Blooming America

Chapter 422 Back to Best and Lisa's Japanese School Raiders (3)

"Great success is successful"

Even Zou Wen Huai, this time is very excited. (network)

"Tangshan Brother" has reached $ 100 million in the global box office

Such a crazy box office, is an unimaginable, to know, a movie in Hong Kong, even the big popular box office, want to earn thousands of Hong Kong dollars ... are unlikely, But this time they earned the dollar and it was a whole 100 million US dollars.

Although it is necessary to deduct the money to the hospital, it will not be too low in the final money.

In the first moment, Zou Wenxu felt that his vision seems to be open.

Hong Kong is indeed a treasure, but the eyes of Hong Kong people are really too narrow. There is no atmosphere at all. Hong Kong people are only a conscious of "Hong Kong people", but the whole environment is numb. In particular, since the Hong Kong and English government adjusted the strategy, after the cultivation of the independent consciousness of Hong Kong people, Hong Kong people had a trend toward Hong Kong Agricultural Exhibition - became the "farmers" who defended an acre three-noda. .

It is necessary to make hundreds of millions of dollars, Zou Wenxu has never considered such a thing. Zou Wenxu originally added to DreamWorks, just because DreamWorks came to Hong Kong recruits, and the contradictions of Shao Shi were also close to the critical point, and Zou Wenhui joined DreamWorks.

But then, his life trajectory is thoroughly changed.

Hong Kong is just a small place, which can be called "movie" relative to Hong Kong, Americans, or in Hollywood, can be called "movie", and Hong Kong people shot the movie, compared to It seems that the little family is angry. The most important thing is, black. Society also uses Hong Kong film to wash. Money, let Hong Kong's movie winds greatly bring bad.

With the dream factory, the stage is black. I didn't dare to fight here, first, the company's wind is much better. Most importantly, this United States has an unparalleled technology and reputation, which is also a guarantee of success.

Zou Wenxu feels that he seems to be, there is a "blood" in the body is burning.

"Take hot iron, or ... take a movie again ..."

Zou Wenxu decided to find Li Xiaolong to shoot a film ...


Catherine originally placed the script of "Dragon", but just wanted to make a pen, Catherine suddenly realized that

The plot of this film ... She really didn't remember. There is no way, Catherine's sex will make things good, anyway, Li Xiaolong is now following a few professional individual doctors, as long as Li Xiaolong is no longer as the exercise in history, there will be no problem.

Catherine is observing the costumes of Jenny and Lisa designed at this moment.

"Take a look, this is the school uniform design for Alice Academy."

Because it is a lady school, the school uniforms naturally need more beautiful, but the clothes in front of you have no beautiful, accurately, this clothes are tightly tightly perfect to make women's instrumentality more perfect.

"The specific style will wait until Ms. Susan can come over to determine ... but the name of Ms. Susan seems to have heard ..." Jenny seems to have such an illusion.

"She is my aunt, when I am in the UK, I have been living in her home. But recently she prepared to immigrate the United States ..."

Catherine shrugged this.

"However, our design ideas should be correct ... It is only a specific thing to find experts to come ..." Lisa seems to be full.

(But will someone buy it?)

Catherine is a suspicion of this.

After all, this stuff has not appeared in history ... or even not only there, and there is a suspicion of a mess.

Wearing integer uniforms from small start ... Haha, this is a joke? But it seems really joking, because Lisa actually wants to promote the school uniforms in short skirts ...

(Maybe she directly launched the school uniforms will be more susceptible to welcome.)

"You see, this is the adjusted school uniform I designed." Lisa took out the design of the other side.

You see, this school uniform has four major pieces.

Lisa took a set of clothes that look similar to the same swimsuit: "This is a dress in it, although it is a normal tight dress, but it is not the case." Lisa will The clothes are cut, and it can be obvious that the back is a little less than, "In order to let the students look up, so this is this design, which will cause a little inconvenience to bending, but unlock this strap No problem. "

It turns out that there is a ribbon that can be used to secure it on the neck.

(Is it a good ...)

Catherine has started to spit behind the back.

