Blooming America

Chapter 404 "Information Revolution" - Catherine

"I bought a one by one by one, one one in one one,"

Gregori wiped sweat.

Although I have not been admitted to a creative group, this is nothing about himself.

He in his hand is "Fate" version.

It is said that it is very different from the anime version, Grid Gaoyi is very interested in this.

"But what is this cover?"

The cover is not an uncle he knows, but a strange girl, wearing a red coat, facing the people, then showing a smile, holding a strange sword, looking It's very pulled up, but

"How come that every background man feels?"

"Background Men," is an unope, the future protagonist, is like a spirit, and the occupation is the mountain ratio u, and everyone does not know the identity of this Spirit. This mysterious spirit is one of a selling point.

This figure has just been in an anime, because his tragic behavior, and his habituality like to use his back to others, in various scenarios, it is often written from the back, so I was taken a nickname "Background Men". .

Even some people are guessing that this Spirit should be a hero who is killing from behind, so everyone is working hard to find his identity.

Compared with Sabes who don't know the identity, this spiritual popularity is higher than that everyone has already thought that u is the so-called "Saint-Daughter". After all, the evergain of women is a few, so very Look.

Only the first volume is sold, but the version is extensively expanded from the unique version of the plot.

First, the family of the third heroine has been playing a name called Macli, which is not there in the anime version.

Here, there is even some intelligence about the father's father. The original protagonist has a biological daughter and his wife, these are secrets!

"How is it?"

Only sold the first volume, although the plot has begun to start, but it is actually stopped when he is about to appear, it is true.

"Who is this figure of the cover?"

The unfinished Gri Gaoli once again turned the book to the cover.

His intuitive feelings should be an important person.

"How is it like that Is Yas Sichi? But she is not so big?"

Gri Gao Gao is a "Fate" series of Fans, although it is not a fanatic fan, but it is also a senior fan. From the "Holy Grail War", he really likes this series. The situation of big chaos between Yeyes like this is very interesting.

Guan Gong's war Qin Qiong is impossible, Alexander is also impossible to compete with Genghis Khan, but in the Holy Grail War, this is also the meaning of "Holy Grail War".

"But compares to anime, this can be called war, ah!"

Most of the anime is small, but inside, there seems to have a "momentum" has been highlighted, and all the emotions are all picked up.

"How to describe the protagonist?"

There is a positive atmosphere than the protagonist, and there is even a feeling that can't say.

Of course, he certainly doesn't know, this is the legendary "sand fruit," and Catherine didn't know how to translate this word.

"Science is the presentation, in the next 50 years, our technology will present explosive rising trend, and this is the key computer. Medicine, aviation, astronomy, physics, chemistry, Biology, grade computer can act in any industry, simulated for new products, or simulate the results produced by new products. After class, the cumbersome investigation work will become simple, people only need to collect In the data input stage computer, the grade computer can play a role in which human brain power is analyzed. The probability of the class computer is much lower than human beings, and even hundreds of times, even hundreds of times. Technology, will reverse the fact that the class computer itself, plus the computer itself. In the next 50 years, there is nothing to stop our scientific explosive exhibition, just like the life of Han Wu Ji, we The future technology exhibition will unstoppable. ......

A "Information Revolution" Chapter 2, computer revolution; Author: Kaijina Edison.

From the venue, Catherine started writing.

However, this book is not the last "FATE", nor is it a "hacker empire" before, but a book about the electronics industry.

"Fate" has just been sold today, but Catherine does not intend to raise the way of being able to upgrade the famous gas, Catherine is no longer, and she has almost no way to improve the name of the name.

"After the industrial revolution, I

We have entered a brand new industrial era: And after the information revolution, our future will be completely subversive, the explosive consultation will be full of people's lives, this era is with the previously different era of information. "

Elsa is reading the preface.

"Kate, can you be stimulated by my words?"

Looking at Catherine, Elsa expression is complicated.

"Nothing is." Catherine thought that he felt that it was discouraged, but it was a true future, but he was considered "sci-fi," and is considered "reality." Sometimes, this kind of thing is really speechless.

"This is indeed a future trend."

Although in Elha, Catherine is in "mouth hard", but this is indeed true that

Don't this look really?

Do you recognize it? Will people enter the space era before entering the information era?

What jokes!

In this "Information Revolution", Catherine depicts an internet world with broadband, infinite network architecture. People have a personal mobile terminal. This terminal can make people call, watch TV, online surf, etc. In daily life, people can act as a credit card and identity authentication.

This product is in fact a laptop, mobile phones, and credit cards, in fact, it is not complex, the only thing in the only sci-fi, probably Catherine's "projected touch screen". This is a method of projection using air, even in the last life, such techniques are almost in the primary stage. These contents are probably being "private goods" in Catherine.

Compared to "StarCraft" machine gun soldiers and tanks, Catherine still thinks that this "personal terminal" seems to be more realistic.

"Then why do you want to write this book?" Elsa asked curious.

"Don't you think the prediction is a very interesting thing?"

"I think it seems good as a law"

I don't know why, Catherine now is now increasingly a teachings of the poison.

The previous Elha is more than staying next to Catherine, occasionally encountering things that don't understand, but now

(What is this? Is it so long? I also learned "Tucao"? No, this is a hidden skill!)

Catherine silently spitting.

"The meaning of this book can be very important, just like" capital "in Marx," National Fubu "in Adam"

Catherine waved the draft of the hand.

"is it?"

"What is this suspicion of tone?"

Catherine thought about it, and finally shook his head.

This is also something that there is no way. After all, Catherine's things "look" seem to be quite science, how is the current computer could not achieve that.

Who will think of the computer running degree after thirty years, will it be a thousand times, or even a time? In terms of the level of the computer, even 100,000 times, millions of times is usually usually.

However, how to listen to this data is quite "exaggerated".

Compared to the future world, the world seems to see how it will show "future".

On the current trend, the world's theme should be a nuclear war and space. Niu actually achieved, while next year, the manned moon will also start, and the phrase of Armstrong will also become a famous saying.

"I feel that when you are in the implementation, we may have already moved space? I think we should immigrate to the track of the earth. Maybe we will live on the moon."

(Hello, Elsa, what these are called science fiction?)

"With your coffee"

Catherine shakes his head and then lowers to continue writing.

Some of the company's financial reports have all been here. "

Elsa has a good statistic of financial statistics.

"Well. Let's go there, I will see it later." He is still coming, or you can write it well.

(Hey, you don't know how I am far away from 39 years later!)

"Well, I will definitely say the second chapter first."

Said, Catherine continued to start writing.

Although these are only drafts, it is critical.

Keeping a "future history," Catherine began to write the future, and occasionally add some "private goods" into it.

"Almost like this"

Catherine's self-feeling is quite satisfactory.

Note 1: Sand fruit break: killing decisions

Note: That day after the day, I have to take a test, but I will maintain a day, cough, today is so much.