Blooming America

Chapter 1,145 played HIGH Ren

When Catherine's harsh "pre-pit" action, the President Reagan is also considering the future of the United States. (Baidu Search: Net, see the fastest update of novels) Support economics, implement tax cuts and cut welfare spending, so that companies and individuals are willing to engage in production and technology innovation activities, plus, The Federal Reserve Chair, Walke took a tight monetary policy, which made the price of commodities, and the rise of the rise, plus, the Ragan government, with large-scale arms spending, as a means of fiscal stimulating economies, The rean government, the new economic policy implemented, making the US economy in 1978 overall, slightly, slightly, the US economy is plagued, and the US economy has grown gentle growth. Although the New Economic Policy of the Ragan government does not play GH, it has brought high growth as expected, it has brought high growth to the US economy, but Ren believes that his policy is a good development of the United States. I took a solid foundation. Paul. Wolk is in the end of this year, I was in the end of the life, and the Fed Chairman made his talents. For the Ren, this is definitely a good role. But ... is not enough! Yes, not enough! Relative to the Soviet Union, the development of yourself is too slow! Moreover, Rago knows that this policy is not long, only through other ways, can we continue to develop! In the past two years, the Soviet Union is a period of the rapid development of their national strength. Andropoff has just reached a 20 billion conversation with China, which is directly opened by the United States and Japan. The normalization of Suzhong Relations, let the two get closer. Although there is also an unexachable difference between the two sides, the Soviet Union realizes that there is only one of the industrialized China to help them. When China got a large number of machine tools from the Soviet Union, all kinds of food and grocery in China have flowed into the Soviet market. At the same time, Chapter 1145 playing GH, the Soviet Union also seems to want to give the Internet to China. Mr. Fu Wu said that it is not necessary to consider it. The Internet is the shameless spy of the Soviet Union. Ok, although it is such a sentence, it is said to "consider consideration" from China. They don't seem to be too guilty of the United States. Can be used in China,

Originally occupied by two-thirds of the world, the United States in the United States, the advantage is small.

The New Economic Policy of the Ragan government, he only believes that it should be the trend of the development of the times. It puts the country from the intervention economic activity, and thereby playing the huge strength of the market, which in turn makes the US economy. Get out of the shadow of long-term stagnation.

At the same time, Raggang believes that because of its own implementation of large-scale tax cuts, this also makes personal entrepreneurship, which is more effective.

Can still be no enough!

Need more violent! More capable of competing with the Soviet Union!

The main goal of the Reagan government in dealing with international political affairs is to obtain the victory of the former Soviet Cold War, and thus increase the military expenditure, expect to maintain absolute advantage in the military. The increase in military spending has led to the expansion of financial expenditures.

In order to solve the growing fiscal deficit, the Ragan government has issued a lot of money, and long-term government bonds are funded. But the key question is who these national debts are sold to? According to the level of residents of the United States at the time. The US domestic investor is not so much money to buy huge amount of government bonds issued by the government. So the remaining unique way is to attract international capital.

Ragan put his eyes in Europe and then looked at Japan.

US Treasury Bond is the world's most pothole thing - now there is this cognition, I am afraid that Catherine is only.

But for this world. The US Treasury Bonds are performance optimism.

Includes ignore ourselves.

The root is the first to put our eyes in Europe.

Europe has experienced an economic high-speed growth period in the 1960s and 1970s, which is called "European Economic Miracle" period during this period.

In Europe, most of the money is the former Federal Germany.

In the early 1970s, when the dollar fell sharply, Nixon had issued "Nixon bonds" with German Mark price and settlement.

The culprit of this debt is traced back, and can go to Catherine.

If it is not Catherine, Nixon will look at it. Nixon will not have such a "Nix Song Bond".

Because of the depreciation of the dollar. In the mid-1970s, the Nixon government issued a national debt of German mock and other foreign currency prices for foreign curved countries in the US dollar exchange rate.

Although the federal Germany purchased the US Treasury bonds, the Federal Germany mainly cared for the US dollar, but the European Monetary System (EMS) established in Europe in these two years, the federal Germany is an active advocate and promoters of EMS. The purpose of the establishment is to coordinate exchange rate policies in European countries. Establish a relatively stable exchange rate mechanism within Europe.

