Blooming America

Thousands of things on space on space (middle)

Catherine suddenly was wrong, and it was very serious ...

When Walker explained things with Catherine, Catherine is now what is going on ...

"You said ...... Outer space fight?"

She is slightly feeling that her brain is shorted ...

"Yes, we think that the Soviet Union is likely to be interested in your 'machine gun soldiers. The Soviet Union has first entered the outer space. They are very likely to study these" Navy 6 teams "against our Navy. If the Soviet Union can If you put a lot of force in the outer space, our United States will completely end. "

This Walker really likes hysteria.

Catherine how to listen, feel very absurd.

She is not sure if every sauce and brick home in the Pentagon have committed "neutral disease."

These things ... too tm.d is ignorant

Forgive Catherine, although she doesn't want to swear, she is already can't stand it.

Is this the situation of God?

Whole metal mad NetBSP; radiation?

Or is it finalized?

Is the change in the world line have passed? ?

"That ... Mr. Smith ... Can you tell us about the specific situation?"

Catherine will only ask this.

"Walker organized the language, then said:" According to the introduction of experts, the Soviet Union is most likely to launch a dive carrier. "When I said here, Walker suddenly paused, he wiped sweat:" But because of the limitations of materials, if they want to implement, it is not possible, unless we can study a strength Higher new alloy. "

The words of Walker let Catherine think of titanium alloy, which is much better in the aerospace sector than steel.

"But from another aspect, the Soviet Union wants to set up a space forces, but more than this ... Oh, you can imagine that the Soviet Union is in our top, is it at any time to see us? Oh, My God, this is really terrible. "

Think about the land,

It seems really.

If your enemy looks at yourself every day, what else is I am not awkward?

This is not just a practical value. If the Soviet Union has a space forces, they will give the Americans' psychological stress is also huge - even if the troops do not have killing efforts at all.

On the position of these people standing in the age, they don't know the future like Catherine, and they have a variety of cozy ideas that are not surprising.

Catherine sorted out the thoughts in the brain, although she has started from the beginning, she has always been "defeated". But as a capitalist, she knows what she should do.

"How is the federal government f ǔ ready?"

Catherine asked again.

"Of course, it is the establishment of our own space forces. We feel that your idea is very large, the Navy 6 team creativity is not only on 6 land, but also suitable for space war ...... ... moon."

When I heard the words of Walker, Catherin did even once, the US military and the Soviet army were emitted to each other on a position of the moon ...

Will the Third World War I am exploding in the moon?

"Moon Battle" will become reality?

Ok, everything is just a delusion, if the Soviet Union can support the boriorin in the 21st century, maybe there is that possible, but the Soviet Union can stand so long ...

Catherine asked: "But don't you think that our idea is too jump forward?"

It's like "Great Yue. Go".

"As long as the federal government is determined, our Americans will not be able to."

Walker is clearly full of confidence in the federal government. He obviously don't know what the future will be weak, how unobstructed federal blessings ...

"What is the federal government Fǔ?"

Catherine asked again.

"This must be an attitude of your company. Our federal government f ǔ is the intent of the establishment of a space technology company, accounted for 51 shares and 49 shares by government Fǔ and Ark Group, and then take this as an opportunity to study Some problems with some problems that may appear in the future ... "

Catherine recognizes the listening - although she feels that this thing is much ridiculous, there is more absurd.

"Our company should be a company specializing in space travel ..." Walker is some mysterious explanation.

(For dollars.)

"But in fact, this company in fact should study the existence of various space technology for our federal government. We must win the Soviet Union in the future war, but it is not only a simple 'enthusiasm'. We also need to have a variety of technical support. "Walker is an exactly.

(For dollars ...)

"Our space soldiers will have a fast response mechanism. In the future, it will replace our existing fast-respondent forces, and become a strong force that we can invested in any of the world within 12 hours."

