Blooming America

Chapter 1,777 US President - Reagan

When the gun sounded, the whole world changed.

- By unhappy Catherine.


Tianlang Qing, Ford president in the hotel's suites I have organized my own meter.

Soon, Ford will meet with Ren.

The President has been downstairs, and he asked the staff.

The president has a little low-key, and he has no obvious B wall around him, because you have to see the vice president, Ford does not plan to let everyone know that this thing needs to be low.

The president is low-key ready to leave.

Wearing a white dress mixed in the crowd.

When she saw the president, she seems to be a bit surprised, she walked in the past.

The plan was disrupted, but the girl didn't panic.

Because ... this is the opportunity!

This is your own opportunity!

She is a little shaking, it seems excited, it seems to be scared, but this does not affect her action.

The girl put his hand into his own windbreaker, because it was in winter, no one was strange to the act of a girl.

The president is low-key, and it is about to enter the car.

The girl took a legs, she suddenly rushed over!

"Ford! The last day of !"

At this moment.


Three rifle sounds, Ford should fall.

I heard the gun, the surrounding police officers came over, the driver also came down from the car, and the girl has also been uniform.

But everything is late.

The President's eyes have lost the focal length ...


Ford President

Three shots in the body, died on the spot!

When Catherine puts down the phone, she is still a bit difficult to accept this fact.

- Catherine didn't understand, in history, Ford has been assassinated twice in a row, the time interval is happening ... 17 days!

But the Ford in this era seems to have no such luck.

He is dead.

The first two days I have also seen a living US president, this time has become an undead.

"The world is impermanent ... I should say this ..."

Catherine covered his face.

"Kate. Then we prepare our previous ...?"

Elsa asked Catherine's arrangements.

"Continue. In the case of the liaison, the President is now born, it is inevitable to go to the root ... Next, we rely on him."

Reagan is also a generation of energy, Ford is assassinated, this time you are preparing to Ford, you can also give it to the Root.

"What is this?"

Catherine does not understand the history of history, this time the facts of Ford can only accept helplessness.

Let Catherine feel a little uncomfortable. It is Ford's all over the history, but now Ford is shot.

Who is it?

Catherine could not help but propose a question.

This time it is said that the murderer is also a woman, why will Mann family think of assassination Ford?

This unscientific!

If the exclusion is such a trip. In addition to the cause of people, Catherine is analyzed the murderer.

First It is possible to Rena.

If you buy a murder, if you are successful, it will put a new president, it is not impossible. Moreover, there is enough murder motivation, and the root has not dealt with Ford, and he can say that it is one of the most unfair failures - it seems like history.

In various senses, between Ragan and the culprit, it must be closest.

"But why is Ford to support B?"

Catherine is not unbelieving.

Soon, Catherine also got a message from B. Catherine got a further clue of facts.

It turns out that Ford is preparing to see the root separately, and show your sincerity, but finally encountered unfortunate ...

"This is a trouble ..."

Catherine shook his head.

That woman is just an ordinary person. If it is not because there is no wall next to it, Ford will not have such a thing!

Heaven, I can live, I am self-employed. Not live!

Catherine has been very believed in this sentence.

"The dead is already, we still look at how to deal with Ragan ..."

Catherine kept head.

"Do you need more detailed information?" Elsa asked.

"Well ... What information is, give me a look."

Catherine nodded.

Regardless of how Catherine is in the same time in the United States, in this period, it is necessary to investigate the root in this period. It is definitely more than those of the later world. Although the later information is summarized, it is just a summary. They are not clear about the real development of things.


The new US president, this is a staple on the plate.

"Different Ragan and Ford, Raggang should be a more primary, more charm, and more powerful president."

Catherine looked at the information of Hollywood before, and after the government's information, this Hollywood movie star became the president of the United States.

Whether it is the original world, or this world, Ragan is now the president.

"This person, we are hard to deceive the ford, because this guy has its own, deeper point of view ... but we can affect him."

Catherine will not forget, in history, the United States has made a big flicker plan of a Star War, this is the Ragang.

Of course, in this era of Catherine, the Star Wars has been there for a long time, and it seems that the Americans seem to have used this plan to give them their own themselves ... Well, Catherine is not a little as the behind-the-scenes black hand ...

When I talk about Ren, I have to say Dualitagism.

In history, the United States has provided hundreds of American advanced weapons to Angola in the first half of 1986, and the Angolan of Anglai and Afghanistan-poisonous missiles have been used to use the US ** to fight in Libya. The initial implementation of Raganism.

No, now there is a poisoning missile ... Because Catherine's intervention, the development of computers is more rapid, intelligent, so that the poisonous missile has been born.

This is not the focus, the focus is Rago.

Inside the last world. Since its day, the Reagan government has a schedule for taught the third world. Although the East and West is the theme of the Raggang, in a fierce way, most officials of the new Washington government, the opposition of the South and South conflict and the East and West are as important as the Estik and the Soviet Union. The World Bank's McNa Marase liberals and the McGo Wenzi people in the US State Council are the same.

- Well, Raganism also criticized the South between the South ...

Great winning Ragan philosophy and gestures enclose the traditional Chinese ideological tradition, but its core ideology is closely related to the Republican Midwest and Western factions.

Specifically, ≤ two points: must, oppose the communist.

For the Rangers, the Great Government's open-migrant. The main tradition, social welfare, and the support of the labor, the personalist freedom and free market with the US grades are mutually contracted, and represent a socialism that secretly touches. at the same time. They think that the people. The enclosure policy made by the main party is a kind of appeasement of international **. It gives up the struggle of liberating people under the ** rule; the Republican Eastern Kaizhong people Cooperating to "new political" and blocking policies, no longer actually represent the sound of the Orthodox Party.

Well, because Catherine is also a Republican supporter, so Catherine is also aware of the Republican's claim.

To put it, Catherine's choice of Republicans, is also because of the Republican Civiles. The main party is more "true". The Republican also said that it is "I want to pit". And the people. The main party is to say "I want to be good" and continue the pit.

The two sides are essentially the same ▲, don't linger, one is a true villain, one is a hypocrity of the sword.

"Well, our things about China have to move, now it is time, just right."

Catherine suddenly said this.


Elsa does not understand why Catherine will pull China.

And in accordance with the attitude before Ren, Elsa is even more.

After all, it was before. Reagan is quite contrary to China.

But Catherine is clear.

In the eight years of Ragan, it is one of the best time in Sino-US relations. At that time, the establishment of the two countries shortly, the US domestic pro-platform power has a large market, and the neighboring China-US relations can grow up healthily and face the test. Raggang eliminates all kinds of interference with your own political wisdom, so that the US policy is basically on the correct track.

Reagan is a US newlist representing a person. There is a strong opposite. A total of emikes, "discarding Marriotism in the dust". His history during the campaign, he and the US american, slamming the Carter to China policy, claiming that he will rebuild the "official relationship" in Taiwan after he came to the stage.

Of course, the fact that has long been proven. In addition to a few US president, most other claims to be with China's PK, they often become the "old friend of the Chinese people".

Reago is one of the typical.

"Maybe it's not a celebration now, but ... I think Mr. Ragan President, is now very happy ..."

In particular, Ford has just gone, and the root is the US president of the four years ...

I have to come to the family ...

"Let's pay tribute to the great Ragan president!"

Although I am looking forward to Ren, Catherine is still a bit dissatisfied with this person.

After all, Catherine had a lot of effort in Ford, but Ford did something, and the guy who did not deal with Ford did not be a maximum profitman ...


The banner is Flag ...

Today is five!

Well, accelerate acceleration ~