Blooming America

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-four chapters sad reminder of Patrick

"The threat of climate change has become an increasingly important environmental project for global communities. (Upload M) This chapter is uploaded by netizens because the relevant economic problems are less concerned, I have been writing a non-technical book, interested Readers explain how to use market means to influence policies to address climate change. When I gave a draft to my colleagues, they reflected that I ignored the argument of climate change skeptics, so I have to discuss this problem in detail now. . "- By green peace traitor, Patrick. Moore. After the hostage event, things have not yet sailed, and another benevolent brother came out. This person is Patrick. Moore. "Wall Street Journal" on, Patrick. Moore published an article: "No need to panic about global warming." This article is very meaningful because it combines many typical criticisms in a concise discussion. The main purpose of the article is that the earth is not warming, the voice of the objection is suppressed; even if the policy delayed the policy delay in 50 years, it will not cause serious economic or environmental consequences. Patrick has become a celebrity since the last one of the blade supercomputers from Catherine. The Ark Group said that this is donated to "Human Peace and Future". But green peace, but anger this Patrick is the walk of the Ark Group! These brain people, do not look at the Ark Group completely without any contaminated companies - at least will not see them - it is there. Patrick is not very vague. In Patrick. Moore, the green peace of the green, now the green peace is already an extremely organized, their existence, the disadvantage of the world is greater than the benefit. Some places are worthy of affirmation, but in more places, these people are in Patrick. Moore, they are too tossing. It's all tossing fine. For example, these green peace organizations, every day, humans are the most important influencing factors that cause global warming. Calling to human beings abandon the city, return to the forest, it is best ... Hey ... live in the book. Is the impact of human beings are the most important factors of climate heating? The answer is yes.

Does carbon dioxide are contaminants?

In a particular case, yes.

Human use oil resources. Increased the speed of the earth itself, but the heat dissipation speed of the earth did not change, which may be a reason for climate change, however, human beings can have a small impact on the Earth, this point of thermal energy, for Earth. It is also insignificant, so even if it is warming, it is just some urban areas.

Although carbon dioxide is contaminated in a particular case, in more, the increase in carbon dioxide will also promote the photosynthesis of plants, which also speeds up carbon dioxide update speed. At this time, it is almost no worry.

Of course, Patrick's statement. It is not able to let the US people buy it.

He then embarked on the TV and then prepared to begin explanation to everyone on his own point of view.

However, at this time, they have led to a more tragic thing - the American people are angry!

Patrick was awkward everywhere.

When he yoked, he ran back, but found his company was blocked by people ...

At this time, the Ark Group can only choose secret cooperation - otherwise, and the other party's well-collaboration, that is, the provocation of the people of the United States ...

And when Catherine in China, it was also very emotional when he heard the news.

Sometimes, butterflies are easily able to change some things.

But sometimes. The history of history is not so easy to change, but the butterfly sometimes is crushed, crushed by the wheels of history ... It's like Mr. Patrick.

And Jinlong Energy, it is announced at this time that they have developed a man-made leaves of poker cards, which can simulate photosynthesis, convert sunshine and water into energy. Thus turn your home into a small power station. Scientists said that artificial leaves may be used to solve the upcoming third energy crisis.

They will call this practical artificial leaves as a "holy cup" in the scientific community decades. And said: "This artificial leaves are a more economical power generation. Our goal is that each household has its own power station. Due to technology Not developed, in some villages in India and Africa, artificial leaves can be used as an economical basic power system. "

Not only only Jinlong energy has been studied.

Previous scientists have tried to develop oak, maple and other green plants into new solar cells, but this time the R & D and previous research and development of the artificial leaves.

This time, it is not the same as the size of the artificial leaves and the poker cards, but thinner. It consists of silicon, electronic components, and a variety of catalysts used to speed up chemical reactions. As long as this leaf is placed in a gallon (about 0.0038 cubic meters), it is placed in the sun, and its generated electricity can meet the basic needs of a common household in developing countries. The principle of artificial leaves is to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen by sunshine, which will be stored in a dedicated fuel cell, thereby powering.

