Blooming America

Chapter 1,88 chain reaction

Iran stops output crude oil!

With this matter, the second oil crisis finally exposed the face. Pull cattle M

At this time, Soros also took 3 billion dollars in Catherine and entered the market.

At the end of Balletvi, Iran stops outputting oil for 60 days, making the oil market 5 million barrels per day, accounting for about 1/10 of the world's total consumption, resulting in turmoil and tight supply of oil prices. The sudden reduction in crude oil supply in the World Petroleum Market has caused the trend of crucible of crude oil, and the oil prices rose sharply.

At this time, Catherine earned a stable.

But it hasn't ended yet.

Because the war is still there.

So when Homei came to the stage, he did not resume output oil, but it began to prepare for war.

On May 8, Iraq sent Air Force to start bombing Iran. The Iranian army immediately organized, with mercenary, and started against Iraq.

But this situation doesn't seem too much.

After thousands of mercenaries left Iran - the miserable appearance of Iran - Red Army, and Homei, which was completely indifferent to the Red Army, and even a appeasey, obviously let them lose confidence.

Perhaps these mercenaries don't adapt to a large-scale war, but their extensive experience is absolutely valuable, in the battlefield, such experience is the foundation of their live.

Therefore, after these mercenaries left, the Iranian army immediately assed the shelves in the clothes, some empty.

But fortunately, at this time, Boolean artillery started production.

These artillery were designed in Boolean in his own, and he met Iran. He has changed slightly to his own research, so he has this goal.

The two Iraq evils have been completely built, and the oil production of the two countries stopped. World Petroleum production is completely affected, the output is reduced, and 5.6 million barrels in the global market have broken the vulnerability of supply and demand in the global crude oil market. The balance supply is again tight, and the oil price is raised again.

Things haven't ended yet, just at this time, OPEC has a split.

Most Member States advocate the city,

Improve oil prices. Saudi Arabia advocates frozen oil prices, even substantially increased production. As a result, the two sides can't be saved, and OPEC lost market regulation skills.

Immediately, the major exports of RMB will increase the official price. Fire on the fire.

At this time, Catherine is laughing.

Only one month, Catherine's three billion assets have already had a $ 5 billion profit.

At this time, the Soviet Union seems to have risen this.

- Even in history, the 70-80s is also the period of the development of the Soviet oil industry, and the Soviet oil production reached its peak.

Since the Siberia's large oil fields have been put into development, the Soviet oil production is rising. Only in Samotlol, an oil field in Samotlol, 1976 oil is 110 million tons! The Soviet oil production reached 496 million tons in 1975. More than the United States becomes the world's first largest production.

Last year, that is, in 1976, the Soviet production amount exceeded 500 million tons!

When it was found that the oil prices rose, the entire team of Andropov made a whole team, and immediately started to act.

In the first few months, there is no sound on the upper floor of the Soviet Union, and at this time. When the Soviet Union returned to people's vision, the Soviet Union has just completed a round of cleaning, and the results of this round of cleaning are the thorough power of Andropov.

The development of the world has been processed from the trajectory of our last life.

After discovering this, Catherine didn't have any scruples.

Even later the United States and Japan's square agreement, Catherine feels not necessarily.

Under the leadership of Andropov. The Soviet Union is now in the development of it.

At this time, the federal government suddenly found Catherine.

No, not to find Catherine, but find Jinlong Energy.

With the climb of oil prices, the federal government aware that oil has become a very big problem. They need new energy.

Huh? Since there is money, don't you do?

Catherine found that the federal government suddenly became so good, she was simply smiling.

The chain reaction has not yet ended.

Although the economic situation of countries has improved with the financial bill, things seem to be a bit wrong.

- Dollars have gradually produced a series of crises because of time.

Affected by the rise in oil prices, the economic growth is weak, and the US foreign trade is subjected to the survival of the survival, the US dollar has a sharp drop in the sharp decline in the main currency exchange rate. The weak dollar caused the import price to rise sharply, and the inflation rate jumped from the original 6% to more than 8%!

In this influence, many people look at Catherine and others build a factory in foreign countries, and they also have samples, and began to relocate the factory from China.

