Blooming America

Chapter 907, Luo Circle, School Uniforms and Disappeared

Chapter 907 Luo Tuǐ, uniforms and disappeared fat times

If everyone turns into a house, Catherine must feel good. "Domain name, please know"

But the problem is coming, there are many otaku in Japan that have a dead house to be Xìng. In other words, these people are definitely unsuitable for Catherine.

Catherine needs an otaku, but Catherine does not need such a dead house.

They are not produced, so they have money to buy their own things at all!

Of course, sitting at home writing novels, except for the comics, but most people are reading novels and watching comics. Catherine does not have a way to count on each person to write novels and painting comics.

It can't form a chain of interest, then your own plan is not implemented in the first step, because your plan is from the beginning, it is no longer possible.

This is the most painful existence of Catherine.

With a warm, there is no way to create a miracle, the miracle must have a guarantee of reality.

"You can't put these people to work ..."

Catherine launched Sāo.

"Still China is good, the otaku has a dream ..."

To put it in China, the otaku is also a middle xìng term, sometimes it is said that the commendation is no objection, but in Japan, the otaku is in a small range, more times, it is being When derogatory is used.

So at this time, Catherine must first modify the Japanese otaku genus.

(This product must have a modifier can be ...)

Catherine vomiting.

But ... not necessarily ...

Catherine suddenly thought that the otaku in the modern sense, they were more than just otaku, but more kinds of herbs men.

These people did not pursue, born in Japan "lost ten years".

But now, Catherine found that this is very different.

Equally, the stone is cautious.

The other party has the enthusiasm of the cavity, dare to act, dare to create, dare to show yourself and your own philosophy, hot pillow for people ... These are different from the group of waste woods in the 21st century.

So Catherine feels that if it is these people, may I generate what wonderful chemical change ...?

Maybe it is like this.

Catherine feels that his plan is also tǐng has a feasible xìng ~

If you have any questions, correct it in time, isn't this?


At this time, Elsa came in.

"What happened, Elisa?"

Catherine listened to the other party's constant , asked.

"No ... just feel like there is an uncoordinated feel since it comes to Japan. It is also like this last time ... It's so strange, I really don't know why ..."

Elsa is embarrassed.

"Strange? What is it strange?"

Catherine looked outside and didn't think it was strange.

Catherine now lives in the Tokyo Imperial Hotel, which is very close to the bustling Ginza. It is also very simple.

So this is a lot of pedestrians outside the street. Catherine looked at these ordinary Japanese men's NV, and didn't think there was any strange place to exist.

Perhaps it is also a bit different from history, Japan has passed Rǔ rubber costumes in the past, so now the street can see a lot of clothes and Rǔ-collaboratory clothes, but these are not enough to make Catherine feel "no coordination".

"Ah ..."

It is preparing to catch NòNG Elsa, and Catherine also found some uncoordinated places.

"Is this a god horse?"

Catherine said.


"I feel that the number of Luo Yu is less?"

Last time I came over to Japan, I like to see a lot of Lu Luǐ, but now ... I don't say I can't see Luǐ, just feel like the Japanese walking posture ... Well, how to become Not so Luo circle?

Is this the situation of God?

"What is this?"

Catherine said, and Elsa came to the window. After hearing Catherine, she obviously suddenly realized: "It turns out that the quantity of Luo Tuǐ is less!"

"... I seem to understand ..."

Catherine saw a banner advertisement opposite the same, it seems to understand what is going on.


"I understand the financial report of the angel clothing. They have always been big in Japan's business!"

Catherine said this, then she pointed to the opposite banner.

This advertisement is an advertisement for the adjustment of the angel costume.

"But I remember that Lisa seems to have been there, 90% of Japan is NVXìNG products ..."

"Male xìng must also have ..." Catherine shrugged: "The Japanese people in the past are one, everyone is Lu Luǐ, so no one cares. But with the development of society, they realize that they have different, After World War II, Japan has developed from the lowest valley to the present situation, they will definitely in the interests. At this time, our adjustment of the underwear is born, this is definitely a very bright to the Japanese. What is your eyes? So they are definitely looking forward to it ~ "

Catherine blinked his eyes.

