Blooming America

Chapter 231, IBM, Multi-Thunder Laboratory

Chapter 231 IBM's Multi-Thunder Laboratory

In July, "Gray Sè Strip" landed in Europe and began to release in Europe, and this time, "Gray Sè Strip" is expected to bring Catherine to more than 100 million boxes.

With hundreds of millions of dollars, there are about tens of millions of dollars.

After the party end, Catherine returned to California and then continued to work.

At this time, the Personal version of Phoenix-Star Door system has been close to the completion.

Of course, this is the earliest alpha version, and even the beta version is not possible.

The kernel of this system is written in a C language and a small amount of assembly language. Because this system is tailored to this CPU, special optimization is carried out.

The icon of the graphical interface is Annea designed, red, green, yellow, blue, gray five themes, look very beautiful.

Although the design is good, it is currently using a 2D renderer. Although in this era, Catherine's picture is very beautiful, but Catherine doesn't like it.

After returning to the company, Lai Rura was pulled away by Kane, and it was seen that Lai Ruila did not look good when he left.

But I don't know why, Catherine feels that this is interesting.

Sitting inside the office, Catherine let Elsa take all the information about the microcomputer, Catherine is ready to see, how much different differences have been generated in their own products and history.

In Catherine's opinion, its computer, developed quickly, not CPU, but memory.

The earliest memory, in fact, IBM invented, their bipolar transistors' memory has been holding a market.

However, the application of the field effect transistor is the key to the development of memory.

At first, the memory is very small.

But later I didn't know who it was, the high-level field effect transistor was used in memory, although the price was high, but the buyer still turned into a.

Then, such memory begins a large scale.

After the large-scale production begins,

The price of the product is also a great improvement because of the competition between each other, and relatively, and the capacity of memory has also been greatly improved.

For now, many times, in some people's computer, the size of memory will be greater than the capacity of the magnetic core reservoir inside.

Usually, the hard disk should be where the operating system, software, and game is installed. But in now, it is not like this, the development of the hard disk is seriously lagging behind other industries - Catherine can't circumvent the IBM's patents, their hard drives, in fact it is already the prototype of the future hard drive, but unfortunately, Such hard disk size is really too big ...

Therefore, in terms of current, the reservoir inside the computer is only used to store some of the settings of some users, but not the storage software itself.

Catherine's optical drive, in the future, there is no doubt that this happens, the current computer, has produced great differences in the future ...

At this time, Sanders came in and saw that his face is very strange.

"Miss, I have three news to tell you, a good, one is not good, there is a bad thing is not bad, you listen to what?"

"Let's talk, then say bad, and then say that it is not bad."

"Z80 single-chip research has been successful, a researcher named Fedriko is the hero."

"Oh, nice"

The SCM research has been studied. At least in the next 30 years, they don't have to be in the field of single-chip microcomputer. After all, such a single chip requires some data that is small, and the 8-bit computer can be used.

"Wait ... That researcher, you said ... What is he called?"

"Fedriko. FANG."

"Well ... Ok, no problem, just like this."

Catherine's mouth began twitching.

Fedriko. Fan Fan - this brother is the inventor of Z80 in history and the father of the single-chip microcomputer.

Catherine actually never know that Fanjin actually in his own company.

I am almost buried a talent.

Catherine is almost "shooting the case": "Give that Fedriko!

"Okay, I understand. So, Miss Edson, can I say the second message?"

"Let's talk."

Sanders took a statement and handed it to Catherine: "Last month, IBM's 360 large unit sales is 5,000 units. They have further expanded the market share in the mainframe, we seem to have encountered Some troubles. "

"You ... I didn't listen to it wrong?"

What is joke? The original history is also sold by 50,000 units. I have sold the original one tenth month for a month?

"How is this going?"

Catherine looked at the report, but it was shocked.


Catherine finally, I finally couldn't help but have a thick mouth.

IBM acts using Catherine's microcomputer and small machine open interface, and has developed a piece of accessories for 360 computers to extend Catherine's microcomputer and small machines as a 360 mainframe.

