Blooming America

Chapter 909 These things

Li Xiaolong wants to do, Mr. Li is almost understandable.

He is not just just to Taiji.

But to ... Li Xiaolong's way!


At this time, Li Jingwu looked at Li Xiaolong, in the heart, but it flashed countless thoughts.

During the process of practicing Taijiquan, different Master's views of the routine are different.

Some Master emphasized the original set of original to maintain Master, thinking that the fist is fully explored by a multi-generation boxer. Its scientific, effectiveness is verified by history, and the arbitrary changes may cause the loss of boxing. Sample.

Some masters don't emphasize the original taste of the fist, think that everyone is physically, the level of cognition is different, and the fist is impossible. It is considered that more important is the core mechanism of each fist. Why do you want this? Practice, emphasizing the core requirements of this mechanism.

But Li Xiaolong, very clearly surpassed such a realm.

Now Li Xiaolong pursues the principle of the more core, and this may be not so important.

Just like "Dai's Heart" said: Shape will turn, feel the heart, the heart is moving, the god is moving, can not pursue the so-called fixed movement, practice all kinds of boxing posture, just practice all kinds of different positions A force.

Li Xiaolong has also said that it takes off all flower shelves, the simplest and most practical. When this sentence is said, he is already a year of cultivators, and the actual experience is also very rich - of course, this is not what beginners can imitate.

And Li Xiaolong deeper deeper purpose is to be one.

Catherine wanted to build a "essence of all kinds of martial arts" that can integrate all fighting skills.

therefore. Catherine also funded Li Xiaolong's great fund.

Li Xiaolong's mind is also wide.

Not only just Chinese martial arts, but also Thai boxing, Taekwondo, a breath, karate, etc., Li Xiaolong wants to see it, then understand the spirit. It is also used as yourself.

Trunk, the three words already include the height summary of Li Xiaolong's martial arts, and it is prevention, the punch is attack, and the core of martial art is to attack and defense. The defense is also an attack, this is very important!

The reason why chooses China at the beginning, choose Tai Chi,

It is because the Taiji push hands is a typical "attack and defense", and the two are time to go. Highly sensitive, pay attention to without nothing, attack, defense is not good. While people are defensive, it is the best time to find your weakness, so the master will not feel unpredictable. Because the defense is also an attack, because Wang Zongyue "Tai Chi Boxing" does not know me. I am aware.

The enemy is not moved, I don't move; enemy movement, I move first; no matter what form, only practice and use the body's limbs. Unfained in the boxing set of the dead plate.

Li Xiaolong wants to pick up hundreds of people, not for the trick.

Instead, for the "Tao" inside. For the philosophies contained in this, a wider understanding.

Tao life, a life of the second, two students, three thousand things, everything is returned.

Well ... Like Miss Edson also said what "One is full. All is a" one, Li Xiaolong believes this truth is very in line with your boxing.

The truth, the philosophy, perhaps only a simple order, but this is the truth, but it is also a deep truth.

Well, Li Xiaolong absolutely didn't know, Catherine told him that it was the shameful copy of Catherine ...


At this time, there is no well-known Catherine, but it is also playing your own abacus.

What is the swollen swollen?

This is a very perfect idea!

Catherine suddenly found that he seems to have a potential of people.

Hawk, is a scientist who is more familiar with Catherine. If it is the other party, can it help yourself?

Stephen. William Hawk, born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford in England. Graduated from Oxford University Meteorology and won a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Cambridge.

He was unfortunately suffered from the age of 21, which would make the muscles shrinking, which was muscle atrophic side, and this condition was cured in the hive laboratory - so it was imprisoned in a wheelchair. Only three fingers can be active.

Ten years later, in 1985, due to pneumonia, we were completely deprived of the ability, speech and question and answer can only be done by speech synthesizer.

Three years ago, that is, in 1972, he examined the quantum effect near the black hole. It was found that the black hole would empty like a black body. The temperature of the radiation and the quality of the black hole were inversely compared, so that the black hole will slowly become smaller because of radiation, and temperature But the more it is, the higher, finally ended with an explosion. The discovery of black hole radiation has extremely basic, which will be uniformly unified, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

After 1974, his research turned to quantum gravity. Although people have not yet received a successful theory, some of its features have been discovered.

