Blooming America

Chapter 173, 3 Idea of ​​Computer

Chapter 173 Three-in-Broadcast Computer

There is such a big thing, and a begins to become nervous.

And here, the company is also accounting for the loss that may be caused.

In fact, Catherine is not worried about what big problems will have, even if the competitors take these information, it is difficult to get drums and Catherine's network is comparable.

After all, she has a far from this era, she knows the future development.

"Soviet Union……"

What did Catherin have vain in the brain, but it can't remember it.

During the cold war, it is the fastest development of human science and technology and the fastest development.

But with the destruction of the Soviet Union, the research and development of these science and technology will be abrupt.


Catherine jumped at once.

She finally thought of what I forgot.

- Three into a computer

Yes, the Soviet Union has launched a three-in-computer computer in 1960

At this time, various wonderful scientific products have emerged, and if the Soviet Union puts a little about the research of the three-in-computer computer, maybe this world is completely different.

After the Cold War, the footsteps of scientific development slowed down, and many of the things like the three-on-computer computer, maybe it takes four or fifty years.

Since A's investigation is still in progress, Catherine is returned to the home of New York and then begins to think about three into a computer.

Сетунь computer, translation into English, the law should be tun.

This computer has been completed in 1958.

Catherine's impression of this computer is not too profound, but she still remembers that this powerful computer is hard to run very smoothly, and after the 1960 speech, it is very popular.

However, the Soviet bureaucrats have a negative attitude towards the science fantasy products outside the economic plan.

Although the number of orders has not been changed, because the Soviet official order, researchers have to cancel the development of production, and maintain 10 to 15 production per year.

Last year, сетунь was suspended. Instead, a binary computer, but the price is 2.5 times.

Сетунь produced a total of 50 (including prototypes). From Kaliningrad to Yakutsk, from Ashhabad to New Siberia, you can see the figure of сетунь. All localities have a good response to сетунь, think it is simple to program (no need to use assembly language), which is suitable for engineering computing, industrial control, computer teaching and other fields.

In the three-way logic, the symbol 1 represents true; symbol -1 represents false; symbol 0 represents unknown. This logical expression is more in line with the development trend of computers in artificial intelligence.

The Soviet researchers have a good controllable current transformer with a faster, reliability and better ferrithoxone and semiconductor diode, which provides a possibility that the implementation of the three-way logic circuit is possible because the voltage exists. Three states: positive voltage, zero voltage and negative voltage. Three-in-law logic circuits are not faster than binary logic circuitry, higher reliability, and less equipment and electrical energy.

In this era, the rapid development of science and technology is not only the technology development of the Soviet Union, the technology development of the Soviet Union is also very eye-catching.

The United States has also dragged enough by the Soviet Union. If it is not the United States to transform from a manufacturing big country into a financial industry, maybe the United States will not be able to stand. Although this is a way of drinking thirst, but the United States is so sticky, so this world is the United States.

So why did the three-in-computer computer have developed?

Catherine dials with a pencil and then started thinking.

The stable three-state component of this era is costly, and the initial binary computer has developed, in order to maintain a monopoly, there is a more intelligent thing that is more intelligent than the binary computer, this is not allowed. Like the IBM blocking fluorescent disc.

The other is the problem of the Soviet Union, bureaucracy should be one of the first, but it is difficult to ensure that these bureaucrats are because of other reasons - in the Soviet, the price of binary computer in the same time is 2.5 times the three-circulation.

Of course, the computer is not the higher, the better, the highest efficiency, the limit value is natural law E, which is 2.71828 ..., this is an unbeatable, if you can be carried out, this is the most perfect - But this is obviously impossible, so the three-way that is closest to it is the best.

Although the three is good, the household is very difficult, because relative to binary, three-in-one hardware complexity is high.

This logic computer is best to be able to use in the military and industrial, after all, the three-in-computer computer is more stable than binary, and it is more efficient.

Catherine is embarrassed, is it going to start from this, then develop three into?

She thought about it, I think it is still possible.

