Blooming America

Chapter 867 Continues

Full text No advertisement Chapter 867 Continued

Hanging a phone, Catherine is a bit calm. Full text No advertisement

Financial transaction tax, this is indeed a change.

But the entire world has happened many important changes at this time. At this time, Catherine is not too much.

World Financial Markets have high trading volumes, which can be less than 5% of the transactions related to goods and services, while the exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate differences are as high as 95%. This speculative behavior gives the country. Home budget, economic plan and resource allocation cause chaos.

"Tombin tax" helps reduce the vulnerability of exchange rates, weaken the financial market to country. Home. Government. The influence of the policy is conducive to the maintenance of the government in determining budget and monetary policy.

But Catherine did not dare to explain this and Soros, because this is entirely dry.

"Still pay attention to the things below ..."

Catherine is still unclear. This change will become one of the most important things in history. This matter changes, far more influence than Catherine analyzes ...


Time has gradually entered August.

Surprisingly, Zhong. The party did not refuse Caserine in the first time, but hoped that Catherine can hand over a "reasonable solution."

"We feel that this plan seems to have high feasibility, but we have to consider costs and other questions. So we need a more reasonable, better plan, rather than a short promise." Xue Siming said that Catherine said with Catherine. of.

"It's not a head promise, it is a contract. Our company has a good reputation, what is default, it is not within our considerations ..."

Catherine said this.

The other party did not refuse in the first time, which made Catherine saw hope.

"We want to know about wind power - the specific power that the windmill can make, and the stability of power generation."

"it is necessary.

"Catherine took the company's ready-made information.

Now Jinlong Energy has more than 30 wind turbines, which are those companies acquired by Catherine, which is nothing to do with Catherine.

And now this information is, just integrate these things, then come out.

"In fact, I think our cooperation plan can continue to be deep. The full text No advertising countryside can be generated, but it is not only wind power and photovoltaic, and can also be used, I think the diversified power generation model is more beneficial to us."

Catherine said a sentence, now Catherine can say that it is to be , hoping to carry out deeper exchanges with the other party.

"Biogas ... power generation ...?"

Xue Shiming is not understood.

However, Xue Siming also seems to be very careless to this matter, in fact, after heard of this, it also discussed.

But finally the "fees" of Catherine and "long-term cooperation" have played a decisive role.

So in the end, they still barely agreed to this program, but how to do it, I still need to sit down, and I have organized a group of experts at this time, it is estimated that I am going to get to the United States in the United States for a few days.

"Biogas power technology is a new technology integrating environmental protection and energy saving. It is a large amount of organic waste in industrial, agriculture or urban life - such as alcoholic fluid, poultry, urban garbage and sewage, etc. The biogas produced by anaerobic fermentation treatment, driving the biogas generator set, and can fully use the waste heat of the generator set for biogas production. This technology is especially suitable in China, so I think it can be used. "

When Catherine suddenly found in Jinlong Energy Company and the company studied the biogas, Catherine thought about this.


Xue Siming seems to be some.

Because he passed Catherine, the ability of the instinct This kind of biogas seems to be good, and there is no list of this windmill you have seen in his hand.

"And the waste of biogas can also be reused, such as what is fertilized,"

Catherine continued.

Although there is no reform and opening up, this time, Catherine is a little wanting to cooperate. If you can engage in cooperation at this time, the plan for your own transformation will undoubtedly become a great boost.


Catherine let Elsa give another information to them.

"This is information about biogas."

The technology of biogas is very easy, this is a lot of places that are ignored, but relative to wind power, the biogas is also available.

"Germany already has mature technology, where there is two biogas power stations - of course, I know that China needs such a large biogas power station, but a small biogas power station used by rural areas."

Germany has indeed a biogas power station, which is also the reason for the recommendation of Catherine such a chest. In fact, in 1980, Germany will built 25 boye power stations. Just then, because of the fall of oil prices, Germany did no longer be interested in this technology, and wait until the beginning of the 21st century, because oil prices have skyrocketed, they once again see biogas technology.

Of course, Catherine is not afraid that they suddenly work with the Germans, because when they ask the Germans, they will know how discounts in Catherine here, how favorable things!

"Using wind and biogas complementation, it can serve as a very important energy form of our future, in such a country in China, I think this technology is very necessary, the vast people need better Xiaowang life ... Well," Catherine suddenly thought that it seems that there is no well-off statement at this time, so she quickly shifted the topic.

"And we can provide experts in this cooperation - miscellaneous cards.

"We can also provide funds" - for future plans.

"If you don't worry, we can put our company in mainland China. My investment is there, as your 'hostage', how?" - Seeking not to come ...

Catherine's reason made Xue Siming very much, he turned over and the delegation talked about it, but he decided not to plan.

"I think this is no longer a person who can decide. Our experts will soon come here, so I think we can continue to talk."

"This is no problem, I am waiting for it."

Catherine also needs time to organize a perfect plan.

On the other hand, Xue Siming is also very fast in China again. This domestic interest is more interested in this plan, because the technical content of biogas seems to be relatively simple ...

During the country, experts have made experts argue.

Then, the other party has made two experts come over. At this time, the number of people throughout the negotiations has reached 15 people.

At this time, the negotiations started again.

"Miss Edson, Wind Power is an unstable energy, your US company, really abilities to solve this problem?"

At this time, it is no longer Xue Siming, but a man with black frame glasses, and he has a Henan accent.

"Wind energy is difficult to use for a long period of time, but small areas such as rural areas are just right, we also have national conditions."

Catherine greets himself with a sided Mandarin and the other party.

"And we can use biogas tanks, use biogas power generation, our technology will be very useful. The complementary biogas and wind power is very affordable. China has coal, China has oil, but from actual start, real things. Seeking, There are many places in China, and the cost of power generation is very high. The peasants have no electric lights in the evening. "

The opposite Li Mr. Li is a brow.

Real things. Ask, what is the meaning of this sentence is not the same, it is not the same ...

If you listen to each other, it seems that it is very understanding China ... What is going on?

Is it a spy?

No, there is a spy, why should you understand these information?

The other's plan seems to be unfavorable to China ... in fact, because this is greatly beneficial to China, even the general. It is very surprised by this matter, and this is the final because of the other party's decision, this is solved of.

But why should the other party have to offer China?

According to Xue Siming's investigation, this Catherine, Edson, is a completely big capital. This family, and still very unique. Cropped, and the "Option" strategy of the Ark Company has been adopted by some companies in the United States. A far-reaching thing.

"And no matter how it said, oil and coal, these resources are non-renewable resources, there will always be done one day, and that time, it is similar to the unhappy energy and biogas that don't use the exhaustible energy and biogas that can be recycled. Isn't it very good? "

Catherine's words make the other party meditation.

Then, these experts discussed it.

Catherine noticed that their discussion and the "brick home" of the Pentagon were really different. These people pay more attention to real things, from fundamental, seize the fundamental. However, this is not difficult to understand, the other party is the general. The experts who can go abroad will definitely have two brushes.

Finally, the other party still can't talk, and then began to grind.

After the other party left, Catherine suddenly laughed, and then said to Elsa: "Elsa, we are ready, we have to go to the fragrance."

"Xiang. Hong Kong? How suddenly I thought about it?"

"Of course, I will continue our negotiation ..."

Catherine broke his eyes.

This is still better to talk about the door.


I am wrong, I try to unnex on the upload, um, start from tomorrow.

Well, in order to compensate everyone, there is another!

! @

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