Blooming America

The 380th chapter of the Japanese at the show

Enter July. [Full text]

Everything began to change.

Dai Qaole's right-handedly got% ballot, the seats occupied by Congress, also reached the moment, let people fall in the glasses.

Amazing thing is not just these.

"Stepping the election! The dictator rolls down!"

British anger with France.

The French does not want to support Dai Gaole, but the current France, no one has the ability to stabilize the situation like Dai Gao Le, two months, the French is exhausted, they are eager to be able to Return peace.

At this time, there is a group of people who are energetic fertilizers in the British British in the English Geely Strait.

Although the French government has challenged international prestige, it seems that the situation in France is returned to stability, everyone is still agreeable.

In order to compromise, Dai Gaole announced a series of reform measures one by one, but the people generally be dissatisfied with his reform measures. In fact, when Dai Gaole is elected, there have been many emotionally exciting people to go to the street, requiring the thorough investigation of this election, which has caused thousands of people, but why is Dai Gao Le once again elected ?

This will definitely have a cat greas?

How can it be the last result?

Although most people have expressed their counseling attitude towards this matter, Dai Qaole has retired again, announced the development of new reform bills, and the inclusion of the people's dissatisfaction. Moreover, the army of Paris is also quickly retreat, replacing the police to maintain public security.

After the military team was replaced by the police, the situation in Paris was a little slowly. Everyone was watching the situation between Daolele.

The storm did not mean that things have passed without pop-up novel network.

This is just for a bigger hurricane, it is ...

Will not so simple, let everything goes without a pop-up novel network.

On the last day of the Game Reception, Black Island is in the conference hall. Although it is the last day, the traffic is more enemies, because tomorrow will be the software beaker conference.

Black Island is looking at the well.

"That too much ..." The well looks at the introduction of different game products, he seems to understand what.

"Black Island Jun, this is the real game!" The well is sigh.

"Hey, the idea of ​​Americans is really can't afford!" Blacko is a little sigh.

"But they will be replaced by us! As long as we hold such a belief, one day, our Japanese game industry will pass Americans!" Until the Century is still an unpleasant dreams and The difference between the country is huge.

Island is very respectful.

Although the future is not expected, the current Japanese exhibition is very fast, the country's exhibition is very rapid, and even Americans are afraid of Japanese.

The Urban Detroit is recession. This is because of the offense of Japanese cars. Motorola has not worried when it is a Japanese TV industry, and is also because of the Japanese offensive.

But the Black Islamon is an exception to the ARK group in front of him.

Because it is a game, before, Blairo, Heido, once in a depth of the Well, and the entire Ark Group behind it.

Although the entire Fang Dan Group's size is not very large, although the scale of the Fang Dan Group is not very large, it is not small. The electronics industry is an emerging technology. The other party involves the opening of the electronics from the end of the head. This whole industry chain is all of them. And the wells in the well and the Nintendo in Black Island, but only just a small number of each other, and it is more than a slice. It can be "a cup", in fact, it can also bring great benefits to each company. Otherwise, Nintendo will not look at the electronic game industry.

Just an electronic game industry, there is already countless profits. It is impossible to know that in the future, it will control how the Ki Group in the entire industry will be huge!

Not only this, when in the face of Ark Group, Japanese companies are headache.

Let's use the TV industry.

Beiro, Hengo, who once wanted to engage in a TV, and conducted a lot of information about TV, but it was a pity that he was brushed when he was applying, and he added Nintendo.

The mother is like this, and the Black Island is very clear about the Japanese TV industry.

Now Japanese vendors want to occupy the US TV market, don't see Motorola and other manufacturers have been defeated by Japanese companies, but Apple's market share has expanded, so far, it is almost like a US TV. The share of the machine%.

The high-end market is stabilized by the other party to hold the line of the Technical in China, so that the Japanese have no way to achieve any advantages. He Tao, we have to take a closer look at how Americans are exhibiting video games. We can prove to each other from this area. "The alert reminder came in front of the well.


Although it should be with the other party, the psychology of Black Island has nothing.

This technological advantage ... is not any Japanese company to confront.

"We are now to accumulate experience. When we can launch your own game console, at that time, we will turn to us ..." The well is very down, and the sense of confidence is a kind of IBM. The technology of the data drive, using the technique of Triathum, can have MB storage capacity, such equipment is definitely the most advanced product!

After a large-capacity disc store, Nintendo has an advantage.

After all, the cassette is very high, and the relative tie is cheap, but the cost is too high relative to the disc. In addition to the CD-ROM, there is a possibility that the advantages of the disc will be obvious.

If you can use a disc, the memory capacity of MB can give the current 1MB software to the spike!

The gap in the whole!

Such a big gap, can be compensated in a word, compared to the Ark Group know?

"Although this thing is what they have made," the well is the Ark Group, "but they have such a large market, even if they use the CD as the storage medium of their next generation, now They will not think we are preparing to enter the game machine market ... "

Nintendo is preparing to cooperate with Sony to open a new machine. If you really can open it, then it is better to say, but Apple will not be prepared?

Black Island Yiro guess that the other party did not even treat Nintendo as a threat, for them, maybe Nintendo is just a wild grass on the roadside.

Indeed, from a certain aspect, Nintendo is a very good company. He is established in the Nintendo of the Biography, which has been nearly the history of the year. This kind of old company has a lot of power. Although the city is only in Japan.

"Look, it is a demonstration of C language!" A staff member of the peers suddenly nowadays big LED screens.

So everyone got the past without pop-up novel network.

When I saw this screen, everyone felt very novel. Everyone has never seen such a screen. When they came from the airport, they have seen a huge screen on the airport. At that time, everyone was sigh.

This time, they see this huge screen so close.

The life D lamp is very bright, so the outer cover of a layer of protective cover weakened, but this, the color of color is not guaranteed.

Fortunately, the system has almost no requirements for color reproduction, after all, this screen is just used to demonstrate. If you really use this screen as a TV or what, it will delete it. If the characters in the camera and the characters displayed on the screen are two.

However, this screen is also good, that is, it is possible to prevent the picture banquet geometric distortion.

Although the elasticity of the CRT screen is large, it will generate geometric distortion and distort the picture. However, in general, this situation is probably around the screen, so in fact, there is no much impact on the picture itself.

"C language is a simple language for the current assembly language. Although the efficiency is not as high as the language, it can save a lot of programming time ... Others need a few days to make a software, but use After C language, you can do it within a few hours ... "

In fact, the best language should be Java, this language is compatible.

But there is a problem that is too slow, slow to endure.

Catherine is not very familiar with this ratio, in her opinion, a language that is not efficient is almost no use.

"This may help us make RPG games ..."

The well used is Japanese, and only they can understand between them.

"There is NetBSP; Black Island Yiro pays attention to one machine next to it.

This is a huge machine that occupies half of the horizons.

"This is a small machine."

Although this is said, no matter who, there is no way to link this computer and "small".

The computer is a fresh product, the United States walks in the world's forefront. For the Japanese, it is a fresh product. And the four classes sold the computer in Japan, but only a "play", and this computer has no way.

"Go to the side to see coffee ..." The well is deeply thoughtful, I don't know what I am thinking.

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