"Of course, such clothes are very troublesome, but students have to go to the toilet ... So we joined zipper design below, it can be convenient. This dress can be checked, abdomen, The hip, even can be used as a lingerie. But I think it is a girl, the design of the chest should be better, the Japanese is too small ... "

"Then, this is to adjust the socks. You all know, the Japanese walks ... Hey ..." Lisa shrugged: "Luo circle leg, elephant leg, eight characters ... In short, it is all kinds of problems, but our Adjusting the sock has the effect of keeping the leg curve, correcting the bad walking posture, which is wearing inside the clothes. "

After the introduction, Lisa took out another piece of clothing, as for this dress, naturally the coat: "This is a small jacket, wearing outside, then cooperate with my short skirt ..."

"Slightly ..." Catherine interrupted Lisa: "I think, if you really want to promote, you should not adopt a conjoined method, with a split type."

"And use the zipper, is too unrestrained?" Jenny added a sentence.


Indeed, even the zipper is used this year, it seems to be a debut.

"First, this kind of conjoined dress itself is very sexy, and the swimsuit is almost, although the Japanese is very open, but want to promote such school uniforms to school, still have some difficulties." Catherine was difficult.


"Then, you probably don't consider the side effects of students who have long wear such a tight-fitting clothing ..." Then, Jenny. (, why should I say "then"?)


"Finally," Catherine stood up: "The university is okay, but in secondary school, Japan's old generation is still more conservative, they are impossible to let their children put on the 'from the Western Western.. So unless you are just a university - and there are very few parts, the conservative is necessary. "

The Japanese now has not been confident as the hearts of self-confidence in 1985, but the Japanese are now really proud.

"That ... what should I do?" Lisa looks pitiful.

"Honestly, through your so-called adjusted underwear into Japan's clothing market, it seems to be a good choice ..."

(If you can see the kind of girls in Japanese girls fifth to ten years ... cough ...)

The heart is slightly thinking about some interesting questions. Catherine has begun to say: "First, we can use a split method, just like I just said. We can use the pattern of tight vests and the apex pants, enter the student market ... ... Of course, this is in a general middle school. As for this continuous clothes, you can launch it in a few years, but maybe we can go to the university to meet some luck, there, maybe There will be more people to choose our school uniforms ... Of course, we can easily convince the Japanese government, let them understand that such adjustment-type underwear is a very beneficial product for students. In addition, because of us Faced with a huge student market, we can take the form of small profits but quick turnover, and what is slightly more than a little. "

Lisa's idea is very unreal, she likes sexual sexy costumes, but students wear such clothes ... This is really difficult.

"Oh, it seems to be like this ..." Lisa felt some regrets.

"So, then, I want to go to Japan ..." Lisa said again.

"But are you not going to class in Italy?" Lisa seems to have a year? If you want to continue reading, the time is more.

"Time is else, and I still want to promote my clothes."

(Still don't die ...)

"All in all, let's first designate your clothes."

Lisa decided to make the rice cooked mature rice first.

"No, you should first want to convince the board ... Although these clothes are very good, we also need a reason ... a suitable reason."

Yang short skirt spirit? It seems a good idea.

"Well, I will find ways in this respect ..." In fact, as long as Catherine and Jenny are done, the almost the board has no problem, after all, there are many shares on the side of Catherine, add up, complete control is also possible.

"Let me think about it ..." Lisa picked up the suit, then the big scissors were opened up and cut two times, turning the costume into two sets.

"Small vest and white leggings ... um, this is good?"

"This time isn't too much fire." Slightly, it is a bit, but it is unfortunately, if it is. Love is full, the pass will be affected ...

(But ... this is really a good back ...)

"Right, what is our clothes to be called? Take a good name?"

"Back is good." Catherine out of mouth, although her face became likes to be ignorant # ǜ ǜ )

"Hey, although it is unknown, it sounds Lang Lang's mouth, um, just call this name"

I got, I finally called this name ...


Note 1: This world is really a posture school uniform, but it is not Japan, but China. When I was in secondary school (provincial key), I almost got the "postive beauty school uniform", but I didn't know how to blow ...

The next day exam, Well, yesterday's update and the 3 words owed before the test were completed.

Now keep two more, there is also update in the evening. . .

More, address H

[... Chapter 412 back to back good and Lisa's Japanese school service Raiders (3) the fastest update ...] a! !