For example, the space-time is not flat at the Plank scale, but is in a state of a powder. There is no pure state in quantum gravity, and the causality is destroyed, thus making unknown from classical statistics, quantum statistics, physics, to the third level of quantum gravity.

Hey ... What is the quantum mechanics, Catherine is completely LD.

For Catherine, what is the quantum mechanics, it seems to be the kind of "I don't understand, but it looks great". "

At this time, Catherine has begun to count.

Since 1970, Hawk is sitting on a wheelchair and has become a "gradually frozen man" Hawkin. At this time, it is already gradually entering the tragic fate.

However, Catherine can save each other.

At this time, Hawko is already a big scientist, the other person's popularity is very high, and if there is no accident, the other party's discovery will allow him to get the 1988 Nobel Award.

Perhaps Hawko will not bring actual benefits to yourself, but in other aspects, the other party can bring yourself, but it is a prestige of imagination.

Try to think about it, if you even have a big energy like Hawk, it will start to serve yourself, and stayed in the school district. For the school district, will it have much effect?

At that time, there must be more big scientists who come here, those who have contributed superior to history, will appear in their school district in the future!

Catherine is very excited. This kind of thing means that there is countless benefits in the future!

Think of it!

Catherine immediately let Paguanwei to explore the current situation of Hawkin, and Catherine has also begun to prepare for the words, ready to pull the other party.


"Carbon nanotube?"

Jenny is interesting to see these information.

Carbon nanotubes have typical layered hollow structural features, and there is a certain angular carbon nanotube between the layer sheets constituting the carbon nanotubes, and most of them are composed of a five-sided cross section.

The body consists of a hexagonal carbon ring microstructure unit, and the end cap portion is composed of a pentagonal carb ring, or is called a multilateral cone multi-wall structure. It is a one-dimensional quantum material having a special structure (radial dimension is nano-magnitude, axial dimension is a micron level, and the tube is substantially sealing).

It is mainly composed of a carbon atom that is arranged in a hexagonal shape to dotum coaxial tubes. The layer is maintained between the layer and the layer, about 0.34 nm, and the diameter is generally 2 to 20 nm.

In Jenny's eyes, this is definitely a material that cannot be synthesized by human itself.

So you must provide additional permit.

"So, is the material that Kate's more protein can make this material?"

The repair protein is iron to do this material.

But ... more protein?

"Moreover, will carbon nanotubes do not toxic to cells?"

Jenny is preparing to take Ruibeika to do experiment. Although Ruibeika has now had a complete different identity and personality before, but still can't escape the fate of the human body test.

People know that asbestos is harmful to the human body, and the long fibers can pierce cells like arrows. However, scientists have not understood why cells are interested in asbestos fibers and other nanoscale materials, which are too long for cells, and they cannot be swallowed throughout.

However, when I did experiment to Ruibeika, Jenny learned this fact: When the carbon nanotube tip is close to the cell, the cell will generate "misunderstanding", thinking that it is just a small round without knowing it is a cylinder, wait aware of it. When the ball is "too long", it is too late to swallow up.

The nanotubes are stably rotated to a near-vertical angle to adapt to the entry so that their tips are completely surrounded.

Asbestos fibers and carbon nanotubes have a circular pointed, a diameter between 10 nm to 100 nanometers, which is in the range of cell processing. There is a receptor protein on the cell to accumulate and bend the cell membrane wall, which enables the cell curling to cover the nanotube tip, reversely adjust the nanotube angle, so that the nanotube tip can be entered at 90 degrees, thereby reducing the energy required for cell phagocytic microparticles. This behavior is called "cutting-edge recognition".

Now, when the carbon nanotubes have encountered such a situation, there is a strange phenomenon.

Thereafter, Jenny joined the more protein and started two rounds of testing.

This time, Uu reads the book or the same.

However, it is inserted in the cell. After it entered, the more protein started to act, because the ball "too long", so the change of the cell movement and corrosion cell surface, let the cells are separated from carbon nanotubes, then Fixed cells.

"It's really not a" kinder "material ..."

Jenni mysterious.

The carbon nanotube is poisoned, and Jenny has left a heart.

This thing can be so perfect without Catherine ...


Didn't the cliff Leuma will be swollen?


I have to endure my stomach pain.

There are double tickets now, ask a ticket to support ~ (untrained continued)