Jinlong Energy announced that artificial leaves overcome a series of issues. The materials he use are inexpensive, very stable, and the conditions that have reacted are also very simple. According to experiments, artificial leaves can continue "work" for at least 45 hours without reducing activity!

The key to this breakthrough is that the Jinlong Energy has a more cheaper catalyst such as nickel, cobalt, etc., which can effectively decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen under simple conditions.

At present, the photosynthetic efficiency of artificial leaves is 10 times that of nature leaves. However, Jinlong Energy said that it is expected to further improve the photosynthesis efficiency of artificial leaves. "Natural world is driven by photosynthesis, and the future may be promoted by the photosynthesis of 'manual leaves'." Jinlong Energy announced that the artificial leaves overcome a series of issues. The materials he use are inexpensive, very stable, and the conditions that have reacted are also very simple. According to experiments, artificial leaves can continue "work" for at least 45 hours without reducing activity!

The key to this breakthrough is that the Jinlong Energy has a more cheaper catalyst such as nickel, cobalt, etc., which can effectively decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen under simple conditions.

At present, the photosynthetic efficiency of artificial leaves is 10 times that of nature leaves. However, Jinlong Energy said that it is expected to further improve the photosynthesis efficiency of artificial leaves. "Natural world is driven by photosynthesis, and the future may be promoted by the photosynthesis of 'manual leaves'." Jinlong Energy announced that the artificial leaves overcome a series of issues. The materials he use are inexpensive, very stable, and the conditions that have reacted are also very simple. According to the experiment, the artificial leaves Jinlong Energy announced that the artificial leaves overcome a series of issues. The materials he use are inexpensive, very stable, and the conditions that have reacted are also very simple. According to experiment, artificial leaves can be continuously


Honeycomb laboratory, related to the study of neurocircuits, is also working.

Although Jenny is no longer here, it is still experimenting in an orderly manner.

Using magnetic pulse cuts the broken neural connection, this is the current topic.

In the past, they have been destroying, but now they are repairing.

With a weak magnetic pulse, there is a neural connection in the brain in the brain, which can be used to treat diseases associated with neural lines, such as schizophrenia.

In transcranial magnetic stimulation, the electromagnetic coil generates current to stimulate the brain, depending on the frequency, the neural connection will be enhanced or inhibited. This technique has been confirmed to improve the symptoms of patients with brain disorders such as autism and depression.

Now, the honeycomb laboratory finds that the brain is stimulated using an electromagnetic strength sufficient to excite neurons, and it can remove poor neural joints in mice.

When human beings are children, the brain will produce a lot of connections between cells, and some connections are removed as humans grow, and some connections are removed, while others are strengthened. Schizophrenia is related to the connection being unappropriate delete.

Feng Shao Laboratory was experimentally experimenting using a mouse that was connected by genetically modifying, brain hills (region associated with mobile testing), 90% of mice, mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse, mobilia, this adverse The connection makes the line of sight of the mouse difficult to keep up with the moving object.

They have been 2 weeks for 10 minutes, and the upper strength pulse magnetic field stimuli of the mouse is 10 minutes. The intensity of the pulse magnetic field is too weak, not enough to inspect healthy neurons. However, after treatment, tissue analysis of mice showed that abnormal axis left 45%. Those missed axons were eliminated, and the ability of mouse tracking objects after treatment was also improved.

Poor neurons typically express high concentrations of specific glutamic acid receptors NMDA, and the honeycomb laboratory believes that this will make neurons more sensitive to electricity activity, so low-intensity pulses can stimulate these neurons. Low-intensity pulses can reverse the developing abnormalities in development, which is exciting and amazed. But they can't determine that the normal neural circuit is not affected, and they can't assume that this impact is always positive.

So they need volunteers ...


Some things have not been done, take a look after 12:10, I will modify it ...

It's too much in water ... (untrained.)