Blooming America

Chapter 636 Special Forces, Digital, Cold

In October, it gradually declined with the temperature, but the temperature of the whole world is rising.

In the United Nations, the votes on the resumption of the United Nations for the resumption of the United Nations in the United Nations are also about to begin. At this time, Canada has also established a bonding relationship with the , and some changes are somewhat subtle.

However, this subtle situation, but there is no impact on Sean Kangt.


He gasped.

Although I have already entered the future specialty school, so far, his training has not stopped.

"The Soviet Union will not be trained because you are not training, so pity you!"

This is the boss said.

Sean has heard that the training of special forces schools will be a comprehensive training of human limits.

Such training is also referred to as a training method of mercenary, but is more than their more system.

And this kind of training is not for learning, but competition.

The competition between the country and the country.

Although I don't know if this strange idea is mentioned first, but for Sean Kangt, such a thing, it is a chance to him.

After all, as long as you can enter the college, you will get a $ 200,000 salary every year. If you lead Americans to surpass the Soviet Union, then you can get bonuses.

In fact, Shawn Kangt does not just just for bonuses.

For a soldier, such a competition is the most bloody.

Sean Kangt was in 1968, then enter the veteran of Vietnam.

After two years of service, he was selected because of excellent combat performance, and then was selected as a member of the Special Corps.

Each country will send 20-30 elite specialty soldiers, while Sean Kangt is the captain of the US team.

Of course, such a competition can be more cruel than ordinary competitions.

He has heard,

The rules of the special forces schools set are very cruel. From eating meat into the jungle survival, these contents, even include driving technology, and incredible operational requirements such as opening the plane.

In addition, since it is a school, then it is definitely necessary to graduate.

To graduate from such a special forces school, the conditions they have chosen are very awkward. They will set up a team of armed forces or criminal organizations, from Africa. South America, as long as it is a franchise, it is possible to be selected as a task location.

In other words, in this school's graduation trip, it is really a true battle!

And in terms of danger, even more than the battle!

After all, on the battlefield of Vietnam, it is a Vietnamese.

But if it is replaced with the international special forces battlefield, it is likely that when a team is ready to kill the enemy, it will be made a black gun by another team.

So, in such a school, I carefully. It should be on the surface's own "classmates"


Because there is no such school in the past, no one knows what will happen, because of this, only the current training of Sean Kangti ~ anti-throwing training.


It is a mother, assassination.

In such a school, there is a brick home to think of such a possible xìng.

How is the other party? When they bothered a bottle of poison, they will kill you, what is the use of you again?

This is not impossible, so after analysis, Sean Kangt led his future teammates, in conducting various training.

"... When discovery is not suitable, you should immediately sipe, let yourself vomit ..."

At this time, he is lending other people's aftertaste if they do after food poisoning.

Food poisoning, this is undoubtedly a good way to assassinate, and the poison is more difficult to have been discovered than the cutting throat. A student suddenly "violent" is not there possible.

In fact, it is very possible.

Because when you record learning against the assassination, Sean Kangt is also learning how to be poisoned without moving Sè, or when it is the most convenient time.

But Shane himself is not used to training such a training.

One will let him feel that he is a secretion of a soldier.

When the feeling of the assassin is not good.

But for the interests of the country, some things have to be done. After all, some will not necessarily kill each other, as long as the other party is abnormal, and this, the fact is more secure than the previous assassination.

"Hey, have you heard, NSA has got a list of people from the Soviet participating special forces schools!" After the end of training, someone said like this.

"The list of Soviet people? Really?" Sean is also very surprised.

"Get it, maybe it is yù cover." Some people think of this.

"And maybe it's a false list, what do we know?"

Sean thinks too.

Know the list of participants in the Soviet Union, there is nothing for yourself? What is the use of such a list? Can you still get rid of the other party before you kill it?

This is obviously less reality.

"I heard that Venezuela is in the tropics? I don't know how the weather there is." I haven't eaten how much bitter recruits are in the back.

These new soldiers are not to participate in the mercenary school in the same group with Shawn.

They are prepared.

In order to prevent this group of people from this batch of people from this group of people, they have these people.

If Shawn has no problem, then they will enter the school as a special forces of the next year.

"It seems to be on the Caribbean Sea, in our south, I want to be in the tropics?"

Everyone answers this way.

"I hope everything goes well." Sean played in the heart of the heart.

There are not many times in the formal start school ...

Thunder laboratory.

Catherine is looking at a video in front of him, this is a videos flying from the lake.

"It's okay." Catherine nodded.

This video is also a few seconds, but for Catherine's attraction, it is very huge.

Because Catherine knows, this is a huge success.

"How can I reward you?" Catherine laughed.

Digital has always been the wish of Catherine, and now, in this digital video, Catherine is the first to think about the most critical issues.

A digital TV. Catherine is now this.

In accurate, not a digital TV, but should be digital video.

It is not only an ordinary reception function that is now just a normal reception function.

In the analog communication, in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, it is necessary to enlarge the attenuation transmission signal during the signal transmission process, and the noise of the signal is inevitably overlapping during the transmission process is also amplified. As the transmission distance increases, noise accumulates more and more, so that the transmission quality is seriously deteriorated.

This is also the snow huā point.

In the playback of TV shows, there is often a case where there is a situation.

If someone is attentive, after installing the so-called "digital set-top box", it will find that after using such a set-top box, the snow huā in the TV show is not seen.

Of course, the analog signals are not unopened.

Take a phone call, the frequency band of the analog phone is 4khg bandwidth, all the way the digital call accounts for about 64khg, which is the main reason for the simulation communication.

In terms of current, the hard disk storage space required to make a digitized video is more huge. Don't look at Catherine's bandwidth seems still very sufficient, but once it is replaced with a digital signal, it can be different.

Fortunately, Catherine's fiber can also transmit analog signals that use fiber-transmitted signal loss. The picture is clear for extended users.

But if it turns into a digitized era, your bandwidth will definitely become stretched, and at that time, it can be no longer available.

The communication rate of digital signals is a megabytes per second. This is the domestic digital signal of Catherine's last life, not the United States, and Catherine's current video is poor, even has no simulation. The conversion of such a large data stream guarantees the high definition of digital TV, overcoming the innate shortcomings of the analog TV.

At the same time, due to digital TVs can allow several types of signals to be saved into several sub-channels in each digital channel, thereby either a large data stream ... per second

It can also be divided into several shunts, such as, each speed is 4.85MB per second, so although the sharpness of the image is large, it can greatly increase the type of information, meet different needs.

For example, when broadcasting a sports competition, the viewer needs high-definition images, the TV station should use the spread of each second: When the news broadcast is performed, the audience pays attention to the news content rather than the image of the announcer, so there is no need to use So high clarity, at this time, only 3MB of 3MB per second is available, and the remaining content can be used to transfer.

But even so, the bandwidth is not enough.

It seems that Catherine suddenly discovered that his own Internet seems to be far away, but now, it is now looking, and it is not found.

Nowadays, there is no much demand for downloading, there is no big request, there is nothing to download on the Internet, even if there is a few pictures at this time, some are not completely Therefore, the bandwidth problem is completely unambigled.

But once digitized words ...

Catherine thinks that this plan seems to be temporarily slower.

"Renior and far away" "I am ambitious, but reality let Catherine are so quiet. Sometimes people are still calm. ! .