Blooming America

The seventh hundred and sixty-seventh chapter of this fill ...

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Chapter 767 This fill ...


Put down the phone, Catherine is relaxed.

Just now, Old White has agreed with himself to move the plans and schedules of Alice Academy, so things in this area will be done.

In this case, Catherine has finally been able to save a certain time.

"Now I can finally be easy ..." Catherine buried the keyboard covering the fur, then comforted the face rolling keyboard.

The method of such a cool rolling keyboard is estimated that only Catherine can do it ...

Who will make yourself rolling keyboard comfortable, but specifically customize a fur keyboard?

"That plan gives Paguan water to complete it, I take a rest."

Catherine said that the report on loans and handed over to the Pentagon.

"what you up to?"

"Of course, the previous plan is complete."

Catherine lifted his head and lifted his head.

"I first wrote the transformers and up to the story outline and basic settings, and then let the dream factory give a script, just fine." Catherine laughed: "Well, atamp; T is not a remember that the group is in the group?" I have finished writing the outline. If they still ask us there, I will open the ADSL technology to them. "

Raising self-weight, Catherine is this one, you can't put atamp; t forced.

Although he uses propaganda's means to make the other party can't lift the first, it will do this, so Catherine feels that it is possible to open it, it is also good, anyway, how is the ADSL developed, now I want and fiber in now? If the network is pk, it is not enough.

The fiber is very strong, and you have not discussed it.

The Soviet Union now has the Internet, but they use traditional cables, more specific things, Catherine can't guess, but Catherine guess,

The number of the other party is also the technology that uses DSL, there may be technologies such as ADSL, but Catherine feels that there is even more likely to use 56K cats.

--56K cat, that is, the modem connected to the telephone line connection, because when the dial is dial, a sound similar to the cat is called, so it is called 56K cat, this 56K cat's largest network speed, that is, 56KB - is 7KB.

Catherine believes that although the Soviet Union has got the technology about the Internet, it seems unobsic that the other party can develop a powerful fiber network like Catherine.

However, it is also because of this reason, So Catherine's vigilance of the Soviet Union of the Soviet Union is greatly reduced. Regardless of whether they have a server, there is no difference from their own Internet agreements, which is not important because they can't threaten themselves.

First, the capacity of the fiber is very large, the fiber optic operating frequency is 8 ~ 9 orders of operation than the operating frequency used, so the capacity developed is large, in this point, the Soviets' Internet is to be eliminated.

Moreover, the attenuation of the Internet is small, Catherine's fiber decays per kilometer than that the communication coaxial cable is lowered per kilometer, and the Soviets of the coaxial cable will be used in the initial construction. Now, their maintenance is even more convenient to Catherine.

On the other side, the optical fiber is small, which is conducive to construction and transportation - to tell the truth, the Soviet Internet can build so fast, Catherine also admires, because the materials they use are non-ferrous metals - general communication cable There is no fiber optic fiber in the transportation and construction of non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead or aluminum.

Catherine believes that the Internet is no potential, because the coaxial cable wants to increase bandwidth, can only rely on the assumption of new lines, while Catherine's fiber, the expansion is convenient, such as a standard for a bandwidth of 2Mbps Fiber optic line, this is easy to upgrade to 4m, 10m, 20m, 100m or even G bandwidth.

In terms of maintenance, it is important that the interval between the fiber repeater is large, so the number of the entire channel repeater can be reduced, and the cost can be reduced, and the transmission quality is very good. The coaxial cable and twisted pair need to pick a repeater every few hundred meters. So if the Soviet Union has become too late, this network will bring huge amounts of burden to the Soviet, and when they can't say it.

So Catherine is now smiling for the "Wan Tower Plan" that I have written on the book. As long as the Soviet Union threatens yourself, Catherine does not mind let the other two years.

Soviet Union developed, for the United States, perhaps a bad thing, but from another aspect, for Catherine's capitalists, it is a good thing, because only this, Catherine can more stabilize the situation. .

- Of course, one of the premises is that the current Rockefeller and Morgan's for Catherine at that time, it has become a slight existence.

"Ah, just now I put the" up "and" Transformers "to get, after finished the script, I took the opportunity to complete the story before ......"

Catherine suddenly realized that he seems a lot of pit dug, if you do not fill it, do not know when to drag, simply taking advantage of this opportunity, one breath all done better, given time to well before Christmas ... ...

"It's the story about the magic. ... Well, the story between Nai Ye and Phi Tit."

"Oh, that is more magical than the current" Harry Potter "?"

Elsa thought of "Harry Potter", after all, speaking of "Harry Potter" this story is indeed very successful, Catherine avid reader too much, the story is now definitely already is a classic story of magic.

"That is the story that temporarily named" Magic War "."

Although the "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Lili Ka Lu" seems a good look, but unfortunately, Catherine felt by now, it seems a bit too naive.

Although the story is very good, no matter what to say, "Magic Girl Nai Ye" is aimed at the story, isn't it an adult market?

That is, the second and third part of the time, "Nanoha," the story of gradually undergoing change, but first ...... always possible to say, this part of the story, is to write an undead look Is it?

Catherine can't.

However, the only thing that makes Catherine feel very tangled is that the name of "Magic War" seems to be too ordinary.

How to say it has been in a Latin style name Well, what "mad tyrants pull cool *", but what "Guards xx" friends like this, this be considered a pull-style name thing.

Moreover, the protagonist used by Naiha, a girl, seems to be a little less suitable with "Magic War".

"No matter, write the story first, then want to know the name ..."

Catherine said this time this time.


"There is also" Alien "to shoot ..." Catherine has some headache, which seems to have a plan, it seems too much ......

At this time.

"Forget it ..." Alien "is handed over to Spilberg to shoot ..." Catherine decided to give this film to others to shoot.

Spielberg is very good at creating a horrible atmosphere. The future "big white shark" is a contemporary, and now in the Star War, Catherine is also popular with Schilberg.

Therefore, Catherine decided to give this to the other party to shoot, so it will be fine.

"Elsa, what else do I have forgotten?" Catherine asked.

"What is your point?" I asked Elsa.

"All." Catherine didn't want to drag this year to next year, now it is December. If you can solve it now, Catherine doesn't want to wait until you will get this again.

"That's more, we have a variety of plans now, but this is not possible for more than two years."

This is also.

Many things are not Catherine doesn't want to do it, but it is really because all limitations make people feel very headache.

Fed has a much advantage of SED, but if there is no carbon nanotube, fed is very difficult to find alternatives like SED, so so far, there is no Fed product, while Sed is very It is hoped to develop a colorful product.

For example, CPU, this is also a big head of Catherine. If you can, Catherine really wants to take out all the computers of Core I7 and the Toqiang E5 series to kill now.

But Catherine also knows that it is what you can't do now.

The earliest integrated circuit, even can be hand-made, collect the tube yourself, then set up, but in the future, that billions of transistors ... Hey, that is not a person to complete, involved Complex crafts, Catherine does not know, what is the simple to develop to the future?

To know, in the future Intel company, they don't even have the number of transistors in a chip to all the numbers ...

In this regard, if Catherine can be completed alone ...

She didn't have to call Catherine. Edson, directly changed the name of Catherine. Crawli ...

But unfortunately, this world does not have a frog face. No, let's talk, as long as you have a heart, find a look, it seems to be able to find it ...

"Slowly, a fill of a pit ..."

Catherine took the head.


Sany is more completed ~ haha, ticket, ......

C. .