Such a system, through the interface of Catherine's cassette, through Catherine's system, 360 can integrate and deal with resources.

What makes Catherine is that the other party actually sells 360 computers, by the way, to help Catherine sell the computer.

But this is not to prove that IBM is ready to come to Ark. In contrast, they are giving ark.

In this way ...... Machine Micrometers have become the IBM's 360 accessories?

Is can't bear it

The cardboard interface technology Catherine is open, which is like the usb in history to defeat the IEEE1394 interface, and the world is the same.

However, this open interface, gave IBM, and they smartly using Catherine's microcomputer architecture, making their 360 operation more simple and convenient.

IBM is like an old-fledged wise, don't see the rabbit, although Catherine's tricks have a little unexpected IBM, plus the other party has been trapped in judicial investigation, but returns to God's IBM, just play their power the power of. Catherine's products immediately became their boost from stumbling block.

"Are they not going to develop a new architecture?" Catherine asked.

"Maybe it, but maybe ... they are just vain. And even if they are new architectures, they are estimated to enter the Japanese market."

"Ok, ok, let's talk about the next message."

Catherine now heard the three letters of IBM, and the mood became poor.

"Oh ... this matter is in New York, some people have set an arcade game hall."

"Is this a good thing?" Catherine asked strangely.

"Yes, but New York police are very dissatisfied."

"Why?" Is it necessary to bribe?

However, wait for Sanders, Catherine found that it was still in his own side.

Every time the Arcade Game Hall gathers a long train to play games.

In general, such a game hall is generally in the hotel or a bullet, where drinks are supplied. This special arcade game hall is no exception.

The boss seems to be a game of game consoles. He seems to be because of interest, but it is very popular because of the area too small, and he has not thought that his game hall will be so welcome.

More people, more people drinking, more people who drink alcohol, there are more things.

Although the security of New York is not very good, the face project should be maintained? As a result, this arcade game hall became a cancer in the eyes of New York.

"Why are they looking for us?" Catherine is full of weird.

"In fact, I don't quite understand what they think. Not only the case, but also the protests sent by the Alcohol Association." Sanders shrugged.

Catherine took a protest.

Then she found two suggestions above.

1. Banners, all the electronic entertainment equipment of the bullet room, and prohibit the game hall to sell any alcoholic drinks.

2 To ensure that the supply of electronic entertainment equipment is sufficient and prohibits the game hall to sell any alcoholic drinks.

Although Catherine wants to vomit, the forbidden wine is the theme of the other party, but she still knows that there is such a similar thing, and there will be more and more.

"Buy it, then move to the sixth floor of our venue." Catherine immediately gave


"Yes, for New York Police, they just have to ensure the face, and for those banned associations ... you told them," Catherine scratched his head, "We have already moved ... Yes, we opened it on the 7th floor. Bar. "

This is very interesting, isn't it?

"The arcade market is also very potential." Sanders said.

"Yes, but before our new factory put into production, please don't talk to me to expand the market."

Catherine is already a headache.

"What about IBM?"

"That is also said," Catherine is almost taken, "Of course, we use faster speeds and eliminated the IBM's 360". "


"Increase the investment, which is good, let Kle will hurry out our new large machine to study"

At this time, you can only let Krea will stop working on the graphics operating system for the mainframe.

"We must use all the way, let IBM 360 become a bunch of scrap iron"

Catherine roared.

The IBM in this era is the protagonist radius, it is really a god of killing, Buddha blocks Buddha. Catherine's behavior does not block the rise of IBM.

Catherine is aming, Sanders is somewhat helpless.

"Miss, this is not a simple thing."

Sanders said.

At this time, Catherine was unable to achieve the ground.

"Well, then this is the case."

Looking at Catherine was temporarily calm, Sanders continued: "In fact, we have developed new supercomputers, and it is not necessary for companies. We must develop a bunch of killer applications. May enter this monopoly market ... is a bunch. "

"Is there any other way?"

Catherine is some discouraged.

She also knows that the other's monopoly market has been formed.

Historically, storage is a TB-level fluorescent disc that can be blocked, and it is not necessary to take a supercomputer that will be severely insufficient.

