Blooming America

Chapter 594 Relaxing Time ...

Text] Chapter 594 relaxing time ...


The sound is no current.

In front of you, the mountain 11 Meiji looked at himself but looked at the other's smile, and the sound is not a bit.

"The sound is not, the Mei Ni sister is ready to personally!" The primary and Lakeli did not go to their respective defense to relax, but at this side of Guanyin.

"... However, this is why! Why is my boy to come to your NV child's clubhouse to do these strange activities!"

There is no tear of the sound ...

"Because this will be very interesting, isn't it?"

The primary voice smiled there and the sound was very cute.

"Not you are not my sister! You are the devil from hell! Devil! I will give me the gentle sister!"

There is no need to break out.

When you are sick, yourself is "big and well"! How is it now become proud of āo and natural black? !

! Why do this column!

"Ah, in fact, I also want to give a boy to try it. Maybe it will be very interesting ~"

The 11 Mountain next to the mountain seems to be very happy. "But after all, I have never tried to give the boy to make a mouth push oil. If the sound sauce can stay, let me try a few times, maybe or more!"

Do not! Never be more wonderful! !

I didn't see my brother, I didn't kill. The primary sound used the killer: "If you don't want to, then I am so strong, will let you" wish "!" I am already using strong, good ? !

There is no internal flow of the sound ...

The things that have happened have not been not much. At this time, he feels that his thinking is already awkward. Anyway, in this evening, there is no feeling as a male xìng's dignity ... It is completely gone. In front of three NV people, there is no most basic hometown ...,

The flow of water is constantly flowing from above.

The whole room has about 100 square meters, but only a pool in the middle, and the quiet music is released "makes people feel uncomfortable.

It's just that this room is very empty, there is only one in the group and Catherine.

The place where Catherine is located is that the room with P'saining oil is the best treatment.

The long hair of Catherine, she was lying next to the pool at the moment.

On the other side of the pool, there is also a chuáng, it looks like it is there.

Have to say, although the SPA push oil is inherited from Europe and America, but I am very careful to do it as my own industry.

"I am rude." For Catherine massage oil, it is a cute this small NV baby, she walks from the road without ǐ, is not as good as other This NV is eight characters, in short, it seems that it is a pleasing feeling.

However, Catherine is still a bit awkward. After all, it is like this in front of the stranger like a light pig, this is the first time.

"So, you have to start." ......... ......

This is also unfortunately some universities to open Japanese English this Mén course, Japanese English and true English are actually two things?

The other party picked up a water pipe and then began to water to Catherine.

The water flows constantly flows to Catherine, in the hot summer, this cold water is a jī "

Catherine hit it, but then he felt unlimited comfort.

After that, the other's hand came to Catherine's double tuǐ.

The other hand Róu took a tuǐ, press Róu for a while, and grabbed a foot massage in Catherine.

"Hey" is something itchy, and there is some pain, but more is a comfortable feel that the other party pinch Catherine's toes, this massage method Catherine has never experienced, but this feeling is so comfortable ... it looks still It's really going to place.

Although from Europe, the United States, but maybe because of the relationship of human species. "At the massage, Catherine can always have a feeling of" gentle "feeling" to make her feel very comfortable.

In the middle of the embarrassment, Catherine's jīng God also sets down, and the whole person seems to have entered the feeling between half a dream.

"Miss 1, please turn."

When it was comfortable, the other party suddenly came out, Catherine can only temporarily, then become lying.

The front is like the back, the other side pinchs, while brushing the body of Catherine with water.

For about ten minutes, Catherine's body relaxed.

"Miss, we can start pushing oil now. Please come with me." The other side took a bath towel āo to Catherine.


Catherine wiped his body with a bath towel. At this time, she felt that her body seems to be bright, it is really comfortable.

With the other party to the other side, Catherine was in chuáng.

"Please open the double tuǐ."

