Blood Succession Limits

4385 Bucky Lulu is here

"Damn it, Captain Cruze." This time it was Yitzhak who was driving a brand new nuclear-driven Gundam, because he was a relatively pure soldier, and he was also aggressive enough. He was also a second-generation official and his mother was Zaft. One of the highest levels is not who he drives.

Of course, the Justice Gundam was driven by Aslan.

Justice Gundam drew out two beam swords and connected them together like a beam gun, rushing all the way at an extremely fast speed. Almost at the same time God of War Gundam slayed God of Will Gundam, Justice Gundam also came to the back of God of War Gundam and dashed directly. .

Most people's eyes are focused on here, especially the members on the side of the Zaft that was killed by a Gundam.

"Ah!" Aslan roared. The moment he turned on the seed was his limit. This blow was his top blow. The speed was lightning fast and he had already exerted the power of Justice Gundam to its extreme. Up.

Many people were shocked by Aslan's control of Justice Gundam's shocking blow, it was too fast.

Many people stared at God of War Gundam and Justice Gundam with wide eyes, for fear that they would miss the wonderful scene between the sparks.

"Did you turn on the seed? And you have used it proficiently and you can enter this state freely." A smile flashed in Liu Hao's eyes. Compared to Cruze, Aslan is much better. This guy is only Second to the existence of Kira, once you get serious, you no longer have so many extra thoughts to devote yourself to the battle, but you can instantly kill a real flying bird that is not worse than his own.

Now that the blow is full of strength, it can be described as stunning and stunning.

"It's a pity, although it's powerful, it's still useless." Liu Hao shook his head, God of War Gundam kept cutting open the same table of God's Will Gundam but one hand already held the beam rifle and fired continuously backwards.

The sharp attack of Justice Gundam controlled by Aslan was about to be interrupted, but he blocked it with a shield. The flying fighter-like backpack system on the back was disassembled and Justice Gundam stepped on it to make Justice Gundam body volley. He pulled up a lot of meters, condescendingly, pierced in the air with the advantage of the long weapon combined with two beam swords.

The lightning-like alteration of Justice Gundam is wonderful, but the reaction speed and coping ability displayed by Ares Gundam really make everyone feel terrified. Liu Hao has been driving the Ares Gundam to fight for a long time, but he has no combat power. Descend and face Aslan who is waiting for work.

It is too horrible to be blocked by the God of War Gundam after using the God of War Gundam to destroy the God of God's Will Gundam. If it weren't for the Aslan Limit eruption, it would not have been so good for a volley exchange.

An excellent offensive opportunity in exchange for Cruzer's death will also be wasted.

"Destroy this guy!" Yitzhak roared, but he tried his best to intercept the other Gundam, otherwise Aslan was stopped, Justice Gundam would be finished with a blow.

"Unfortunately, it won't succeed." Mariu shook her head when she saw this scene. With the seed turned on, her way of seeing everything in this state was completely different.

Aslan’s attack was extremely sharp. It definitely reached the level where Gundam and the driver cooperated to the extreme. It also used God of War Gundam’s attack on Shenyi Gundam to launch a surprise attack, whether it’s technology or choice of attack. The timing and so on have all been played to the extreme, but the problem is that the Justice Gundam driven by Aslan is facing the Ares Gundam driven by Liu Hao.

If you change someone else, Aslan will really succeed, but the God of War Gundam that Liu Hao drives won't succeed at all.

"Very good, but it's over." God of War Gundam turned his head and saw that many beams of light came from different angles above the sky and the sea. Aslan had to control Justice Gundam to dodge left and right, but in his hands The two beam sabers combined weapons were directly shot and exploded.

But Aslan's inevitable blow turned into a stab with a fist, but he was turned over by God of War Gundam and grabbed Justice Gundam's fist in one hand.

"It's not over yet!" Aslan touched his hands, Justice Gundam released a beam boomerang from a short distance, and wanted to turn around and destroy it before God of War Gundam had time.

It’s a pity that Justice Gundam is fast, and God of War Gundam is faster. One second before the beam boomerang is released, God of War God of War will kick the Justice Gundam out with a wonderful back kick like a long tail. The backlash generated by Gundam and the body of Justice Gundam acted as a leverage point to a backflip in the void. After the beam boomerang flew past, God of War Gundam stood still on the spot, and the body turned and fired with the six main guns.

Justice Gundam had to avoid it, but when he was about to fight back, a golden beam of brilliant and powerful destructive power was suddenly shot from a distance.

It was a positron destroyer.

"Who?" Aslan originally wanted to use this state and diligence to reach the limit. After all, whether it is driving a Gundam to fight or directly fighting on the battlefield, the effort is also very useful, but it is a pity that Liu Hao repeatedly resisted. The spirit of resolving the counterattack Aslan has also been greatly reduced.

Frustrated, when Aslan was about to reorganize the offensive, he suddenly shot a positron sabotage gun from a distance. This is definitely a cosmic warship that can only be launched. The Goddess of Creation has just launched, not it. So who is it.

Through the reconnaissance instrument, Aslan discovered that there was a large and incomparable battleship that was almost identical to the Lord Angel and he was very familiar with flying at high speed.

"Archangel!" Aslan murmured. At the same time, he noticed that in front of the Archangel a very familiar Gundam rushed forward at a faster speed, and the four main guns opened to face his justice Gundam. Shooting over, he had to control Justice Gundam to escape again.

"Freedom Gundam, Kira!" Aslan's expression was extremely complicated. He led Gundam to fight Kira and the Archangel in the afternoon when Liu Hao ended the fierce battle in the Atlantic Federation...