Blooming America

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-two chapters of the 2 Eva Chapter 16 expected in the expected

Time to eat is not too long.

"Ha? Is it apostle?"

When the key, a phone came over and wanted all the atmospheres in the scene.

This kind of wonderful thing that occurs in unscientific times is the apostles.

"Okay, understand."

Close the phone, really sigh, and Catherine is quite helpless, only tomorrow's verbs you want to try.

"Sorry, two, the apostles are here, we now have to go to NERV headquarters, you have to take refrestered."

After leaving Dongzhi and Kiaote, they took the vehicle to the NERV headquarters.

"I heard that this apostle is coming from the sea, I wish you a good luck in advance."

Catherine was destroyed because the three machines were already destroyed, so there was basically no possibilities.

"Reassured, just give me, what is the apostle, completely hit."

Say that the law is conceited tomorrow.

"... clear is just a new thing." The dissatisfaction of the real classmates seems to have burst.

"Well, no matter what you think now, but I remind you a little." Catherine suddenly said: "What is the apostle, but don't look at it. Even if it is the weakest apostle, just give them the opportunity, sometimes Destroy human. "


Tomorrow, incense.

"Hey, Catherine Sang." The truth is very serious about Catherine.

"If you say it back, if it is a sea ... What is the thing?"

Catherine seems to be muttered.


What does this rich woman do not know what?

"Nothing, just some little advice." Catherina looked at tomorrow, and then said: "In fact, you have two synchronization rates,

If possible, in fact, you are the best partner. "

"Who is the best partner!" X2.

"Hey, I will say it." Catherine is happy to see this.


The two paided a look, then snorted and opened his head.

This synchronization rate. It is simply against the sky.

When they arrived in Nerv, this is already busy.

"Due to the previous Sixth Aposta, the Welcome system of the third New Tokyo city is serious, and now it is only 23%. Fortunately, tomorrow's fragrance solves the seventh apprentice. But now I have encountered the eighth Arabia ... we The possibility of conducting actual combat in the third new Tokyo is ... zero. "

After the EVA in Zhenyi and tomorrow, Ge Chengmei explained to the two: "So this time, we have to break it in the sea before landing land."

"This combat, the primary machine and the secondary machine have a wave attack on the target, and then close."

"Real, tomorrow, do you understand?"

"Hey, charm."

"Yes. Miss Mi Mi." Catherine also stood in Miti at this moment.

"Is the zero machine not to play?" After listening to the order of Ge City, Catherine did not help but ask.

Ge Chengmei shakes his head: "Zero machine is finally a test body. It is a difference between the high-level machines and the primary machine. The dispatch of EVA is a big feense. Thunderian will make the ground to flatter For our NERV, it is also a big burden for repair, so if it is possible, we don't want to waste too much funds. "

Hey, this is the "wise" of human beings that face life and death.

"I really don't know. If the human beings are about to die, they are still, but they are not worried about the so-called 'fundament'." Catherine has helplessly felt helpless for this unhappy Chinese and second world.

"This is the world of adults, Catherine." Ge City felt tired.

"Hey, I understand it." Catherine suddenly nodded.

"What do you understand?" Question and answer in Ge Chengmei.

"A simple truth: people are dead. It will die. So the death of human beings is actually destined."

"You are really pessimist."

Catherine's idea, sometimes Ge Chengmei really feels correct. "People are dead, they will die". It has caused strong resonance in Ge Chengmei.

If it is not because of the wonderful limits of all aspects, how can things evolve into this appearance now?

Obviously, it is already the junction of human life and death, and there is still a hint between all major powers. Between Nerv and Seele, relationships also seem to begin to tend to be bad.

A series of wonderful events, how to see how people feel tired.


Catherine suddenly fell into a fascinating silence.

"What are you thinking?" Because the primary machine and the second machine have not arrived, I have leisurely and Catherine chatting in Ge City.

"I am thinking, after this battle failed, I should practice these two guys."

"Hey?" Ge Chengmei was a bit surprised.

"Because, I have seen it - they failed. This time, they didn't have any winners. No, not only didn't win, but I have seen them to tremble in front of the commander. Hey, think about it is fun. "

So then confirm that they have to fail?

Ge Chengmei feels that Catherine is really wonderful. After I heard the words of Catherine, I don't know how, Ge City Mime seems to have also been affected.

"Before, they dinner in my house." Catherine suddenly said.

"Is this? Catherine also wants tomorrow incense into this group." Ge Chengmei replied.

"At that time, I have an interesting discovery: the synchronization rate of the truth and tomorrow, very high."

When I heard this sentence, Ge City Mimei is strange: "This is a good thing, but why do you think that the battle will fail?"

"Just because the synchronization rate of these two people is too high, they have not been integrated, and the situation may only be worse."

After ten minutes, Catherine's words were verified.

The second machine will be divided into two from the apostles raised from the water. As a result, this makes it becoming two, and then throwing the true and tomorrow. Two EVA's ugly, let Ge Chengmei can't see it.

In the end, NERV can only give up the warning command. The United Nations handed over the matter, let them come to a N2 bomb, which temporarily stops the apostas' intrusion.

