Blooming America

The sixth hundred seventh chapter of the Soviet Union

Hanging Jenny's phone, very fast, Catherine received a call.

The Monthly Month Action of the Soviet Union has made many Americans shocked, people rushed to tell the people around them.

"Soviet ... moon?"

At this time, I was waiting for a TV at this time, and they were also shocked.

Playing inside TV is a video of the Soviets published by the Soviets.

I don't know if it is a coincidence, the Sovien's place of moon is not far from the place where the Americans first moon.

Now, it is hilarious to Catherine that I feel the most in touch.

Your own butterfly effect is actually high to let the Soviets go to the moon?

Is that it is said that the future is possible to break out the third day?

Calculated, the Soviet moon is just a year later than the Americans. Compared with the history of the Soviewers, there is no success, this is already a lot of changing.

Looking at the news in the news, what "Coroleve" is, Catherine is not aware of this guy at all. If not Corolef, maybe the Soviewer's moon is also facing more problems, even if it is not the moon this year, and the failure may be bigger ...

"Soviet ..." Catherine was thinking at this time.

How does the Soviets have that money and strength to join the moon?

In history, the Soviets have a lot of black technology, but they are all because the Soviet Union does not have that energy and money, so many things are full of birth.

The Soviet Month Plan Catherine also knows that although it is not clear, she also remembers that the Soviet talent has been in four times.

One, but need to know, the Americans start from the initial Aunt Bō Luo No.1, but also to Aunt Bō Luo Ren, only to visit the moon. And then failed.

Although it is "secret technology", but in fact, it is the American victory, so their products have become a normal state, and the Soviets have failed, so their technology is buried, this is the Soviets. The reason why the technology is very "black".


This is not to say that the Soviets' technology can't.

Effective aircraft, this is one of the brilliant achievements of the Soviet Union.

UND-T-IN-RAFT is a new type of high-speed aircraft between aircraft, ship and hovercraft. Unlike ordinary aircraft, the role aircraft is mainly flying in the groundwork area, which is close to the ground, water, and the aircraft is mainly flying outside the groundwork area: Unlike the air cushion, the hovercraft produces air cushions by the air conditioner Effective aircraft generates an air cushion by ground effect.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union experimented the PLAN propulsion, that is, such aircraft, the limit flight weight can reach 1000 tons.

In the case of the Americans, this rack effector is called the rumored monster. Most wing effectors are designed to operate on the water, because the water surface is smoothed and less obstacles than the ground, not only less dangerous, and when it is not operational, it is also possible to use water floating force to withstand the body weight. It is also simpler when takeoff.

One one, such a convenient thing, because the Soviet bureaucracy, she has made less than three. If the Soviets are popular with this role aircraft, they may change the future shipping situation. No, this can even be said to be a change in the history of shipping.

But unfortunately, this plan finally disappeared, until 2010, gradually began to restart.

"and many more……"

Catherine seems to be missing ...

"That ... The leader of the Soviet Union is Bremennev?" Catherine seems to be muttered, and it seems to be asking.

"Yeah ... but now there is the most in the news. It is a guy named Andro Bō husband. It seems to be the master of KGB. It should be almost the head of A."

Elsa replied.

"Andro bō husband?"

Is it that the Andro bō husband promoted Gorbachev?

Catherine first thought about the top of the Soviet Union. It can be said that if not Andro Bō husband, Gorbachav's map head is also difficult to live.

However, it is impossible to say, because Andro Bōmad can't think of Gorbachev will destroy the Soviet Union. Because the upper floor of the Soviet Union could not continue to change a leader in this year, they need young cadres.

One thing, Gorbachev is in place.

Although Andro Bō husband went out to be some, Catherine knew that this person was a little worse to save the Soviet Union, it can be said that his ability is still outstanding. And Andro Bō husband's political wrist is also very strong. It is said that Belt Nnev is to take the cool breeze by Andro Bōmad, and finally the physical condition has been killed.

"Why does this happen?"

As a leader, Belt Nnev is the probability of exposure? As a result, Boh was hidden, and Andro Bōmad was originally tǐng mysterious KGB's master, but often ... this ... isn't that medal charge?

Catherine suddenly thought of a possibility: Britgenev, it is very likely ... was empty.


RAFT headquarters.

For the Soviet moon, the surface is the "RAFT" space travel company's "company", which has begun to start the discussion of Jī.

"The moon base plan must be expanded quickly."

Someone said this.

"But we haven't prepared it yet, and the Bō Luo plans to have failed ..."

Although the surface is "company", in fact, here is the organization of NASA, even saying NASA's companies.

When you have a common, powerful enemy, even if the capitalists of their respective politics, they can also have a group of two, so I can establish one or two such secrets or can be. However, if there is no such an enemy that is completely different from their institution and ideology, such cohesiveness is impossible.

But in the face of a more powerful Soviet Union than history, it will not be a matter.

"In fact, my opinion is the Millennium Month action, which is likely to be targeted, the Soviet Union is unlikely to build a base in the moon, I believe that their economy will not allow them to do this. But from On the other hand, they are definitely an attitude towards us to build, and they have the ability to go to the moon now, and they can also have the ability to carry out our moon base. "

Some people who have a more visible analysis have been analyzed.

"So this is our RAFT company." Some people are far-reaching: "I think we can build a space base in the form of 'Tourist Attractions', at least from the surface, this is an ordinary tourist attraction, We will send passengers to space every year, and we can get enough funds. In this case, the Soviet Union wants to attack us, they can't stand in morality. "

"Your thoughts are very good, but it is too unwilling to open." Some people refuted: "Our moon will take a huge risk, want to carry out space travel, there is not enough good technology, we Technical maturity takes at least 30 years! "

Indeed, the current space tour is really unreliable one by one, this is not just ordinary space tourism, but a moon tour.

If this kind of journey can be so simple, but I really want to achieve ... Haha, that is, the day is dreaming.

In fact, as this person said, there is no three decades, and if you want to achieve space travel, it is indeed a bit difficult.

Space Tourism is based on people's invitation to tour space, to the space to travel, give people an unprecedented experience, the latest and most thorns, people can watch spaceless scenery, while you can also enjoy the taste of weight loss. And these two experiences can only be enjoyed in space.

The space tour project began on April 30, 2001. The first space tourist is American businessman Dennis Top, the second space tourist for South Africa Mark Saartl Worth, the third space tourist for American personality Lego Olsen.

And to say, space travel is also very troublesome. Astronauts have to learn to manipulate the spaceship, and tourists should do, just listen to the astronauts or orders, don't give astronauts who serve as "guide", so he does not need to have a strict systematic training.

Although the technical requirements for space tourists are not high, there is a condition that is required, that is, a healthy body. The conditions referred to in this "healthy body" are at least half of the people who want to go to space tourism.

"The Soviets will try to do everything, but not like building a new world and ecotropic circle, what they think is as simple as the polar bear, so I think we can use simpler way To deal with them ... "Some people have clearly seen the Soviet.

"No, it's just because the other party is awkward, so we should use the roundabout of the strategy to make them more dizzy ... If you can, it is best to deceive the Soviet to give up the moon plan."

Some people's ideas can only be said to be too beautiful.

If Catherine is here, she will probably smile and tell these people: Let the Soviet Union toss! The more they go, the faster their country will die!

But Catherine with historical experience, is a headache for Andro Bō.

"Maybe we should ask president?"

The ability of Nixon can still be seen. If it is Nixon, you should know what to do. This is the goal of strategic xìng, not tactical xìng, so there should be a higher level to determine.


I have been sleeping this afternoon, actually fell asleep ... There is another tomorrow ...! .