Blooming America

One hundred and thirty-seventh chapter arrive

Green Novel M In October 1978, "Times" Weekly Cover Characters Choose a Chinese

The title is "the image of the Chinese era"

In the article: "A dream of China - He opened the gate of the country 's country to the world, this is a magnificent in human history, unique feats"

There is another month, about the topic of the Chinese, is fried in the United States.

What is speculation, the favorite ...

This is a huge response in the United States.

Before the two sides announced the establishment of diplomatic relations: the reporter of the message is invested by various channels. They quickly gathered in the White House, I would like to know the first-hand information but no matter how the reporter requested, the White House avoids The people who are willing to go to China, but they will let the staff get the door, just waiting for the agreed time to let the Chinese to witness this moment, they think about it in advance Watching a movie is inviting

The attitude of both parties changes, actually starting from the Nixon period.

Because of historical transformation, Nixon did not encounter a water door incident, so Nixon was still very reputation when the Nixon was in the second term, and then the "Financial Act", this is the current Nixon

The so-called China-US establishment of three principles, in fact, it refers to the relationship between the United States and the Bay, referred to as breaking, abolresses, withdrawing the army, and the past, repeated negotiations are in this relationship, because President Nixon accepts these three principles, The United States has accelerated the pace of establishing diplomatic negotiations

However, in the Nixon period, the progress of both parties is like this.

Although the relationship between the two sides is already very good, after, the problem is coming.

In the next negotiation progression, the achievements made by both sides are not large, and they are cards on the Taiwan weapons, and they have not talked more than 10 times.

But ... how to say, the Soviet Union is the bridge of Chinese and American friendship, there is no mistake.

After the Ford took office, the Soviet Andropoff is also almost completely controlled the Soviet situation.

Andropoff also changed the strategy for China at this time.

Because of this, when the root is on the stage, he has made a concession of the Chinese.

Ready to pull China from the arms of the Soviet Union

And China also felt feasible. They decided to continue to negotiate the weapons to give the cross-coast, but even if they said, China will never give them to them, as long as it is in this issue. Principle problem

At the end, even this problem written on the establishment of diplomatic negotiations, after the establishment, continued negotiations, and even written on the establishment of diplomatic communiqué.


Alaska Angillan Emphorf Air Force Base

Catherine laughs and vice president old Bush

- Yes, that is, Bush

Since the president in Rigang, Rigo lets the old Bush have been a vice president, that is, now

Now, the old Bush is also ready to meet the Chinese here - because the special plane will stay here first, then wait for seven hours, then go to Washington and old Bush, there are reporters, all waiting here.

"Miss Edson seems to have unique insights to China, I don't know what you have access to the Chinese."

Old Bush and Catherine discussed on China issues

Well, in fact, this is also one of the most important issues they come next.

"I think you are sure to learn about China, you can stay in China for two years before,"

Catherine laughs

Old Bush was not only in China for two years, but also because he was often riding a bicycle when he did Director of Liaison, so it was also called "Bicycle Ambassador".

"No, these two years, I think I understand China's understanding is still too shallow, but you are not the same, I have never seen anyone who can be like you like this, such as fish."

Old Bush is essential

"I don't have anything in China." Catherine was here to listen to the old Bush, and it seems to have a certain modest meaning, but Catherine knows that things are really like her own.

When talking to the Chinese, she was prepared by all the best, but she didn't expect that the last thing became

Moreover, because Catherine's discussions, now rare earth exports have brought two more people in China.

"Mr. Tianzun in China is here, I don't know what Edson is thinking about them?" Old Bush has changed a topic.

"This is going to see, but I expect that China has been accumulated in the first three decades, and will be flying in the day after 30 years."


Old Bush is somewhat strange for this argument

This is also no wonder that in many Americans' eyes, the first thirty years, China is essentially waste.

