Blooming America

Chapter 681, 1st, Shooting Game - "Electronic World Battle"

"Sai Bo Space (E), I personally created this word, which is set to an abstract concept in philosophy and computer, virtual reality in the computer and computer network. Saibo space is controlled by control () and Space (E) combination of two words, this is e. "

"So, what is a virtual space?"

"According to the foregoing, the current computer's xìng can be almost said to be accelerated, and with the development of the computer, the computer's xìng can improve. At that time, the computer can depict it. An abstract virtual reality, we can imagine that humans play a person in it, then experience a lifetime, and this world and the real world can do almost exactly the same. Maybe 20 years or even may only need 10 years to appear our E space. The computer can simulate everything, only need to be sufficient. "

"Science and Technology since the 20th century has produced a strong alienation force in humans, so that science and technology have created highly developed material civilization, and also brings global xìng ecological crisis to make humans. Continued development is seriously threatened, and human beings need to seek a new survival space. The evolution of human survival space is always related to the integration of scientific knowledge and the progress of science and technology, and human beings rely on their own knowledge and intelligence. Creativity, will generally invent the science and technology to solve the problem of survival. Computer technology rapid development since the 1950s, especially the combination of modern communication technology has developed in recent years, this is the game. The opportunity of the emergence of the space. A system with a variety of energy efficiency through the virtual environment, which is the Sai Bo space, which is also a trend for the future. "

- "Information ", Catherine Edison.

FPS is the first person to refer to the shortcomings of shooting games.

However, strict FPS belongs to a branch of T-class games, but like RTS games, because of its rapid popularity in the world, it has made it a separate type.

In this 1970s, Catherine is directly separated by this game.

Thomas Bō SiMik is the person in charge of this game development.


The left mouse button was pressed, and at this time, the sound of "" was also issued.

Look at the picture, the top is a simple game screen, the background of the map is blurred, and even the countless pixel point can be seen.

But Thomas is in the game, but it is a deep game Mí.

The reason is nothing,

Because this game is really interesting.

"This is really a genius design!"

He can't help but sigh.

Although this game is made by himself, this game's creative is from Catherine.

When making a game, although creativity is the most worthless, it is often the most worthless.

"Creative" from Catherine or "Experience" is the key to wealth.

Although the 16-bit system does not even make the same picture like the future CS, but to say that the picture above is completely no problem.

Techniques that can be done, the current chips, can also be done.

Although these two "" meaning seem to be completely different.

However, when there is a chip and Thunder, I don't think it is difficult to implement some complicated things.

Of course, although it is a game of "first person shooting", this game is very simple, except for the first person's visual. I am afraid that some people will be able to link with future shooting games.

The name of this game is "Electronic World Battle".

This name is also a vibrating interest from Catherine. However, Thomas, it is obviously impossible to understand this name.

"Electronic World Battle" This game, players play, not a "person" corner sè, but a robot that will launch the shells of the shells of tuǐ.

As for why do you do this, it is of course because the current system's xìng can not allow ...

"Electronic World Battle" The story of this game is to say that there is a protagonist to participate in a yīn competition program ..., and this plan is starting in Saibo space. In order to break the other party, the protagonist must have a five-way six will be used in the people they play, and then they can save the world, .........

Ok, save the world is an old suit concept.

The so-called Sai Bo space is the most important thing in this system. It can be said that it is the main line throughout the story.

To put it, in the future, there is such analog realistic game.

For example, from 2002 to 2012, there are still many "second life", in this game, there are almost the same social system, all kinds of judicial institutions, service facilities. And commercial organizations should have, their functions are the same as the true world. In the eyes of many people, the world in the game is another world of true. Just like its name, this game is becoming a "second life" of many people.

This is a typical Sai Bo space.

But now this game played by Thomas, but not a single game, but a network mode "electronic world battle".

The so-called network version of "Electronic World Battle" is a game similar to the future CS. From the gameplay, it is divided into two pairs of players, then confrontation.

However, compared with later online games, this game is simple.

In the game, there are two kinds of sè letters, a red sè, a blue sè, also represents two pairs.

In the game, each robot has only one weapon of 25 round-bombs, while the energy storage device can be filled with two gauges.

In addition, there is no attacker way.

What, do you say that the bullet is used up?

Sorry, once the bullet is used, it is also lost.

But in fact, this game almost does not have this situation, there is no shot machine gun, and there is no difficult sniper gun. It can only be a fool. When you have just come, a bullet is all over, it is almost Any problem occurs.

There is no way to do so, because in this game, you want to implement the gun and the melee ... this is really not possible. For the sake of easy and smooth, in the design, Thomas is very simply, and the function of the shifting gun is canceled.

In the game, there is nothing "a xìng" "Every robot" can be said to be a thousand articles.

Each robot has a total of 5 o'clock in HP, and each hits deducts a little, because of technical reasons,

These robots have no "key".

Because the game is simple, the rules of the game are simple, and it is precisely because of this reason, so the game is relatively simple, although it is helpless, but this move is that it feels more interesting.


At this time, "U-T" appears on the screen. Thomas has been annihilated.

The game is allowed to allow 8 people to be online, in other words, this game is the most allowed 4V4

The presence. This is also because the current computer is a good helplessness.

"Come again!"

Thomas is somewhat dissatisfied.

"I think we should submit this game to the evaluation team."

At this time, some people finally came out.

"One oh, ok."

After hearing this sentence, Thomas can only shrug.

However, he still looks like it.

"One is not as good, let's play two discs and take it?" Thomas scratched his head, then there was such a relationship.

"Well, this idea is good!"

Everyone should immediately attach and sink Mí to the game, but not just Thomas.

So everyone returned to myself, then opened "Electronic World Battle" and started playing.

Of course, although it is FPS, it will not let people faint huā, this is not bad.

Once you have shameful, then because the current computer is not enough.

I have to say that it is also necessary to "dizziness 3D", it is clear that Thomas can't take these costs.

People get information on the outside environment by auditory, visual, and touch. After long-term evolution, the various sensory organs of humans are highly coordinated. For example, there is an organ that is called a "petizer" in the inner ear, which is responsible for feeling the balance of the body, such as the human body's direction and acceleration. There is also a special view of the nerve in your eyes to feel the luck.

These is very sensitive, they transmit the fensed

The first person called the brain to create a "visual illusion" this seemingly "I saw" this feeling of "I see", so that my eyes will generate "I am running". The third person said that the shooting will not produce this feeling. Although people often do not pay attention to the characters you control, but people's eyes are not just to see your goals, people will not be owned by people's goals and the characters you control. Transition. In this way, your eyes will not generate the illusion of "".

So wanting to make people 3D, you must have the highest frequency of the current Capricorn, and then double the xìng, maybe there is possible.

But now, this is obviously unrealistic.

This pixel point is a general picture, wanting to be dizzy, and it is really difficult! .