(For dollars)

"Our journey is the star sea"

(For dollars)

The other party finally finished, and Catherine suspected that if Walker's neurological is high, I am afraid it will collapse.

"That ... isn't we specifically discussed?"

Walker nodded.

He is not a person, but led a team.

And Catherine, you need to be prepared.

After leaving things to the following, Catherine nearly ugly returned to the office, as for the new company's things, I will discuss it below.


When I returned to the office, Catherine was lying on the sand.

"Kate, what happened? From the beginning, you are not too strong?"

Elsa squatted in front of Catherine and worried about her.

"My dysmenorrhea ..."

Catherine on the sand in the sand is in powerless spit.

Maybe because the oppression of the chest is not very comfortable, she sat up again: "Is this too sci-fantasy pentagon? Is it fat in the group of people? This kind of thing is also believed?"

It is also unfortunate that a study "which is impregnated from the cake to the faster absorption moisture" can make the Pentagon all dial out 10 million US dollars as research funds ... see ghosts, don't they know all the biscuits Will it?

Catherine looked at Elsa, but the other side was looking at himself with a very strange look.

"Kate, I have always feel that your idea is very good, why do you think so?"


Catherine feels that he has not heard it.

"Kate, your thoughts have always been so Bang, why will you be so confident? You write your new ideas every time, I will watch it again when I organize the file, and those ideas are really great."

Catherine screamed.

She really didn't think that Elsa actually held such an idea to this ... Oh, God, this is really ridiculous ...

"Elsa, do you really think that the ideas of me can be a reality?"

"In addition to what the anti-gravity engine seems to be too difficult, the other can be, and the father floating the fleet, can you use a nuclear reaction? This is also what you wrote."

Catherine suddenly thought that he seems to have written floating fleet, but Catherine has always believed that "anti-gravity" is a pseudoscience - at least this place is not more than a year, I am afraid that even the basic theory has no way - so she is I think I have a floating ship that utilizes a nuclear fission reactor as an energy source.

But she was just because I was a little bit of interest, and the same idea was very difficult to implement, and I can't think of such a thing.

Catherine suddenly thought that he had heard of the dog's brain robot and dog brain computer studied by the Soviet Union, and wanted the dog's brain and computer ... No matter what this is true, "At that time" did have a lot of people believe this. . And this is also a thing of the age.

It seems that there have been people before the baptism of information, and they are still very willing to believe in all sci-fi products.

"Forget it, what they are willing to believe, it is their matter, I just want to pay for money."

Catherine took the mouth, as a person from the 21st century, she knows how history will show. Space Force? Moon base?

Even at that time, Catherine feels that this idea is somewhat hanging, not to mention it now.

"Hey ... but it's hard to say ..."

Catherine was shocked to make Elsa worried, she passed a cup of black tea to Catherine in the past.

"Maybe ... it is likely."

Even in the 21st century, there are many ideas from people from the Cold War. Many scientific fantasies are very simplicity is the idea of ​​moving the Cold War. Just because of the various 3D technology, people have a kind of " The sensation of science fiction, shaving the skin, the ideas during these ideas and cold war, almost exactly the same.

During the Cold War, it was the fastest in the advancement of human science and technology, and the information ** was pregnant during the Cold War.

If the US Su is confronted, the United States is really likely to build a moon base for confrontation - even if this moon base is not too perfect, but in order to seize the advantages, even the two sides will hold a lot of equipment, will also Go to the place where it is.

This is different from Catherine's 21st century.

Because the Soviet Union has disintegrated, the United States has become invincible, and there is almost no military conflicts between the big country, so the previous momentum will be diarrhea. At this time, the important xìng of technical safety is also placed in front of the preemptive technology. If there is no complete technology, there are very few people who are willing to take risks.

Catherine nodded. Although she still believes that "moon base" is unlikely to be realized in the near future, she finally found a reason to persuade her own.

"Well ... I will talk to them again."

Catherine picked up black tea, then put it in his mouth ...

"Everything for dollars ..."