But in Catherine's eyes, not so

"This is the same as the law of the development of biological populations. At the beginning, the development of biological groups has certain regularities. When the beginning, the number of growth growth is not a lot, nor very large, but after passing After a period of accumulation, it will enter a flying development process of China. "

Old Bush nodded seriously

"This is the universal law of things, China and other countries are also like this ... Well, as long as there is no other place to intervene"

Otherwise, if you change it into Africa ... it is fun.

"Again, we are now generalized in the 12-nautical miles of the sea, and there are economic waters, which are all Chinese."

Well, it's right, an island can control the 12th nautical miles, this is what the Chinese is coming out.

At that time, the discussion was this: "If there is a 12-nautical miles of the sea, will there be a public sea in the Bohai Sea?" Answer: "The widest old Tienshan waterway in the Bohai Sea is less than 24 sea, so the Bohai Sea will become China's inner sea, my country has a complete sovereign ", the great man said:" It seems that for the sake of national security and prosperity, there should be a wider league "

After that, this policy became an international practice. In the "United Nations Convention on the United Nations Convention" announced in 1982, the "United Nations Covenant Convention" has the right to confirm the 12th ", it is because most countries in the world use 12 Hairi Territory System

Of course, now, this is just a convention, the United Nations Convention, has not come yet.

The two sides are also discussing for a while, there is not much time, the notice there is coming: Chinese people come

Catherine, they quickly arrived at the airport.

At this time, Tianzun a group of people, has been temporarily resting.

And the vice president of the old Bush also welcomed

At this time, the Chinese still didn't know that they were received by specifications, but they were very good.

And this time, Catherine also greeted it.

Seeing the old face of the old face, naturally, I feel very kind.

Catherine is a contract and said: "Welcome to the United States to visit, this contract is my private give you a small gift in the United States."

The Chinese are somewhat unclear, so there is just taken off the plane, then come out and say gifts?

But after reading the content, the Chinese were very surprised: this is a security contract

In the ten days of visiting, the umbrella will pay four B bodyguards to protect them.

Many people don't know what B is still quite angry, because this is the responsibility of them.

But as the head of the lead, it is known that the situation is

"B, the world's most powerful bodyguard, this is the friendship of people, we can't refuse"

So, China will sign the contract.

At this time, Catherine also let four b come over.

After that, the plane took off again. After 7 hours of flight at 16:30 on November 22, 1978, the special plane landed in the Washington Andrews Air Force Base, immediately leaving the airport immediately, head to the city center of Washington American hotel

After setting up, on November 23, the Chinese delegation had 22 people to enter the White House South lawn at 10 am welcome ceremony began to shoot 19 ring - this is the deputy professor arrangement of the international concierge specification, then the guards have played two National anthem

At the ceremony, the US political key officials have appeared: Secretary of State, the important member of the cabinet, the three military chief of the three arms, the leader of the public

In addition to the heads of the 18th National Guns, the US reception is carried out by the head of state-headed standards.

- To know, at this time, the position of the Heavenly head is still the deputy prime minister.

To put it, this is also the expectation of the Soviet battle, because the US is the deputy prime minister, and go to the Soviet Union, it is positive, this does not assume the Soviet Union's impact on them?

So Americans, of course, have a big strength.

Catherine and Old Bush have been temporarily different, Catherine has passed in California.

She is ready to wait for November 24 to go to New York, as for now? Of course, it is a complement ... I have to know that when I am going to meet the Chinese, it can be the early morning ...

Well, the Pacific Time and Eastern Time are different, in the United States, there have been a total of four times.

Dedicated with China, the Ford at that time was also facing a lot of political pressure in China. After Ford was killed, this pressure turned to Rengen.

In particular, many people in the United States opposed to the bay, and the American politics came up with "":

According to the US law, it is necessary to discuss the consent of the diplomatic relationship, and there is no need, so it will use the term to stop, and the relationship is automatically broken.

Through this visit to the United States, the relationship between the two sides has also obviously been well improved.

After coming to Washington, China welcomes the people of their people, and the Nixon of the old friend. The two sides have naturally met ...


Today, second ...