Blooming America

382th chapter 1 stone 2 bird

The venue is re-arranged tomorrow is a new product show, and Catherine will appear as a host. :

, Abandon some troublesome

Even so, Catherine now has a variety of things that need to be handled.

The study of the three-in-computer computer made Catherine a little disappointment. However, after she has gone with A, although the average person wants to find a, it is very difficult, but Catherine wants to contact them is quite simple.

The Soviet Union already has a three-way computer of the completion, so if you let A give the Soviet place to make your hand, everything is done. At least a company can skip this most basic step.

Everything is difficult, as long as this first step is completed, you want to get things, you can simply.

From the beginning of the birth, the three-in-computer computer has an unmatched advantage.

Smaller volume, more poisonous efficiency, and more stable operating systems.

, Mr. Snieke and Mr. Buffa will come here. "Elsa looked at time, then reminded Catherine D


A report on whether Olsen submitted whether to enter Japan.

Olsen's documents say that IBM's computer is not able to meet Japanese requirements, they need not a toy, but a, a true computer.

If the Pentium Top 4 computers can enter the Japanese market, it will help the company a great help.

After all, Japan is also the second largest economy in the world. If it can occupy the Japanese market is also a big achievement.

Japan's TV companies also rely on sales of Japan to blood transfusion, and have enough confidence to enter the US market, thereby visible to Japan's consumption potential.

,, But this is really useful "Catherine mysterish.

Catherine is really un confident in the Japanese market.

MSX, -, etc. The architecture is the Japanese.

Take it, 98 "to exemplify, 98 is neither a TV-Game class, nor is it a specific evidence that is often said.

It is a special product in the history of Japanese PC.

, In the same year, "Since the computer platform is not required to authorize the host manufacturers, and the computer is not very popular, sales will not be too big, the game manufacturers exclude a certain machine line game, in some cases in order to earn Full money, even on the 5 platforms (such as Issu 1, the 1sr'1'MsX2 version is not included in the game host upstream version).

These things are very chaotic, not to mention things.

Catherine was prepared, and they naturally need to be licensed to be available, but can Japanese manufacturers use their own rules? If they are pit, concentrate on resisting IBM and their own Ark Group?

That will only make things more chaotic.

In fact, Japan's computer industry is already a mess.

As IBM has launched an initial IBM one in Japan, it is immediately welcomed, and Japan's cottage companies have also begun to gradually increase. Various computers also have a large amount of powder, and there is an 8-bit machine. There is no operating system, from M- bear The role screen resolution of the operating system is 64 colors, and the calculation capacity is low, it is difficult to act as a commercial use.

The birth of the language is a thing that Catherine never thought. In order to save costs, the Japanese is obviously impossible to use X systems, and C language packs are also prices. So they found there's now only a prototype, and then perfected it in the model of the Japanese himself, becoming a thing that can replace the operating system is just that sympathy, at least Catherine is like this. .

Not long ago, Japan's decision made a small-scale microcomputer suitable for high-end and commercial purposes. They went to Xian Tong to customize their own CPU, and then before soon, they have made newly completed machines, and the names of the architecture used were actually the same as history, yes, 98 ". In order to be able to The clear highland is clear, and the Chinese characters and various graphics are clear, and the special graphics chip is customized. Although the strength of fairy taps is not as good as Intel, they still have a lot of outstanding personnel, and the standard of new machines The screen resolution reaches ** 8 colors.

It is because I saw the birth of this computer, so Olsen produced a sense of crisis.

, This is already the last chance to enter the Japanese market! Once the Japanese product exhibits, we wanted to enter the Japanese market, it is impossible. "

This is the insistence on JALSon.

Although his favorite is a small machine, Olsen is still a small machine when he is working.

, Don't you enter the Japanese market? "

Catherine is also in a cad.

