Blooming America

The first thousand and eighty-five chapters Catherine's aircraft (on)

Has been more than a month

But so far, Catherine still did not get any news.

Catherine once wanted to walk to Eden, but whenever Catherine is about to leave Yurika, the system will always warn Catherine, and append penalties.

If the signal does not receive the main brain, the manager will let Catherine return to Yuri that can accept the signal.

Because of this, Catherine has no way to leave here.

In the park, Catherine never thought that he had such a day of walking.

Catherine first feel so fear

Why is this so?

Does Jenny deliberately abandon himself?

But why do they do this?

Lonely, desperate, and an anger that is betrayed

In this life, Catherine still has such a strong negative emotions for the first time.

Once the body of Bane, I have also become a nightmare.

Bane can't hear it, can't see, not smelling, you can't feel, you can't feel it, everything is, the manager is directly affecting their nerves, and Bane itself, it is already anything with the outside world. Contact

Everything of Bane is monitored by the manager.

All physiological activities must be carried out under manager of managers, everything must be listening from managers.

Before being sentenced, Catherine was very excited, she did not conscious as a real Bane

She is a retreat

So you can worry

But when she lost her own retreat, Catherine found that all this has become a terrible nightmare and hell from a strange enjoyment.

For Catherine, the latex is a very good dress, sexy and unrestrained

But now Bane's latex is one after another.

Catherine has been thoroughly removed from his identity, appearance, and as the existence of "people", she found that this became a real prison, this is the prisoner of this prison.

Suddenly, the sound of the monitor once again sounded

"When maintenance time, please go to maintain the station"

"Okay, I know you listen to you"

Catherine mysterly - although she knows, there is no person to listen to it.

Walking on the street, Catherine is not so compelling.

On the one hand, people have adapted, and on the other hand, there are many Banes recently, and these Bane have a lot of things.

Catherine didn't know that Aston Technology was in charge of everything, they started to transfer to criminals from other regions, this is their agreement with the Eureka government, they are ready to increase the number of BAN's Bane to more than 2,000

And in their view, orientation is a very important indicator of Bane, so they choose to sell. Skin or similar criminals become Bane

Among these people, there is naturally many more than the shoulder Captine.

This is just like Catherine's previous expectations - Eureka's government's governments

And for Aston Technology, this is also a big performance ...

Come to the maintenance station, Catherine found a staff who worked uniform to stand there, Catherine stunned

Because she found that this person's badge is "Aston Technology"

Catherine grade what Aston Technology is, in fact, this company is still a force that Catherine is

"Is it because Aston Technology has received the right to hand over the Government of Eureka?"

If this is really this ...

Catherine found that things became bad

If you discovered yourself by them, they will definitely choose the falling stone, not the charcoal in the snow.

- Rockefeller may be optimistic, but they must interested in the heritage of the Ark Group ...

They took the scanner and scanned in the head of Bane, and then recorded the information.

Soon, it was in Catherine.

And when this scanned to your head, the man's voice rang.

Catherine stunned

"Your number: V7071"


Why is your own number change?

"Well, V7071, now go to maintain"

The other party pushed Catherine, and then began to scan the next person.

Catherine came to the maintenance station and started maintenance.

This means that Aston Technology is likely to have obtained Bane's information, in other words, all the information is very likely that the other party's mastery

Although a fake information is now looking for a very important thing looking for Catherine.

And after changing the number, and Aston Technology also mastered the information, Jenny, even if they want to find themselves, there is absolutely no condition

Catherine smiled, it is already completely desperate, why will I ignite hope?

"But there is no relationship ... 30 months, that is, two and a half years have been in these two and a half ..."

At least, the emergence of Aston Technology, let Catherine no longer suspect that Jenny is framed, let Catherine have a good one - although this is just a kind of self-comfort

"I also have Saibo body there, as long as I change my brain, I can use it ..."

Catherine thought

As long as "Catherine, Edson" still exists, these people should not suspect that they have their own identity, Jenny if they search for themselves, maybe there will be opportunities?

But how will the other party contact yourself?

Catherine has some questions

If it is directly asked, the manager will feed all the information. In other words, Catherine's things will immediately expose it.

However, how can Bane talk to these people if not directly asking?

Catherine can only do simple nods and shaking heads and managers even banned the limbs, so Catherine does not have any way to contact Jenny for any effective contact or exchange ...

After the maintenance is completed, Catherine is smashed, but finally left the maintenance station.

She came to the city center, then squatted on the railing, one of her feet is completely parallel to the railing, and the other foot is supported.

Bane is not a fun thing.

Catherine has realized this brutal fact ...

It seems that it can only be found for the time being.

Catherine decided that they were no longer wandering in the city. She decided to find a settlement.

She suddenly thought of a small island that he was first entered into the park, but did not pay attention to it.