Due to the large oscillation of the US dollar, it will bring harm to EMS stability, so the federal Germany agreed to provide limited funds to the United States to maintain the stability of the US dollar. However, the federal Germany does not support US government's policy of re-dollar, and he is not willing to provide a large amount of funding for the United States.

During a short Ford government, the other party had to make the Fed to reduce the amount of money supply and implement a tightened monetary policy.

The Ragan government knows that Europeans are busy establishing their own monetary system at a critical moment when the dollar status is unrest, so the Ragan government is impossible to ask Europeans to pay for their huge financial deficits.

Then, Ragan put the target in Asia.

He first looked at the largest country in East Asia, then shook his head - there was no foreign exchange that the country was now, and now there is no market, and the attitude towards the Soviet Union is still so embarrassing, nature is not optional.

But there is also a good choice in Ragan - Japan.

Yes, the Ragan government only relying on the capital of Japan to buy the US, long-term national debt.

"Now, only Japan can help us have a difficult time."

Reagan knows that his new economic policy is a long-lasting policy, which will inevitably lead to a series of changes for a long time.

The expenditure of military expenses increased year by year, and the tax reduction strategy did not know if it would be cheaper, and the welfare policy has been reduced, and the Rigan has been scolded by many people.

But even if so, the development momentum of the Soviet Union has exceeded them.

In this time, there is no more ways at this time.

The Ragan can do it, that is, get rid of this predicament at this time by passing the risk of itself.

Um ... commonly known as cutting wool.

Japan is a sheep in the United States. Relative to European European, Japan's "son" is the most pro, "Dad".

"I decided to be you, Japan!"

In order to attract international capital, especially Japanese investment funds, since January 1, 1979, the Range government implemented the "high interest rate" and "strong dollar" policy. High interest rate policies to attract a large number of institutions and individual investment capitals in Japan with high interests, and strong US dollar policies are sufficient to stabilize Japanese investors' confidence in dollars.

This series of Rengen's government has taken a very good effect in the policy of attracting international capital as the main goal.

But this policy has been strongly attacked and opposed in China.

In such a context, many manufacturing companies, parliamentarians and other relevant interest groups strongly demand that the Government of Rena intervenes to the foreign exchange market, let the dollar depreciate to save the growing US manufacturing industry. Many economists have also caused a long-term development of the United States from industrial cavement, requiring the Government to change the policy of strong dollar.

However, the Ragan government did not pay attention to these calls and requirements. Because the Government of Reagan knows: to maximize international capital, especially Japanese capital flows into the United States, it is most in line with the US economic interests and political interests.

As long as there is a lot of Japanese capital to continue to flow into the United States, you can make up for the United States' continuously increased trade and service project deficits. The US balance of payments can still be balanced. Is this bad? Not only that, the United States has excess funds to invest in foreign investment, maintaining the US globalization strategy, which is a good way.

But the practice of Ragan is to let the domestic enterprises hurt the heart.

At this time, another message appears.

Catherine. Edson and China announced on January 28 that the Ark Group will invest $ 5 billion, build a series of industrial bases in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.

This day happens to be China's New Year, which is also deliberately in China.

At this time, American companies seem to see the dawn!

In fact, many people have already wanted to go to China, but they often blocked them outside of the gate by China because of the relationship between policies.

At this time, China and Ark Group have made such a cooperative program, which makes these people are surprised!

They are interested in rushing to China, and the policy of Ragang is, but also a whip that drives them!

- Who makes the world unattended?

And they didn't know that China is a good sense of Catherine, Catherine's telegraph in 1976, saved the people in a city in the earthquake, and said less than 200,000 people, this is the general American company is Different……

And on the other side, Ren seems to play GH.

Is it enough to go to Japanese cutting sheep?

No, this is just the beginning.

"This is the most important bill for financial institutions in 50 years. It provides a long-term effective solution to the dilemma." Ronald Reagan signed "deposit agency to relax tube. System and currency control The bill declared after the bill.

At this time, I don't know what I have done. ...


Today is the second!

There are four more! (Untrafter continued) RQ! ! !