Historically, the mouth has been popular in the beginning of the century, in this strange market in Japan, 98 has always occupied a very important market. Even Microsoft's S98 also has BSP; Catherine remembers that things seem to be in Microsoft to announce that SXP no longer supports 98, 98 architecture is gradually eliminated.

In short, under the unmatched superiority of S, the Japanese have to choose to have a long time.

"Just do it!" Catherine's eyes narrowed into a seam. She has thought that what is the matter, how should I have these Japanese people ...

"What ?! Opening the hometown of the star door system ?!" Olsen received the phone ~ Visit Liline's phone, scared a jump and then hung up the phone.

Five minutes later, Pantham Ilsen has appeared in Catherine's office.

"Baked Olsen." Catherine looked at the opponent's breathwife. It is really a bit of sweat.

"You ... you really want Microsoft to go to the mouth version of the star door system?"

Catherine laughed: "Yes, not only this, but our product must be good, it must reflect the superiority of the star door system!"

"Then take a salary tea in the bottom of the tea?" Ersa seems to have seen Catherine's belly black, she couldn't help but insert a sentence.

"Hey, it's almost like this. Olsen, we have a lot of time, I want to occupy the Japanese market is not in the evening."

This is a stone two bird, not only to deal with the Japanese, but also for four yards, she dares to pack the ticket, the 98 version of the star door system, IBM must break the end of the blood ...

"Well," Olsen shakes his head: "There is a boss like you, we will not be lonely."

Olson actually spoken two sentences.

"Right, Laira?" After the other party left, Catherine suddenly notes that Lai Ruira seems to have never seen today.

"She is fake." Elsa replied.

"Oh ... how did Kane did not see?"

"He also leave, yesterday's Ding" Elsa reminded Catherine.

"I really don't understand what they are doing ..."

Although complained, Catherine did not have too much things that may be in the opponent.

What she thinks now is how to perform this strategy of this stone bird

"has a problem!"

In June, Brother Kane invited three times, and when he didn't have half in July, he has already invited two fakes.

La Rura knows your brother.

"He is a hint, pure work mad!"

Lai Ruira is such an describing his brother.

But now the situation is somewhat strange.

It's really strange.

"I didn't have me ... still deliberately?" Tsing Cairn, Lai Ruira, but the elite in my brother B did not have yourself. This is too unreasonable!

Lai Ruira is inexplicably has a sense of crisis.

Different from the kind of tension when the Ruibeika captured is a feeling that is about to be taken away. It's a strange feeling, let people panic.

"Annea? Is it her?" When Keyne met with the other party, La Ruira felt something wrong. But later, I have always asked Kane, but there is no result.

Her brows wrinkled, it seems to feel that there is anything.

Two people walked into a western restaurant, while La Rura quietly followed.

"It's really available ..."

What is suspicious!

The heart of Lairai is almost a mess.

When I had a few times, I still don't think there is anything, but now I am seeing, I feel a little bit of feeling.

They are at the date! And it's more than once!

God, what does it mean, Lai Rura can't understand.

In a sense, Keyne is an old-fashioned person. If it is just a date, La Ruira can also see this matter as a ritual, social. But now the situation is different. Lai Rulali knows his brother, he actually leaves several times in January, it is for this woman, then that Annea is likely that he has identified the goal.

"What do you need?" The waiter asked her.

"A bottle of red wine, a five-year-old beef." Although the mouth said in this mouth, Lai Rura did not pay attention to what he had just said. Her attention is all concentrated in two people who are talking about laughing.

This feeling is too strange.

Lairai has always feel that he is the most understanding of his brother. Even if he did something, it seems to be some excessive, but it is also for yourself, even if it is the painful one-month, La Ruira can understand his brother's hard work. But now she can't understand such a situation.

Kane love ...

Yes, your brother is falling in love!

This is no doubt! And the situation seems to be more "bad" than you think.

Today is still in the Internet cafe, the computer can be repaired tomorrow or after tomorrow. Obviously only the screen is broken, Lenovo is really a painful

Thinking said that Lenovo said this name "cough."

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