Blooming America

The 9104th chapter 30 years preliminary agreement

Full text No advertisement Chapter 904 39 Preliminary agreements

And China's negotiations, temporarily here, obviously, this negotiation may become a prosperous debate.

At the time, the other party probably knows that rare earths, but they don't pay attention to this future emerging product.

But because Catherine will not stay in China, they need a preliminary agreement.

China wants to export rare earths, this difficulty is not general, because they are the relationship between the red country, so they want to export rare earths, they will face various issues.

If there is any other resource, the problem is that this is rare earth resources, only the big developed country is only needed. Most of this product is used on high-tech products, so they are definitely necessary. high tech. The developed countries faced by China, most of them are hostile to them.

And the country like the United States, although it is friendly for China, but the United States is now a rare earth big country, but it is still a monopoly, so the United States is more impossible to help China.

Now China has not joined ...

No, even now there is no so-called, but a child in 1947 that is famous for GATT.

So this time, China wants to be involved in the international market, there must be an agent.

It seems that it is now this special era, China will use Xiang Port as an agent.

The prosperity of Xiang Hao is largely because of the blossoms of Xiang Kong as their agent in the blocked, so Catherine believes that if you go to be a bought ... ... the general agent, it is a Nice choice.

Catherine did not say to control the market, but because of the quantum fund of the financial hand, Catherine believes that he will not face too difficult when he faces competition.

When the US rare earth faces China's rare earth, the price will definitely decline ... Well, Catherine has decided. If it can, it is best to go to the Pentagon to flicker to stop the mine, it is best to import from China ... but Catherine It is not very hoping for this, but it is also a chance.

In Beijing, everyone is talking about business, and China is using their channels in Europe and the United States and other countries, after the relevant information on the rare earth industry.

The other party seems to have a bit of a person to Catherine.

The temptation of rare earths is indeed, the current price is $ 100, this is a $ 100 in the 70s!

Chinese people have been fooled by Catherine. (Full-text e-book free download)

Next, everyone is arranged, then sitting together, discussing related matters.

In this regard, China is purely new, so when they face negotiations, most of them are listening to Catherine, although they have not allowed a bunch of experts like last time, Catherine is already inquiry. The relevant information, so Catherine's question in China, can be said to be aware, nothing.

Finally, the other party said that there is still a period of assessment, this is no way, Catherine can only choose to continue negotiations when these people will continue, and now the two sides are discussing specific matters.

During this time, China did not have a small action. When they asked about rare earths, they also found people who may need rare earth resources, and then asked if China had cheap rare earths, they would not buy ... Of course, they asked on side by side by various means.

But their results make them very embarrassed.

Some of the old people of the Chinese have no opinions, but these people do not need rare earths, or they are very demand, and more people, doubt whether China has the ability to purify and process rare earths. People who are interested in this ... very little.

Although they found someone who is interested in this, the other person tells them that if it is from China, the last is twenty-ten dollars, because the technology is definitely not good, so the product also needs secondary processing. This has led to an increase in their products ...

To say that the ability to process rare earths, China is not, this reason is actually very simple. It is a lot of things. With the previous technical accumulation, although there is no way to make mining as the United States, because China can play people The advantages of multiple power, so it is definitely considerable.

But Catherine looks like this, but it does not mean that others look. Westerners' traditional views of the Chinese are doubts that they always think that the other party does not make anything.

This is the case now, it is the case in the future.

When China has achieved success, they first heard it never praise from the Western world, but questioned.

Such a double standard is a deep-rooted view for Westerners, so I want them to change, not a simple thing. Catherine has no pressure, standing in the third party, China has a very huge backward advantage, and the other party can accumulate a lot of technologies in the short term, which is also proven by the facts, the future three Ten years, China has completed the ultra-transcendent development of the Western world for one hundred years, which is a certification.

Based on the preliminary agreement between the two sides, Catherine can be responsible for the agent, she will be able to get the rare earth she needs with the cost price, which means that Catherine can "walk the back door".

Nowadays, rare earths are also qualified. Although China also has rare earths, it is difficult to have a high-quality purified product with the same conditions as the United States, so Catherine can give them opinions.

If Catherine's request is in the United States, it will definitely be spray.

Cost price? Go to play!

But in China, for the Chinese, this concept is not acceptable, and those they can find, that is, Catherine, change others, their rare earths are not worth money.

According to the final agreement, the profit requires the four-four profits of June 4th, Catherine.

Perhaps these Chinese still don't know, Catherine is now a giant of rare earth resource consumption. Although she can only take 40%, because this so-called "cost" is almost equal to it, in other words, Catherine accounting Big cheap - is simply white!

China's so-called costs, in their own, may be very high, but in Catherine's view, this money is nothing, this is like Mena in the past few days, listening to them Such a luxurious life is laughing as long as each person is 25 US dollars, the Chinese and American money views are simply a quantity level!

In the face of such huge amount of property, the Chinese still did not react.

... How did this soil really money?

How can we have such a baby, I still don't know it?

I keep such treasures, but I can't sell it.

Their doubts still need to be able to solve it, but Catherine is not in a hurry, such a business, can sit down and talk slowly, as long as you can talk about achievements. Look at China's look, Catherine has already had a seating.

The rest, just let Catherine persuaded the Pentagon, you can do it, now you don't have a big head now, in front of Catherine, the role of a triple cat.

As long as you can fool the Pentagon to give the 21st century plan in advance, a lot of mines are sealed, which is OK.

If you can't get it ... then you can only rely on Catherine's own and quantum funds.

China's ore cost is very low, so Catherine can make a killer - pour.

How is China's manufacturing industry in the 21st century?

Very simple: pour. Pin.

Made-in-NA product price is lower than the cost price of Made-in-USA, and they have no way to continue, and when they arrive, they can be monopoly.

However, this matter is probably the next time, Catherine can talk to the other party.

In fact, for the Chinese, now the price is 1 kg, they may laugh, so Catherine believes that when I negotiated the next time, I will take this condition and should be it.

Now in 1974, Catherine fell to get a proxy right in 1976, and China really started to produce rare earths, I am afraid that they have to be around 1978, the two sides signed a thirty contract, here Just get it.

Catherine felt that thirty years should be a limit. If the time, China has already had enough autonomy, and Catherine's buying office will definitely be seen by the other party. When they come to the eyes, they will be tearful. And about three decades, China is developing, and his contract is just due, the Chinese see Catherine make money, will definitely feel eye, but think about it, I have been in a few years. They will not come to Catherine's trouble. Why do you have to destroy your own good image for a few years of profits?

For Catherine, the profits of 30 years have also been earned.

If you are in your thirty years, you can rely on rare earth as your own source of your own industry, I am afraid that Catherine will despise themselves.

After talking about the business, others are still almost the same, so the last people have left the capital, and then they pass through the Yellow River all the way, and they have a cool, and then take the cold, and finally passed through. The border has arrived in Xiang Port. The Chinese tour of this road is over ...


Guangling is wide ...

Just call, potholes ...

Today is the first, there is still four more ~

~ ~

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