Blooming America

Chapter 52 "Radiation"

"Oh ... is good."

This is a pair of flat boots, there is a steel plate, which is probably made according to Jenny's corrector.

"Really, because you want to keep corrective functions, you can't make high heels ..." Lisa is still dissatisfied.

"It's already very good."

Catherine has already felt that the big toe of his own feet rely on the inside, but it is being pressed, but strange, this feeling is not painful, but it is very comfortable.

"Lisa, your craft is really good." Catherine praised a sentence, who knew that Lisa was blushing.

"This ... is Jenny's mother, I just describe the shape ... She has her own private fashion designer, which is all of them to do."

Catherine couldn't help but put his gaze to Jenny, but the other party was just nodded, and it didn't seem to be angry.

Catherine went back to two steps and found that they walked smoothly.

However, this is not the credit of this pair of boots, but wearing orthopedic pantry sitting inside. Vececraings have always been medical supplies, and it is also a very good choice for soldiers who need long-distance strikes. This pair of trousers are modified on this.

This is a pair of black pantyhose, slightly somewhat thick, because it is a double-layer setting, very comfortable, the outside is very good. Take the design of the opening, there is a bunch of waist in the waist to prevent pantyphs from falling. The main function of this sock is to correct the outer feet of Catherine.

This is the only one in the world.

"It's good, why can't I wear it?" Lily was somewhat envious.

"That's because your waist is too thick, Lily." Lisa did not hesitate to tell her.

Lily is a flat-panel body, although age is larger than Catherine, but the body is more "**".

In Catherine, Lily is actually a good, but it is a pity that she can only say that she can only say that it is an ugly woman in the eyes of American eyes who like to bounce.

This bunch of waists is actually not the effect of decoration.

To say the true bunch of waist, it is probably those who are Jennie's grandfather collections. That is a treasure since the 17th century, especially in the 19th century.

After all, the overhead is not a health demand.

Then, Catherine puts on the knee, then white shirt, small tie, and wear a black lady in a small suit, and then loosely, a pure and beautiful girl, .

The label on the clothes is a pair of wings that are stacked together with the divergent pink to the left side. This is the company's products.

"Kate, you are very beautiful, I really envy you." Eida looked at Catherine on the side.

"Thank you."

"Right, now talk about it!"

Lily suddenly said.


"Novel! Your novel, Kate!"

Yes, radiate!

In this day of Catherine, she forgot this in order to busy the company's integration.

"Actually, I think this is your business, Kate. But you know, they are all enthusiastic guys, so I have prepared the information, this is the registration material we prepared for you."

Jenny will prepare a document to Catherine.

"What about you? Do you not participate?"

Catherine looked at the materials, although I wrote "Angel Press", but why is it whispering?

"Kate, we can't take your cheap, the materials have been prepared, maybe we can help, but the publication is just you, if we only have a little money, sit and wait, this kind of thing can not do "

Catherine was somewhat touched.

Although they don't plan to account for cheapness of Catherine, they still helped her.

Catherine also does not speaking.

The European and American people are more direct, and they don't like to be as euphemism like Chinese. They don't say it, that is really not, if you have a hard to give them, it will make them feel unhappy.

This is also something that Catherine learned in more than ten years.

Since you are already ready, then you must go to register a publisher.

Although I went out for a book, I appeared some children, but Catherine didn't care.

Who is another publishing house?

Who told them that their novels have no future?

In this case, then you must make a little grade, give them a few slaps.

Incidentally, Catherine also integrates the Angel Press to its company, and then handed it to it.

Soon, Catherine's own publishing house is set up.

And this publishing house is known at a faster speed.

Everyone is interested in the talents of the talents.

The sales volume of this book is also good.

Catherine has even considered two writes behind. Originally, radiation is a trilogy, plus a variety of rumors.

Some people are interested in the world after Catherine's nuclear battles, but Catherine's future technology, they are interested. The computer has popularized thousands of households, people use mobile phone to communicate ...

Although it has gradually entered the peak of the Cold War, it has not too much insecurity before the Cuban missile crisis. After all, Herrushchev just visited the United States in the past few years.

For Catherine, "radiation" is now just a seed.

More important is the Seattle Expo at the opening of April 21.

This is an opportunity of yourself.

It can make Gametv's red, the key is here.

In fact, even if there is no game function of your own TV, you want to be welcomed, but it is not so difficult. After all, the world's first integrated circuit TV was born in 1964.

However, Gametv sales have begun since March, so that you will not have to use your hands.

Once Catherine's Gametv has been launched, in New York, I caught a sensation.

It's too amazing that Gametv is simply too amazing with the current TV appearance and only screen on one side.

In this way, Catherine's confidence in the Expo is more enough.

Time slowly entered April, but before Catherine, Catherine had a thing before, that is, celebrates birthday for Jenny.

However, this time, the location is selected in their own villas in Catherine, and there is no other outsiders.

This is a pure girl's time.


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