Blooming America

What is the first thousand and thirty-one chapters to COS1 ...?

Close New York 42 Street?

The New Yorkers discussed the most in the past May. (1_1)

In many people, the streets 42 are blocked, which is simply a catastrophic event!

Some newspapers are already laughing at this time: the jokes brought by the computer, ridiculous rational hypothesis ...

Wait, these reports are different.

But some people think that this is really likely to happen!

The example of Catherine is too image. After hearing the example of Catherine, many people have begun to think.

For Catherine, the whole May, the most excited, is another thing. That is "Death Fantasy" will be released next month.

Although the "Police Story" of Chenglong's big brother was again knocked by Catherine, this did not affect Catherine here.

In the hive laboratory, with the perfect limb function, the next step of the people began.

- Organ chip.

"Organ Chip" is not the simulator that utilizes silicon electronic chips to simulate the human organs, but a biological chip containing true human ** cells.

"Pulmonary chip", "heart chip", and "intestinal core", etc., these can be available.

Mechanization and electronics means that the control of the people will be more simple. The more close to the human body, the more difficult it will be more difficult.

Because Catherine does not need to avoid ethics, it is possible to develop life science and engage in human research with super speed, but the human body is not so easy to control.

The human research itself is very related to ethical moral issues, but here in Catherine. There is no such limit, the study of the human body. It is possible to carry out the speed of incredibility.

At this time, the human body itself has studied. It is no longer able to measure the level of the 21st century.

The specific can develop to something. Catherine is not clear.

In the research and development of "intestinal core". Jenny implants a layer of human body intestinal cells into a small flexible porous film, and then attaches the film to the chip wall, using a small air pump impact,

The film can extend and shrink like a real human intestinal peristalist. Thus, the "intestinal chip" is extremely close to the real human intestines, and its surface can even allow bacteria growth.

The "lung chip" manufactured. Jenny and researchers were implanted in the top of the chip, and a film was added to the middle, and the human capillary cells were added at the bottom. * 1 * 1 * The air pump is used to pass the air from the top of the chip, and the "human blood" at the bottom of the chip will begin to flow. Also telescopic like a real human lung.

It has a more study, all research. It has become an unusual simple, which is by no means a problem that later can be easily solved, but relying on Catherine's gene.

Combined microfluidic technology and silicon chip technology, it has greatly accelerated the analysis process of biological system.

If it is not because the current chip technology is not cleared, this study can be more deeper.

"This is artificial ... intestines?"

When Catherine saw the "one", she really didn't know how to describe this and the same thing.

In the impression, in the mind of Catherine, there is such a technology, but the blessing of Torkeen, in this world, it can also be such a technological technology.

"Yes, but there is a little regret, Kate - it can't really absorb energy, and cannot be a bio battery of the human body, just simple simulation, why nothing is the same."

Jenny's face regret.

In her opinion, this product is failed.

"Reassured, continue to study, will definitely have breakthroughs."

Catherine said with a smile.

"Of course, I am very confident in this point."

Jenny also laughed.

"And in terms of drug testing, the advantage of 'organ chip' is also obvious, this technology is not only available for us: they can simulate real human tests, while transparent chips can make observations It is very easy. When the researchers need to test a drug, it is only necessary to add the compound containing the compound to the chip, and then observe the intestinal cells in the chip or the heart, and the lung cells can be reacted; people can also use the 'organ chip 'Test the absorption speed of drugs or food, or the role of probiotics to human organs ... "

"In my thoughts, if you can use the human cells to use machinery, this is perfect, but unfortunately, this seems to be a nearly impossible thing, just lighted me ... difficult to do ..."

Jenny's words are not so good.

"This is no happiness, we have a chance, we still have time."

Catherine is comforting each other.

"Say, how to study hematopoietic stem cells."

For this hematopoietic stem cell, Catherine has still endured a while to draw blood, in fact, there is nothing, it is similar to free blood donation.

