Blooming America

The 569th chapter of the Soviets of the Soviet

Britthev has taken a break.

Andro bō laminated the foundation of the Soviet aviation plan for the Soviet aviation plan for Belthev ...


Bremen is not rushed at all.

Alternatively, Britthev is viewing information about rockets through the form of the network.

But ... there is still a difference between the two.

The confidential level of the network is lower than the document, which means that many content is only available in this paper file, but there is no in the online literature.

But Britthev does not seem to think so, he regards the network as the best way to get a message, there is nothing, I like to stay in the network to search for information, not to listen to others' reports.

Many people vote at this time, directly transferred their reports to the hands of Belt Nnev, let him see these "secret" alone.

"It's going to start next year ..." Andro bōmad muttered.

1 Gednad, ... Under the leadership of Shel Garooliv, he is launched in his Corolef Design Bureau. The original protocol is to use a nuclear engine in the rocket, enabling it to emit blade ton loads for military space station and launch of Mars vessels. Among them, the largest rocket size: PS2 is slightly small, P

Americans are preparing to build a month, but the Soviets will certainly not agree.

However, when I face Americans, the Soviets did not make up.

The Soviewman's only way to compete with Americans, and then only grabbed the moon base before Americans, or the American moon base is destroyed.

Although some people put forward against opinions, they think that there is no important strategic significance above the moon, but most Soviet high-rise still think they should not fall behind in the United States.

Although the Soviet Union is not very valued in civil technology, the Soviets can not be lagging behind Americans.

And if the Americans establish a nuclear bomb well in the moon, it will be more dangerous, which is also the Soviet Union Never allow.

At the Cuba Missile Crisis, the Soviet Union took a big loss, some of the reasons are that Kennedy has known that the Nuclear bomb of the Soviet Union is no longer.

It is impossible to cause actual threats to the opposite side, so the United States puts a tough posture at the time.

The Soviets have already eaten. If the Americans have a nuclear bomb in the place where the Soviets can't hit, they can knead the ballistics missiles to fight the world!

Yes, Americans can punish the world, and there is no one in this world to stop them, even the Soviet Union cannot.

In this way, it is also a major challenge for the Soviet authority in the world.

It is only that Brezhev himself seems that sheep didn't realize this. Many times, Boh is immersed in self-righteous joy. Looking at those who don't have a good action, the speculative to give him a molecule to see what he hoped. Some "secrets" arrived.

Although Andro Bōmad can be a person who is Bremen, but it is a slight gap.

... After optimization, the launch rocket will be undertaken by the Soviet Union Month.

The launch of the Soviet Union is a kind of astronauts in the two groups, different from the American three groups, of which one astronaut, the commander landed on the moon: another astronaut, ie flying engineer flying in the moonlord, And at the track at the track.

The launch of the Soviet Union relies on a series of steps. The three-stage rocket will send the moon launch group to the near-way track. This is a group of six cabins, safe flight requires a series of complex processes, balances the carrying tools and moon launch groups with the required advancement.

The upper part of the launch group is the moon alliance spacecraft, and the astronauts are mostly here during the entire launch process. The top end of the moon is a worm-shaped attitude motor control cabin. The attitude control cabin at the top of the moon is the escape tower. The escape tower needs to be detached from the rocket when a malfunction occurring occurred. With astronaut escape.

The Union Number of Universe is a multi-seat spacecraft, with a command cabin and a cabin for scientific experiments and astronauts. The "League" first launch is in the 1st annih day, the flight purpose is to exercise this new universe spacecraft's work.

The Soviet moon is a new spaceship.

The new alliance number will become a magic weapon in the Soviet landing of the Lunar.

Similar to other union spacecraft, the moon is located in the uppermost spherical orbit cabin, located in the middle of the earth, located in the following service compartment: All of the moon is in replacing the moon service cabin Spacecraft instrument and promoting cabin. The spacecraft is used to store fuel bias ferroid and tetra nitrogen oxide, contact ignition. Once the landing cabin is logged in, the service cabin manipulates the spacecraft and drives the spaceship to return to the earth track.