The other party said, her hand has already had a small bowl of a small bowl, and the jīng oil in it has a strange fragrance, with the music in the house, which makes people feel happy.

"So, you will start pushing oil below."

Although the other person's oral egg pain is incomparable, Catherine finally finally understood the other party, and in fact, Catherine is the next jīng oil who is holding the jīng oil. Jīng oil is first applied in Catherine's double tuǐ , Then start pressing róu. From the feet to the big tuǐ, each one is massd once, there is a feeling of acidity, although Cather is good, but like this relaxation, it is very comfortable.

However, the other party's focus seems to focus on the position of the big tuǐ roots to the Tún department, although it feels some sū numb, but I don't know if it is too comfortable, so Catherine did not speak.

Catherine felt that his body feels seems to be enlarged. This feeling is really difficult.

Then, the upper body massage began.

It feels very wonderful. Although Lai Ruira learned YàOSPA push oil, it is not jīng oil after all, and Lai Ruira's technique is not professional.

After relaxing Catherine's upper body, the other party suddenly ranked jīng oil into the NV child.

"Hey this is ?!" The other party locked the target in Catherine's most critical part, this Catherine called.

NV child stopped, then explained: "This is the service content of the package." Speaking is also perfect, but still the egg painful Japanese English "package?"

"Yes, all ordered all of our shop's special sè sī."

One ha?

Catherine only remembers that they are some of the most expensive packages?

"okay then……"

It can only continue ... After all, it feels good.

Catherine is not worried about such a few people here, and this is also the NVXìiB opened by Mén for nvxìng, and the people who have been in Mén will not come.

So, the comfortable process will continue.

The two hands were concentrated in half an hour, although the other's movements were very gentle, but Catherine couldn't help but fell.

"Please turn a nose."

It is Japanese English.

Catherine heard this, the body had a feeling of blind, she turned over.

The cold jīng oil fell before Catherine's ōng. Then, the NV child stood behind Catherine and started a massage. The other party now carested two laps in front of Catherine, and then put his hand on the two arms of Catherine, and pushed the jīng oil.

Then she took the hand of Catherine and started a massage.


About five minutes, after massage the arm, the other party puts the Catherine's arm, and then starts with head, then starting from the armpits to massage the top, the other party constantly uses hands from the outside to press Róu and then tremble ...

"..." Catherine originally closed eyes, because the changes in the beginning of the body did not talk, she biting her mouth chún, started to endure. However, the other party must have noticed the changes in the body of Catherine. After all, the original smooth hill suddenly has more than two mountain peaks, and the feel is not the same ...

At this time, I stopped and added some jīng oil, and I started to help Catherine on the body from Catherine.

Fortunately, the other's hand quickly arrived at Catherine in the abdomen.

"Please separate the double tuǐ."

The other party said.

Catherine broke the double tu thirty degree.

At this time, the movements of the other party become gentle, just like a nòng guzheng is in the same way.

The comfortable music makes people mí drunk, and Catherine, which is going to be asleep many times, this time is really almost sleeping ...

After all, she had a hard day, now it is already evening.

Catherine tuǐ the other side pushed aside and let it become a "0" type, and then is coated with oil jīng, in turn began to massage nv child site.

While slapstick and companion when Catherine would have enjoyed similar treatment, but today this time, Catherine feels very different.

With each other's movements, Catherine's heart began to accelerate, the people are moving away from the situation that half awake, but completely excited as ......


Wearing a bath, Catherine feels that the whole person seems to have a new one, although there are some cases insufficient, but in general, it feels very good.

When Catherine came out, and she has been watching to see lìlì narration of television.

"You are so almost ready?" Catherine strange asked.

"Yes ah, I am now considering the night of the trip." She said.

"at night?"

"Yes, Kate, you know, the recent

KTV ......?

Catherine is somewhat strange.

"You say ............ KTV"

I could have been intended to skip, but many people say want to see ah Well, you can only write about in the superficial.


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