That island is small, the shore is a soft stone, there are few will willow trees in the middle of the island, as well as thick reeds and grass, such an environment attracted her, so I feel a good alone.

Back to the park Catherine walk into the cold water

But Bane's clothes, but the cold is shielded, in addition to the resistance of water, she can't feel anything else.

She turned a circle on the island, and the trees on the island provided a lot of places suitable for sleeping, although they could not take rain, but Bane also did not need to avoid rain.

The long and slender willow branches are in the water, in the middle of the tree, behind the reed wall, there is a flat place with weeds, just like her body, she passes through the reed, lying in the grass, very soft and comfortable Although some wet, this is nothing to do with the reeds outside, she can hide her, listen to the sound of the wind, and the sound of the shore, Catherine is slightly emotionally

"Is it ... I really have to live this?"

One month

Catherine has become accustomed to being a BANE, just like other Bane, even if the head is completely sealed in the lateral latex material, she no longer feels that she has become accustomed to the maintenance station as other than other Bane. Walking in the public, you can ignore them completely

Perhaps it is used to it. At this time, Catherine began to observe the society of Bane.

This is like observing the original unfamiliar cultural BANE composed of silent latex dolls, but she started to recognize them through the BANE's body, behavior and lives.

There is a big male Bane living inside the cave, there is a beautiful female Bane always sleeping on the flower bed, and there is no weed on the lace, there is a juggling Bane live on the wall - she is always like a The cat is sleeping, and the Bane that loves to walk, regardless of where you like to wind, and the hippie Bane is as always in front of people, they are also one of the main strengths in Bane.

She divided Bane into three categories of Bane easily showed obvious confusion and despair. Sometimes they will throw things, or they look at them and always see them in combating with clothes, I hope to find a gap. Just like Catherine, they rarely swim, always close to the crowd.

Old, a little experienced, some people will spend a lot of time to exercise, usually try to improve the surrounding living environment, and some people will adapt to the city's environment, and become the Yurika Municipal Government truly want them to become The class: Sightseeing attractions, others will also decorate their territory, the jewelry is very artistic, there are a lot of stone piles and hanging moving feathers, and small animal bones will pick some garbage in the park. Or weeds to take a bed

Bane does not allow for holding and damage public property, but there is no prohibition inside to pull them with things that can be held, do things that can be done, mild, until the end of the sentence

Others act like wild animals, always take a break, often rest in the limbs, Catherine is somewhat unclear, but when Catherine saw that there was Bane successfully caught the rabbit, then he took the rabbit to release the rabbit. She probably understands - this is probably the fun of Bane, maybe he just wants to see if he can do it, he doesn't have a way to eat rabbit.

Spring is coming to winter, gradually arriving in December


Bane probably likes it. Although this day needs to maintain twice a day to ensure the energy needs of themselves and clothes.

There are very few pedestrians on the park and the streets, but the cold is not a problem for Bane wearing latex clothes. At this time, the most beautiful scenery is snow.

In the snow, let the falling snow fall on the body, form a distinct contrast of her black skin, and the other Bane is also very enjoyable, they have a snowman, there are many "snow Bane" without face on the ground.

They are like a child.

At this time, Catherine noticed that when there was a BANE when seeing himself, it seems to always waving, and then desperately want to do some limb movements.

Catherine is some don't understand

But ... Is this really acquaintance?

However, why do someone recognize himself?

Is it ...

A face suddenly appeared in Catherin's brain

The reporter who once caught his own

This reporter seems to have always wanted to see what conspiracy is ...

and many more……

Catherine suddenly realized what, her brain is like a moving cloud, see the moon.


Carterina excited waving arms, she wants to express their movements with limbs, but unfortunately, every time they fail.

Bane can do a lot of actions, they are not allowed to "transfer information", Cartenna doesn't know how this pass is identified, but it is obvious that you are now passing.


Katinna has become a feeling of conspiracy after becoming a fever.

Become Bane, for her, is a very painful thing

But for the manuscript, in order to smell, this is a must

Therefore, Cathenna must stay in this place.

At this time, Cathenna saw the Bane that he had encountered.

Why can you recognize her?

In fact, Cathenna is not sure if she is, because she has done this many times, she is excited to think that she has encountered the once Bane, but it seems that no one knows him.

This Bane suddenly jumped up, and then started to go in a direction.

Cathenna feels some strange

But she can't say something strange, because for Bane, this behavior is too normal.

But the inactivation of the reporter tells her, it seems ... What big things happen?

She quietly followed the back of each other

This Bane seems to be very anxious, so Cathenna is not discovered by the other side.

For more than one or two hours, the other party finally arrived at the destination ...

Here is ... Institute of Aston Science


Today, the third, 10,000 words ...

I know that it is very small, and it is shameful to have been waiting for it.)