After all, the third basics of the original world is finally "eunuch". The future is specific. Catherine is not clear, so Catherine can only be cautious.

In fact, if you can dig some scientists who study the three-in-computer computer, it will be fine.

It is only a pity that the other party is the people of the Soviet Union.

Now Catherine has a very market concept, she began some of the cases of the development of three into the table.

First, the hardware is required to produce the CPU of the corresponding architecture;

Then, the software must provide the appropriate operating system, and various programming languages ​​develop corresponding compilers, and even need to use new languages, need to develop a variety of application software;

Finally, this computer also requires a suitable price.

"Hey, it seems to be able to study it."

Catherine can only shook his head.

Some things, in fact, it is difficult to return, such as the current QWERT keyboard, the reason why this division is science, but because when the mechanical typewriter knocks the key, the cantilever of the button will be smashed because of the fast, so many "hands" "Speed ​​emperor" has protested, so the manufacturer designed such a more disorderly and awkward keyboard.

Even now people know, some things are hard to get out.

Catherine still remembers that some people have developed, binary code converters, can convert software into three into systems, but she doesn't know the true and false.

Three-in-computer computer must be whole, anyway, now you have a lot of money, and it doesn't matter.

Catherine is really curious. If the three-on-computer computer has appeared, the world will become.

Holding the mentality of the game, Catherine wrote another three-way report. This report is ready to hand over the Pentagon. After all, the Five Universal Building is Catherine's "clothing and food parents".

If they support, they can become fun, if they don't support it, and if they don't pay for allocation, Catherine can only pay for themselves.

But the report was half, and Catherine shook his head.

Is it true that I want to flicker the pentagon?

She still decided, first develop a try, there is a Soviet experience Catherine believes that the research will be slightly smooth, after all, the development of the three-way, but only used a few years, and now I can specify the big The direction, developing a sample, perhaps good.

Catherine is preparing to start listed his plan, but she has to stop at this time.

Because the company called it.

A to the company to investigate Sky's confidential leakage.

After hearing this news, Catherine personally rushed over.

Although the confidentiality of the leak is not a core content, since A is asked, Catherine naturally wants to be more dangerous. At this time, I have a better horse.

Anyway, this is responsible for security is A, not his own company, and it is also their responsibility after the accident. Catherine is no pressure.

Asking, it is a young agent, it seems to be because of this, he is taken over.

"... then, what about the specific situation of Sky's losses?"

"Very bad, our Unicom's network information is all stolen, especially the core IPv6."

Perhaps it is already practiced, Catherine said lies, it is a set of sets.

"The Soviet Union got the rules of the network protocol, and at the same time, our plan on the future network development was also stolen"

In order to grow the wire, fishing big fish, Catherine is preparing for a 30-year network plan for the Pentagon. She is not sure whether the plan has been turned over, because the other party is wearing a glove, holding the camera.

In fact, this network plan is complete, completely, is a flicker, and it is a big flicker.

This deception planning - Catherine - actually there is no big deal.

However, in fact, this document has not been found that the Russian spies have been found to be a given before this plan.

"I understand." The A can seem to have a feeling of sweating.

However, Catherine still left an eye. After he left, she immediately called her old man.

A can accuse it that there is a ghost or spy in the company, and then searched, Catherine is also worried that it is biting by A.

At this time, a lawyer team is very necessary.

"Hello, here is Edison."

The phone came to the father's voice.

"Dad, I want you to help me prepare a good lawyer team." Catherine said directly.

"Kate? Oh, wait, lawyer team? What did you do?" Bruce was shocked.

"I need a lawyer team with guts and A. Of course, talented is better."

"... Well, Kate, tell me what you have, what is going on, although I can't talk in the Pentagon, but I can find it can be said to be people ..."

Bruce is very concerned about.

Catherine is very simply overridden.

I can't tell you, I want to scare a.

However, Catherine did, there is still a purpose.

This incident ... Maybe it is an opportunity of yourself.

If the Soviet Union began to the Internet, then the United States will pay attention to it, and this time, our company has come.