the extreme, and stepped into a higher level of beauty. Let Lux astonished.

She was originally a beautiful girl. After all, she is the son of luck in this world. She is perfect in every aspect, but when she sees Bouma, the red dress, the Nuwa, and Esdes, she still feels ashamed. feel.

She feels that her beauty is a kind of human-level beauty, but Bouma and their beauty are beyond the level of mortals. They are fairies and goddesses.

"Look at what this is?" Bouma led Liu Hao and the others to the place where the Gundam was made, and then quickly pressed a few times in front of a computer instrument. Everyone looked at it and suddenly understood what Bouma said just now. What do you mean.

"It's actually a nuclear drive!" Lux exclaimed.

"Yes, the nuclear-driven Gundam has not yet been completed, because the nuclear-driven Gundam is not only nuclear-driven, but also the performance of all aspects far exceeds the battery energy pack Gundam, the performance is more than four times, so it is necessary The manufacturing time is much longer than that of the battery energy pack.

But now there is surplus nuclear energy, so I used the remaining nuclear energy to make a simple version of the nuclear drive power system used by the Gundam battery pack, although this system is inferior to the new one I am developing in all aspects. Gundam, but because the Gundam performance of the battery energy pack can't keep up, this simple version of the nuclear drive system is more suitable for the previous four Gundams."Bouma said...