Blooming America

Chapter 22 Gametv

"I didn't expect it, I already have a B cover."

Lisa gave Catherine's chest to measure several sizes, not just on the bust and lower bust, she still quoted the length, and I knew what she would want to do.

"Is there B?" She suddenly surprised.

"No, it looks so small!"

Catherine is some indiscriminated.

In fact, this is misleaded by the so-called comics of the former generations.

Some animals are selling points with "selling meat", so it is an abnormal exaggeration of women's chest. Sometimes the e cup is like two basketballs, but in fact, the e cup is not so big, can only say that after wearing a bra, it can give people a relatively full feeling.

"Is B very big?" Lisa glanced at Catherine, and the latter could only scratched his head.

Lisa suddenly laughed again.

"Maybe you can grow to G oh ~ h is not."

The cold sweat seems to flow from Catherine's head.

"too big……"

Lisa shrugged: "Do people don't like it, better?"

In Europe, this seems to be truth.

Just like the famous adult magazine "Flower Company", there is a very popular words that "the sales volume of the flower bonus is proportional to the chest size of the cover girl."

"Although h is some big, but if g, I think it is right."

Sure enough, European and American and Asian aesthetics are huge.

Although it is also in the Far East, there are many C, D, E, F, and there are many C, D, E, and F, but most of the mainland are A and B.

For Catherine, the light from aesthetic, she is not too careful to the chest size, as long as the shape looks better.

From the freedom of action, Catherine is hoping that if you don't exceed C.

"You can only be C." Catherine tells Lisa.

"That's too small, I can't see it." Lisa seems very dissatisfied to Catherine's non-payment of the chest.

"Take it, how much you can grow, how much it is."

"Well, put the clothes. Although there is air conditioning, it is not good to catch cold."

Finally got it.

Catherine took a breath and then wore clothes.

"Kate, tomorrow to pick up the goods, will give you a surprise ~"

Lisa laughed with Catherine.

"Thank you very much."

It is strange that Catherine actually felt that he was born in front of his companions, but it did not even be more difficult than buying a bra. She all doubts that she is really a problem.

However, since it has been done, these bored things have not mean again.

When I returned home, Catherine opened the TV and put it in the "Superman" video.

The recorder appeared in 1956 is now a veritable luxury, but Bruce is very simply, I have bought a set, and I bought a "superman" video tape.

This is a cartoon, produced in 1941, colored. It is still nostalgic.

Each episode is only 8 minutes, but at that time, each episode took $ 30,000 ... 30,000 gold in 1941!

To put it, Americans are really strange, clearly, their own history is two hundred years, I still like nostalgia, I have taken it out, whether it is transformerous and superman, it is really strange.

Even the star, should I have a breath after thirty years? But these fictional characters and things, but they have no strong welcome.

Catherine also wanted to take a piece of "Create a few" classic characters ".

I thought here, she could only shook his head, and then took out his integrated circuit board.

There is a 2kb IBM memory, then the countless semiconductor transistors soldered by Catherine, is the product of the fairy tap, plus the circuit of the control TV circuit, which looks more and more.

But it is very simple to do, this thing is very simple. The only problem now is to go together with the cathode of the TV.

This plate is a thing that Catherine has been doing. For this, she has not had something left at all.

Just because there is no TV, there is something that is still can't do.

At home, I changed the color TV. The original 14-inch black and white was placed in Catherine's bedroom.

She retrews black and white TV.

Catherine's learning software is very interested in computers. Although she has also learned the director, but it is just to play. After all, it is not the director of the professional college. In addition to being lied, I can only say that the money is cheated.

It's just that there is no computer now, but Catherine has played the advantage of learning "electronic and electrical".

Although it is very troublesome, she is also a time to get it.

"Don't look down on Chinese college students!"

Catherine smiled, but things have not finished, she took a typewriter.

What she wants is very simple, that is, modified it for the keyboard.

This is not difficult. In the future, a person named Jack-Zylkin spent 9 months to design and manufacture a typewriter keyboard that can connect to the USB interface, but this is design practice, real production time, Just take an hour.

Catherine had done it after reading that report, now it seems to be familiar.

She wants to buy a computer keyboard, but she can't find it, so I can only do DIY yourself.

After getting it, she turned on the TV, then knob, very fast, a black and white picture appeared, this is a game. The people in this era may not understand this game, but in the future, this game is even clear that people who have never touched the computer, that is: Russian square.

"Get it!"

Catherine jumped excitedly.

These industries such as animation, computers, clothing, movies, games, etc. are in Catherine, but now she doesn't have that energy.

No money, everything is empty talk.

So she is now putting their attention in all industries that can come money. The upcoming TV tide is also aimed at Catherine.

Of course, this is no happiness, although I made a game, but recently can't play, she still have a movie.

"Right, what is this?"

Catherine thought about it, decided to name "Gametv" for it.

In fact, Catherine also wants to split the host, but then the input interface will be revised again, she doesn't have this time, now it can be so.

On the other hand, Lisa also loosened, and the underwear made by Catherine has also been completed. It looks like it is not bad, Lisa is very satisfied.