The following is a small first-class settlement cabin, which is the same as the fuel in the stored propellant, which is the same as the two poles of the United States. The following is the power device that provides power by two sections of hydrogen oxygen and kerosene. Once entering the earth track and starts entering the Ben Moon track "insect"-shaped control cabin will be thrown away.

At the original, many Soviet scientists seem to have pessimistic attitudes to the N1 launch rocket.

But many people are studying Americans ...

In fact, after Catherine's Ontee and Microsoft, we thought of using a CNC program to control the rocket coordination.

Thirty first-class engines of the N1 rocket will be fully replaced by a numerical control system. In this way, the error can reduce these designs, which can be inspired by ONTEE's microcomputer chips. The software part is inevitably refer to Microsoft.

On the other hand, although the designer Corolef does not like to be biantian hydrazine, he is committed to the pressure of the upper layer, and he will only change the design.

Everything now is based on the "Soviet Union to be able to win with the US military", and everything must be a way for this.

Many people have seen this as a big event with the Soviet Union, and they can't have a small job.

Xìng's things appear.

Nonetheless, this strange attitude of Belt Nnev is made this time. Is there anything more important than the Soviet Union? Is the attraction of the Internet really so big?

Andro bōmad didn't know what Breach did what to do, but he felt, ........., your own chance came ...

Abbert Fei Xue first caused a sensation in San Francisco.

The reason is that San Francisco is also in addition to a serial murder, this "Twelve Palace" incident, is a lot of boiling.

In many people, the murderer of the Twelve Palace, and Abbert Fei Xue is almost almost.

Many people think that this guy is damn, then the baby of the little girl is, it is even more dead.

So, is that people dare to kill the devil for this beech?

The Volkswagen's sight is very fast.

At this time, under the reminder of the people, the distinguished Fredrick Wei Tithan defeated Abbert Fei Xue.

Request for precautions for a heart-hearted death penalty? What is this!

People soon angry, and Wei Spence has also become the sky.

At this time, a public opinion appeared again.

Things have started from a post on a "how to escape the sanctions of the law". This post detailed explanation how to get a psychologist to get the method, which even gave a lot of black sè cases in this regard.

This post is reprinted everywhere, it has become popular on the network.

One Catherine, of course, will not let people be deleted.

In the Internet age, a person who is quite a very simple thing. Although the current Internet penetration is not high, now there is already a cloud system, people are increasingly clearing the current cloud system for the Internet. It has exceeded 3 million, and the growth rate is amazing. I am afraid that this year can break through 5 million such horror numbers.

Of course, the people who have soy sauce are probably a lot, and one is one more ITV after all, so it is actually the sales of ITVs only one-third of this, which is already good.

Catherine's trick is very effective, and Wei Spence has become a chandise.

It's just very fast, and another event has attracted the eyes of the public, and it is temporarily cheaper.

- April 30, 1970 Nixon announced that he has sent US operations for Cambodia to destroy the ** military refuge.

I learned that this news, the stock continued to fall, and in the university, the voice complained was even more.

Friday, May 1st, at noon, a group of historical phases of Kent University, organized an anti-war assembly, about 500 teachers and students. They believe that Nixon's decision, ignoring the constitutional restrictions on the Presidential power, ignoring the political warrants belonging to the Congress, without the unauthorized national security countries, actually equivalent to murder the US Constitution. As a symbol, the participants decided to funeral a constitution and mourn the death of the Constitution.

On May 4, 1970, the assembly of various universities initiated by Shen Kentatrium began, and college students held a large rally in the campus to protest against the US military invaded Cambodia.

And this is, and the most Jī of Kent University.

At this time, the government naturally sent a military to maintain public security, but the students had a self-discipline that couldn't attack them.

And the disaster ... already happened. @.