"In fact, the technical department has already held a meeting, then Olsen said to me 'Maybe we went to pick up Aladin's lights, but some hope'."

Sanders is not authentic.

"That's it, let's go to work first ..."

Catherine talked about tone and only allowed Sanders to leave.

These things are eager, Catherine can only be burnout sitting on the chair.

"Drink the water, Kate." Elsa put a cup of black tea in front of Catherine.

"Really, Watson's old man, why have you been with us?"

Catherine didn't.

"Because they are IBM, this is Ark."

Catherine shrugged.

"Oh ... well, the truth is like this ..."

Catherine feels that your company should do something.

The current computer is hardware to keep software, not the opposite, so many times, the development of software is limited by hardware, rather than in the future, the software development will not be replaced by hardware.

In "History", the most memorable thing is undoubtedly, human beings enter the 32-bit CPU era from the 16-bit CPU era. At that time, almost countless people were cheering for this.

However, after the 64-bit CPU began to appear, people cheered, but not so strong, even some people still looked down at 64-bit CPU. Because they believe that such a CPU is not necessary.

The former is the development of software, and the latter is the development of software, and it is not fully excavated of hardware potential.

If you want to kill the IBM's 360, the best way is undoubtedly the launch of the microcomputer that can replace today's large machine - but regrets, this kind of thing will take at least 10 to 15 years to gradually implement.

Catherine suddenly thought of cross-patent authorization.

But it is clear that the current IBM is in a glorious period of more than 76% of large markets, Catherine does not intend to attach the hot face on the cold butt.

"He stronger by him, the wind, the mountain; he horing him horizontally, Mingyue Lizhong ..."

Catherine didn't know how, but suddenly thought of such a poem, then she suddenly laughed.

- She has a way.

Then, from the second day, Catherine is all, Ark has been fully restructured.

First, Catherine introduced a competitive mechanism for the company. In this way, a project may have multiple sets of back to back to back. In order to prevent mutual demolition, strengthen cooperation, Catherine announced the benefits of everyone's pensions and whole companies, rather than previous sectors.

Then Catherine also adopted the welfare system giving employee options.

The so-called option is at a certain period of time, such as the right to purchase stocks, such as the current market price within ten years. Employees who have gained options will have the sense of responsibility of the company. If the company's stocks rises, people who have stock options can buy stocks in the low price, the so-called SE, then sell this high price - of course, because Catherine's company is not Listed companies, so this method is obviously not suitable.

Catherine's system is just a benefits, such options cannot be traded, can only be divided, and some are similar to the company's shareholding system, but Catherine is still the largest shareholder.

The employee got welfare, and they were excited at once, the company's benefits suddenly increased a grade.

In addition to these measures, Catherine also allows each department to develop a minimum program and the highest program, which is the goal of employees.

In addition, Catherine once again took a 10 million dollars and once again established a new laboratory - Thunder Lab.

The main body of the Thunder Lab is the immediate adverse, the purpose of this laboratory is to study GPU technology.

As Catherine is expected, the hardware will limit the development of computer software for a long time.

Although "History" , WS95 can not be installed, it is completely pothole.

But ... if there is a more powerful auxiliary processing device than the CPU?

In this case, is it "running into a total."

This idea is good, and it is fully realized.

Bill. Gats classmates' dominant origin originated from WS3.1, then consolidated in the WS95 period.

In Catherine's view, the use of GPUs and CUDA technology will greatly improve this situation.

Perhaps I have a 10-year time to see the same system as WS95, but after the GPU, I can have such an operating system after 1975, and it is entirely possible.

As for the Thunder Lab, Catherine I originally intended to use a blue sè hummingbird, but I thought about it, Catherine replaced the icon with a standard of science fiction.

After all, the word "Thunder" is very science, using a hummingbird, how can this rope with science fiction sè?

Catherine's Ark inside, can be said to start a big reform, it can be said that it is only to read the sages, and the two ear will not smell the window.

According to reason, this time IBM should be very happy.

But in fact, it is not the case ...