Blooming America

The first thousand three hundred and fourteen chapters are not important.

[..] "Party? Do you have a party? Hehe ... Elsa, how long have I not participated in such a party?"

Catherine is hob yawning ..

"It's probably a few years, Kate, you didn't participate in what evening of the party, I remember that your father will let you participate in the one ... The party is coming? You can go back?

"Ah, ah"

Catherine nodded

"The fact is like this, but this time, we have to go ..."

Opening signal?

Al or ... compromise?

Not there is no possibility

Or, it is very possible.

Catherine blinked his eyes, her right, then pinched a cluster, my hair didn't know what I was thinking.

"There are a lot of things we can do, but what they can do is, and we are not bound by their dogma."

Or talk about ... What is it ...... Heroes?

Yes, that's it!

Because you have a long-term force, they are not possible to resist.

After returning 10,000 steps, even if they sent a large-scale army to attack themselves, Catherine also had a lot of ways to get out of the encirclement.

It is not that simple matter when you want to eliminate a troops, but you want to use a military to grab a supermodel force in the urban forest, but even if you can even stealth.

"Unless they have exceeded our tolerance, it is impossible for this, if you want to get a higher life."

Catherine probably knows what people want to talk to their own


Catherine said his answer

"Even in the Pentagon"

Not all Rockefeller hosts yourself

This is clear

after all,

In the beginning, there was a person's name, that is ... Rockefeller!

Rockefeller is not Rockefeller

Their family has already begun to lose.

Perhaps they still have a small influence, but it is just so much.

Rockefeller is to dominate with elites, with profit, priority, is the capitalist does not earn profits?

Capitalist is not impossible

"The 'capitalist' - um, that is, the class defined by Marx - I have almost eliminated the current capitalism when the economic crisis in the 1930s, and it is the 'capitalism. 'It is better to say that it is capitalism and socialist combination of freaks.

Catherine has also studied capitalism. According to the view of capitalism, Catherine quickly said his idea.

Yes, the fact is true, capitalists defined by "Capital", may have still existed in other places, but in the United States, it is already there.

However, this is not to say that the United States has entered socialism.

These consumers still exist, these people are still here.

One such production relationship is impossible to change before its productivity is completely found.

Want to make more progress, only one possibility ... That is, human technology gains leaping progress, the existing production relationship is extremely unable to adapt to the development of productivity, and the contradiction of society will conveze at that moment.

Turninafter, it is ... revolution!

"Of course, this is the view of the Westerners ..."

Catherine a sentence

What is a family, what family, in the eyes of the colors of Catherine, is very novel and mysterious

Such a consortium gives people a very mysterious feeling, and all kinds of mysterious power are universal and powerful.

But, this is possible?

After coming to this world, Catherine found that many of the so-called "conspiracy theory" they know, many of them are almost unsatisfactory, this "a lot" is more than 90%

- In fact, on the scene, Black Catherine Edson came to see, it seems that this lady is to create a culprit of "conspiracy".

Well, I said, in this world, it seems that the text of the god horse is because Catherine ...

This is not to praise Catherine, but this seems to be true.

Various conspiracy, various shades, seems to have nothing to do in this lady, maybe the feet of her doing things is very clean, but her own feet ... absolutely unclean

"How do you talk to them?"

"If they want to fight with us, I will open the lion, if they succeed, I will put them a horse."


Elsa smashed

"Rockefeller is a consortium, but they are just a consortium, they may have a lot of people and influence, but for us, such a person, this influence ..."

Catherine put down, then stood up, looking out

Then she turned over and looked at Elsa.

"It's not important."


When the last bunch of light in the sun disappeared after the fire cloud, the sky was dark.

Banquet, but has already begun

Here is North California

Soros's villa is very large, but it looks very low from the outside.

Here is a place where someone is often

Here, it is a quiet abnormality

But in today, countless luxury cars have stopped here.

Just, here is a feeling, but it is far from saying that it is a voices.

Franklin put down the wine glasses and looked outside the window

After all, the protagonist has not debuted.

Elsen's death, let them fear

911 may have caused great losses when they happen.

However, the event that happened in 911 at the same time, but it is something that makes them fear.

That horror incident ... is the death of Elsen!

When Elsen was shot, they also had seen the terrorist incident that happened at that time.

That is impossible to be Elsen's performance

Elsen is a person who is old, and there is a person who thinks.

At that time, Elsen may cry for the workers, perhaps it will be generous, but only the strange performance, it is impossible ...

The existence called "Elsen" is not the old friend they know, the real Elsen!

After that, they found a strange place.

Although the wound is consistent, according to the on-site intelligence, Elsen should be dead in front of the chest.

However, according to the report of their autopsy, Elsen's death wound ... clearly throughout!

Although the wound is the same, but the front and rear directions ... is not the same!

Two people!

Not just a person's idea

But what can Franklin say?

The Elsen at the scene is not a real Elsen, but a Saibo, a person named Catherine Edison?

Do not make jokes!

Now the largest media institution in the United States is on the lady!

Covering the whole world TV, the major newspaper media collaborated with them, their one fell, I am afraid it will be known to the lady in the first time!

At that time, they will know that they are about to face, what is terrible

At this time they were surprised, the name is the existence of the United States of America, which has been peeked by a presence called "ark".

The black ark is three parents like three black swirls, sweed everything, swallowing everything.

Unconsciously, they have the power of the Rockefeller consortium.

Perhaps the power of the Rockefeller consortium is very strong, but it is just so much.

They can't fight against the Ark Group

This is unquestionable

When they find this terrible fact, they can do it, it can only be ...

If you do it, let them bury this emerging forces.

However, it seems not everyone has such an idea.

Just like ... Franklin yourself

Young temptation is definitely terrible, even if Franklin, it is also unheedited.

It will make yourself get more young, you can make yourself more energetic, who can give up?

At least Franklin can't give up

Some people are impassioned, but more people agree that the view of Franklin-at least before they get the power of the old man, it is not advisable to compete with the Ark Group.

Once you are young, no matter who is, you are afraid of aging again.

Once the aging, it means that they will play again into the year, I want to make a career, but I find that I have no energy sorrow.

This is never allowed

As long as you can have time, even if you create a Rockefeller consortium again, what is it possible? !

Franklin once followed the Lockefeller speech, and later, his words in the consortium were more and more big, and now, he is also a party.

Thinking of this, Franklin couldn't help but think of himself ten years ago.

Old, keep old, fear of everything

Because his age is not allowed to make a career again, he can do it, he wants to do, but only just maintain his existing career.

Just just this.

They can do very few

Or say, less pitiful

However, after returning to the young, Franklin seems to have returned to 50 years ago, when he was a step in the Lockefeller, step by step, then became a crocodile situation

The career can also create it, but ... Once the life passes, how many people can find it?

And once this is an opportunity ... I want to give up ... but I don't have much!


As you can see, this chapter is completed, I am on the train ...

NKPAD's life is not covered by your support, it is my greatest power.