But the fact is similar.

Because Catherine and Lisa's Hu is engaged in, the Japanese school has spread to adjust the intensive school uniform. Such a school uniform is very effective for the Japanese, just like "a pound a kg nǎi every day", let the Japanese look bright.

Such adjustment of the clothes in the image can be effectively improved in the back of the Japanese, and each person wearing the school uniforms walking on the road. It seems that it is an omen.

Because of this, those people naturally noticed the magical effect of this magical product. Although for adults, such product effects are not obvious, but they find that when they are going on the road ... Hey, our Luo circle Tuǐ really can't see it!

So these people like this product, and because of the patent relationship, only the angel clothing design company is producing such products, so of course, it is welcome to have a very popular Japanese people ...

And this has also become the existence of today's Irissence.

It is important here to be more important in Japan. The Ginza is a famous commercial street, and there are also a lot of office buildings here, and those who come here, 80% are noted, so they are definitely interested in such products. ......

Japanese traditional habits are double knees, they are called "official seat." The previous Japanese people have to eat, chat, and relatives have a seat. Although it is less, it is still to be a seat. This kind of habits have led their tuǐ to have a variety of Máo disease.

Another is that the Japanese elders don't help the children take care of the habit of the next generation. Even if the help is just to the baby full moon, most Japanese mothers have not to go to work, but a person will bring so many children will definitely There is a shortcut childcare method: That is a kangaroo strap and a cart.

Japanese children were behind the kangaroo straps in a few months, and the back is a few hours, two tuǐ is open to the two sides, which will definitely affect the development of Tuǐ, the formation of Lu Tuǐ at this time.

And Japanese moms are obedient, three, four-year-old children in order to make Mén, and even five, six-year-old children are still sitting in the cart.

In addition, the Japanese very love to use paper àokù, the child is three, four years old, this is also the reason for tuǐ, but the mother is so hard, but the child's development is not compliment.

To put it up, Catherine is the product of the drums, it can really use a coward savior ... no, it is a Japanese savior to describe ...

"I must have NV male, otherwise how to make money, do you use the same? It is impossible, it is impossible ~" Catherine said.

"Is me more?" Elsa said.

"Of course ... oh, the next formation Let Paggong water come to Carter to arrange it, after staying in Tokyo, I am going to see the little girl in Yama Bahui."


Elsa nodded.

(Uh ... I don't know how the sailor is ...)

At this time, Catherine suddenly thought of this, then the cold sweat flowed down.

Now adjust the school service, then there is always the existence of Japan, and the absolute germination is superior, will it disappear because of such uniforms?

No way?

Is it a big giant of the house? !

When I think of this, Catherine has a feeling that I don't know how to describe it.

Looking at time, it seems that when the Japanese school is going to get out of class, Catherine left I thought about it, or I decided to see it.

"Elsa, you are calling Paggawang ... No, you go to Carter, I am going to Japan's school to see ..."

Catherine decided to take a look.

"it is good……"

Elsa glanced at Catherine and shrugged and hopped.

Soon, Carterne swayed Dàng in the school with water clothes.

Sure enough, the other party quickly under get out of class, three three two students came out from the school, and at this time, Catherine was a breath.

Fortunately, it seems that the sailors have not lost from Japan's school, they can smile ...

Oh, wrong ...

As if to respond to Catherine's suspicion, a wind blows, NV children's skirts have fly, then Catherine's mouth chōu twinkled.

One is a black sè tight kù.

Fatal? ! Fatal? !

The flying sailor skirt is just a tight kù, this is not scientific!

"The body should be adjusted in the underwear." Elsa thoughtfully understood. Then she was strange to see what it was unacceptable Catherine, I felt some strange.

"Those who hold small tuǐ and black kù socks should be long, you can correct tuǐ post ..."

"Let's go back ..."

Catherine shook his head.

I don't know if I am doing it. I have disappeared with the fat.

(Well, I am doing contribution, in order to maintain social power! For harmony! In order to build new wind!)

Catherine said in his heart in his heart.

"Forget it, there is no time ..."


Fourth ~

Hey ~ Don't go away, there is another ~

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