Blooming America

Chapter 283 Network Age (below)

Chapter 283 Network Age (below)

Just a few days after the completion of the Internet, three North and South lines were started at the same time. In this three north-north lines, from the East Coast, the West Coast and the central region, so that almost all states can be covered by the Internet.

In California and New York, Catherine is vigorously promoting the city's broadband. With the city's broadband, the Internet will have real significance.

The cloud system is a big murder of Catherine to the Internet.

With cloud systems, the people can use the Internet very convenient. Wait until, people who want to buy real personal computers will be more and more, which is very beneficial to the Internet.

Donald's strategy of advertising is the established goal, but so far, Catherine has not placed ads in the Internet. Anyway, the orders of Federal China can also bring a lot of profits to Catherine.

"Well ... Ok, there is no problem." Catherine put down the phone, she was very excited.

The Los Angeles Times finally agreed to open an electronic version.

Catherine had already hoped this, but after the Internet's things, the person in charge of the Los Angeles Times is called.

"Why this time they are so worried?"

Elsa passed the sound inside the phone.

"This is very simple, because they see business opportunities." Catherine appeared in "high-profile".

Elsa asked: "Business opportunities? What is the business opportunity?"

"Elsa, you think about it, is the" Los Angeles Times "Is it a very influential newspaper?"

Elsa nodded.

"Where is it most authoritative."

"……Los Angeles?"

Catherine nodded: "Yes, it is Los Angeles. But if there is a network, its newspaper can affect the whole beauty, there is no e-newspaper on the Internet, and Los Angeles is dare to take the first crab. People, if the Internet can really be launched, are they earn? "

Once people have dependent xìng,

Even similar to the "New York Times" newspaper entered the Internet, because the user group has formed the relationship, the advantages of the Los Angeles Times have a great advantage.

Elsa understands what is going on this time.

"So ... then what we have to do is ..."

Catherine took the phone and hit the office of Donald.

"The Los Angeles Times" has been told, you will discuss it now and "New York Times" ... "

Some of Elsa next to it is silled.

"We have to pull" New York Times "?"

"Of course, there is a" Los Angeles Times "this example here, they will definitely compromise."

Catherine is full of mind.

"But is this not very good to" Los Angeles Times? "

"As long as their competition is good, it is okay." Catherine laughed: "I am a capitalist."

And the good xìng competition is also very helpful to pull the whole network, Catherine is naturally impossible to let the Los Angeles Times a big.

Talking about this matter, Catherine stood up and came to Xusama. Kray's research center.


It is a metal slag, Krem doesn't know what to do.

"Edison sister." Seeing Catherine, Krem put down the work in his hand.

"How is studying?"

"Well, NG is completely no problem ... I am now solving multitasking issues."

"Well, ok, then I will not bother."

Catherine said, she didn't want to disturb the other's work.

Multiking is the most resolution, such a computer is facing a hundred thousand users of users, which is undoubtedly a very challenged work for the current technicians.

Catherine originally considering the cloud system to join the video on demand function, but in the end, it can only be calculated. If you want to do this, the burden on the computer will undoubtedly be more huge.

However, Catherine also considers the use of fibers to transmit TV signals, and if users have demand, they can use the display to watch TV.

- But this is a challenge to a place of interest groups, so far, Catherine is not going to do so. If you really do this, then you will face more enemies ... this is not a good thing.

Back to the office, Catherine opened the computer.

Because the network in the east and west has gone Unicom, Catherine's information on this side can also double. Two times, the forums and chat rooms have been transformed and reorganized, forming the current network model.

Used, Catherine is relaxed with the mouse to browse the content you want to see.

By linking, you can easily enter the internet network.

"Online is 1uan ..."

After Catherine wandered a circle in the forum, it was really speechless for these pigs.

Online is full of songs, and those who objectively evaluate the facts are completely ridiculous.

- The practice is not wrong, the manager is the manager is a fanatical reaction. Renuisia, he has been stunned by this idea.

Catherine somewhat suspected that it would "cross provinces" on those who may have sympathy with ** ... Oh, the United States is "cross-state".

This is not a good news.

"See the ghost, do they don't know if the teenager in the green NET is being rebellious, what else is praised, what do they like to oppose?"

Catherine complained.

"Maybe they just haven't worry?" Elsa is also learning to internet, it seems that she is very fast.

"Forget it, A can be more annoyed more, and it is not a big deal of" the Socialist Socialist Headman "."

If there is a "Soviet Freedom Alliance", is this not even more wonderful?

Catherine added a sentence in his heart.


"The stupid action will only make people think that socialism is better ..." Catherine took the mouth.

Now China is output **, although it is in "ten years", but this ten years is also the best, the fastest time.

Japan has a red army, France has a May storm, the American text. Leather - For small people - will continue until the era ...

If the Soviet Union is supported, the United States has collapsed. Is China going to become "the final fortress of capitalism"?

However, this "if" is just a "if", the United States has begun to change from the industrial country to the financial country, and industrialization is a general trend.

With financial drugs, the United States will be at least for more than a thin Soviet, which is more than thirsty. - This is enough, and the cold war bonus directly puts the United States to the peak of hegemony.

The cost-effective cost of the United States is getting higher and higher, and the US products are defeated by the Japanese, and the Japanese threat theory is no longer two days. At the same time, because of the Japanese impact, the US factory has moved to foreign countries - For example, many automakers have begun to build a factory in the exhibition country, and Japanese aggression is the first step in industrialization of the United States.

"Is it so serious?" Elsa is somewhat strange.

"Who knows, the future is not allowed."

Catherine continued to browse on the forum.

She feels that the 1UAN bureau of the Internet will only make people disgusting this emerging thing, which is quite unfavorable to their own exhibition. What can I do with myself?

"Elsa, if there are two groups of people preparing to fight, what is the way to pull them?"

Catherine asked Elsa.

"Well ... then let them don't meet, how?"

"Well ... um? This idea is really good"

Catherine suddenly thought about what.

"We will separate them"

Elsa looks at Catherine's look, some weird: "You are the group of people inside the forum."

Catherine headed.

"Just let them speak, this is good." Catherine was chin, and then I started to separate them.

This point Catherine also has some experience in our last life.

Some websites gathered in some "five", and some websites have a group of "five cents", both sides sell NG self-empties in their circles. The most typical thing is Kay. Di Social and Wu. There is a hometown. The former is a five century base - in Catherine's view, it should be a group of "people. The name of the people" wants to be on the last place, and the latter is made up of some left.

"Since some people like this online like this or that kind of thing, let them go to talk." Catherine took the mouth: "We dig two pits, then put some bait in a pit, let these people jump In the past, there was no pop-up novel network, and then the people who gathered these smells gathered into their own pits, let them go through their own words. "

Catherine laughed.

"But if there is one in our online ... Uh ... There is a website that is extensive, this is not very much on our network ..."

Elsa seems to worry.

"Well ... we can't just open the website only for such a goal ..."

Catherine also agreed.

The network has just been launched, and Catherine is still afraid that the Internet will be killed.

The Internet is a beast. Once the column, I can't help it. But now this beast's cage has just been opened, it has not come yet, and it will still have the opportunity to turn it inside the cage.

Website must have a website.

Have a good thing, but how do people know this site?

Catherine suddenly thought of a good thing - search engine.