In this way, they can directly enjoy a series of preferential measures and support of a range of policies.

But in this way, the US invisobly began to complete their way to go into industrialization.

With the weak dollar, in the "Desert" in Ragan, the dollar was crisis ...

But at this time, the root is really effective.

With the outbreak of the oil crisis and the US dollar crisis, Ragan announced that it will take a series of "new economic policies".

Cairns's demand theory in the 1970s made Rigan decided to adopt a new policy of his conservative concept.

The economic policy of tax cuts under the "Supply School" is just in line with the values ​​and philosophy of the Root.

The greatness of Ragan lies in that he can use very popular words, and will feel the complex economics theory to the US public, which will reduce taxation, stimulate the economy, create employment, through economic and wealth increase, in low tax rate In the premise, the national tax will be added while increasing the public's wealth. Most people in the United States have accepted the "Ragang Economics" of tax cuts because they supported the concept and intuitive voters in the concept and intuitiveness.

Although the crisis quickly broke out, because of the appeasement of Ragan, the American public was in the top of the top eight, and gradually stabilized.

Soon, Ren has introduced a series of policies:

(1) Cut financial expenditure (excluding military expenses). Especially social welfare spending, reducing fiscal deficits, achieving budget balance in 1980.

(2) Large-scale tax cuts, implementation of the cost-recovery system to the enterprise, giving the enterprise tax benefits.

(3) Relaxation of the government's restrictions on the rules and regulations of the enterprise, reducing the intervention of the country.

(4) Strictly control the growth of monetary supply, and implement a stable monetary policy to suppress inflation.

Of course, these are external.

In terms of inside. Catherine has already felt that this person in Ren is a good thing - double the purchase volume of purchases!

Reagan began to expand a large number of US military, giving the US military to the US military, and increase the government's expenses.

Although it began to cut in other respects, it is in military expenses. Reagan has increased the reduction of three times more than!

Tax reduction and increasing military expenses simultaneously, causing financial over-distribution and financial resources, resulting in new difficulties and imbalances in the US economy, this is foreseen.

Although the surface is opposed on the surface. But it does not actually abandon intervention.

"Roosevelt's use 'new government' to lead the United States out of the depression, whether the root can also guide Americans from going out of the lague crisis and win the cold war with the groundbreaking crisis and win the cold war? This may be the second revolution in the history of US economic development ... "

At this time, the angel news channel has recently started the noctic blow to Reagan.

Is there a milk is a mother ...

Ford has been sad, this time, it is not a big deal.

No matter what said, is the US president not all work to the capital?

"The US inflation rate rose from less than 2% in the early 1960s to 12% in 1976. The 1960 US $ 36 is only 36 cents in 1981, which leads to a sharp decline in personal savings. Although wage increases with inflation However, the United States is the practice of taxing tax on nominal income rather than actual purchasing power, resulting in the increase in salary to higher tax level, inflation and marginal tax rates to hit people's living standards. This makes social distribution seriously Uniform, especially those young people who have a living by fixed income. This environment also affects the market's investment expectations. Workers began to work. Enterprises have no heart to develop, unemployment rates will be rising ... "

The news is still reporting the story of Ragan.

At this time, Catherine is temporarily out of the oil market.

Jinsong Energy as a new energy company, at this time, it was also seen by the federal government, while Catherine looked at the news, while watching the following ready.

"Kate, this is the information."

At this time. Elsa walked over.

"Good, copy a copy, to the federal government."

Speaking with data is the most efficient, Catherine has prepared a series of "data", which will sufficiently explain the benefits of new energy.

"Oh, although I have made a lot of dollars. But these three billions have been worth a few years, it is not worth money?"

Catherine thought of the oil crisis and the US dollar crisis, but he shake his head.

Unless there is a super-main right money, otherwise, this is now a problem, and there is still a problem.

Perhaps ... have such a day, you don't need currency, can you have enough influence?

Catherine louder his report in TV, and thought it a little.

But it is unlikely, no matter what Catherine is doing, no money support, it is not ...

It is a crisis everywhere, and dangerous and opportunities coexist. Catherine is not angry.

I will make money ...


Five get it ...

Send a ticket to support, recently the ticket is very unsatisfactory ...