"Well, at least so far, the cells still show Mars. However, some differences I expected, these hematopoietic stem cells did not make a large amount of more protein, but the same work as the real hematopoietic stem cell, and only survived the human environment Under the conditions, it will still be problematic. "

It seems that this is not so simple, you can get it.

"Oh ... I really don't know, I should make what I like it ~"

At this time, Catherine is already turning it.

She can't restrain this wonderful thinking in her own head.

"Oh ... is right, Kate, and hive laboratory require some new equipment."

Jenny suddenly said this.

"new device?"

The hive laboratory is definitely equipped with the most advanced technology in the world. All of them are the most advanced products in the 1970s, but in this way, Jenny actually said that new equipment is needed?

why is that?

"I need a nuclear magnetic resonance device."

Nuclear magnetic resonance () is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology. It is another major progress in medical imaging in CT after CT. Since the application of the 80s, it has developed with a very fast speed. Basic principle: It is to place the human body in a special magnetic field, and the hydrogen radio range is used to cause the hydrogen nucleus of the hydrogen atom, causing the hydrogen atom core to resonate, and absorb energy. After stopping the radio frequency pulse, the hydrogen atom nuclear signals transmits a radio signal at a particular frequency, and the absorbed energy is released, and the receptacle outside the body is included, and the image is obtained by the electronic computer, which is called a nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Nuclear magnetic resonance is a physical phenomenon, as an analytical means widely used in physical and chemical organisms, and it is used in medical clinical testing in 1973. In order to avoid confusion with nuclear medicine, it is called a nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MR).

However, that is in the original history.

In now, the nuclear magnetic resonance technology has not been fully applied, then the development history of Catherine, the nuclear magnetic resonance technology has also been broken. With the help of the supercomputer, the nuclear magnetic resonance technology has improved many.

Hydrogen is the preferred nuclear species of human body imaging: the human body contains a large amount of water and hydrocarbon, so the hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance is high and the signal is strong. This is the reason for people prefer the hydrogen nucleus as a human imaging element. The NMR signal strength is related to the hydrogen density in the sample. The aqueous ratio between the various tissues in the human body is different, that is, the NMR signal strength is different, and the difference is used as a feature amount, and various tissue is separated. This is the nuclear magnetic resonance image of hydrogen density. Between the different tissues of the human body, the difference in hydrogenuclear density, relaxation time t1, T2 between the diseases in the tissue, is the most important physical foundation for clinical diagnosis.

When a radio frequency pulse signal is applied, the hydrogen energy state changes, and after radio frequency, the hydrogen core returns to the initial energy state, and the electromagnetic wave generated by the resonance is emitted. The microcarbon vibration can be accurately detected that further computer processing may obtain a three-dimensional image consisting of a reaction tissue chemical structure, and we can obtain information including moisture differences and water molecules in the tissue. In this way, the pathological changes can be recorded.

The weight of the human body 23 is moisture, so high proportion is the basis of magnetic resonance imaging technology to be widely used in medical diagnosis. The moisture in the human body and the tissue is not the same, and the pathological process of many diseases can cause changes in moisture morphology, which can be reacted by a magnetic resonance image.

"I will apply nuclear magnetic resonance technology to the brain, which is the most important, or otherwise the control system can be made, we have a jealousy, that is just a kind."


It is completely different from Catherine!


"Yes, use a nuclear magnetic resonance scan to analyze the brain of the human body during activities. So I need this technology."



"Oh, ok."

Catherine found that he seems to be a bit out of date. Sure enough, professional issues are to solve their professionals.

"In the next experiment, I will first make the appearance of the experiment, this is completely no problem, through the news number, we have been able to make the arm like the human body ... As long as there is a stable control system, this Technology will be very mature. "

"Say ... Kate, what do you want a new body?"

"How is the new body?"

Catherine looked at the ceiling to think.

"Well, height 167 cm, three fence, 92, 60, 88, um, the face of the oriental, just, the new body is done, I will go to China to see ..."

Ah, why, how do you think of this data?

It seems ... Is it a Tii's body?

S Take the Ti Different?


Today is five!

Well, first, first!

Xiao Hui Tou ~ (untrained ..)