However, NERV's bill, and therefore added a pen.

"Your prophecy is successful ..." Ge Chengmei's face is very ugly.

"Uh hm ~ is not a prediction, I have seen the ending." Catherine stood.

Ge Chengmei's mood is obviously very bad, there is such a thing, she feels very uncomfortable at the moment.

"In short, let them come back first, this is at least to give them a lesson."

Your face can be lost.

"- Yes. Catherine, you just said, wait for me to finish them, come over."

"Well, no problem."

However, after leaving in Ge City, Catherine did not immediately write files, but found another person through the phone.

"Hey, Catherine Sauce ~ I am receiving your information. I've been here again ~"

"Ah, pull, borrow, don't say that these will make the Miter to make a misunderstanding, although I have eliminated the traces of this side. But now if I have returned to Mi Ran, I can't help you."

Shake your head: "Still so cold, ss."

"So, have you sent it?" Catherine asked.

"Well, although I don't know what the thing is. But I can probably guess, is something like a virus?"

Holding a good treatment, he is the person in charge of NERV in Europe. This second machine is that he is transferred back.

But on the other hand, this guy is actually considered by Catherine's spies ...

"If you guessed, there is nothing benefit to you."

"Well, how do you do it, what I want to know, just the ultimate truth." The eyes of the good governance become sharp.

Catherine knew that in a world line, the blessing of relief of SEELE and NERV, which made this world run in accordance with the real trajectory.

Although the public knows that the EVA is only the simplest version, but in fact, this place is absolutely an exaggeration, and there is a wonderful world of countless divergence points.

What's more, this is now a new and old world view, and it seems to have mixed some worldwide of some strange things.

Therefore, Catherine also has its own script.

"How is your investigation?" Catherine asked again.

"Indeed that you said the trace of spores, the kind of toxic spores can invade the human body, then hide themselves on the human DNA. It is also a horrible thing. What is the thing?" The expression is a little dignified.

"Some things more horrible than the apostles. And can be said, beyond my control range."

Catherine said so.


In this world, I know that Catherine has "super power", which probably only the blessing of the boy, it is a good one. In the view, Catherine seems to be done, but she now said that she can't do it ...?

"The native spores and viruses are actually not terrible. Scary thing is that this spore and virus are prone to the second generation of this place." Catherine said.

"Second generation ..."

The first generation may be played by the world at any time, so terrible is the second generation of viruses.

This is not the conspiracy of Catherine.

These spores and viruses are indeed randomable. If you should say, it is probably because Catherine came from that place, so in the original place, some "hole" is left. Those existence of different worlds, sometimes it will be drifted into this place.

Although Catherine's current body is "final individual", it is just just so.

These spores are dealt with, only another "blade queen" can get it.

Catherine although there is a plan to make Shibuya come over, the problem that occurs in advance will only make Catherine's actions.

She would rather stop all of the emergencies before this.

"The consequences of human beings will be very serious, and the consequences of this accident may not be smaller than the apostles."

"... There is nothing more horrible than the third impact that may arrive than the future. Do you make sure it's like this?"

In another world, there is a knife queen as a central core, and the evolution of these viruses does not have too much consequence. But in this world, this unconstrained virus is really like a zombie virus.

At that time, maybe the true classmates can live in the end of the EVA to play the death. I don't know if those viruses are able to invade the EVA.

The situation is always more complicated than imagination, Catherine has been mentally prepared for the next thing that can happen. But when you can save, she still wants to make things try not to happen.

Fortunately, she has a good candidate, that is the blessing.

"I don't know how the end effect will, but I know. And those who may extract human beings have completed the plan. If this kind of virus is spread, the dilemma faced by human beings will not be smaller."

When I heard Catherine, I shake my head: "Really, SS. You can't tell us all the facts? Why have you left half each time?"

Obviously, it knows that the so-called "human beings have completed the plan" has no good things, but it seems that it doesn't intend to tell yourself; clearly know the strange nature of the virus under the eyes, but there is no understanding everything.

"Below, you should control the spread of the virus as much as possible. However, if there is no problem, there should be no chaos in a short time. Before the concentration of viruses and spores reaches a certain degree. Probably there will be no strange situation and symptoms ... ... Well, if you don't give you the terror of this virus, then I don't have a way. "

This virus will definitely bring devastating consequences. Although Catherine wants to stabilize yourself in this world with the help of Shibuya, if there is no blade queen. She has no means for viruses.

Have to say, sometimes some special use of the body is really useful.

"One requirement is really hard." Ball shook his head.

"Don't you have technical exchanges there? All in all, let's know the horror of this virus. If you really want to know. You can purify the virus in the air and cultivate it, then inject it to Guy, no human rights such as the death penalty, next. In 24 hours, you can see the 'miracle' happened. Believe me, really happened, you may not be absolutely no I think this is 'miracle'. "

"Sometimes talk to you, it is really stressful."

If you can, the blessing really wants to know what is going on this virus.

"Well, now it is here. Maybe we should talk about these two people below?"

Tomorrow, fragrant and true.

Wave. Tomorrow is not a feeling, and it feels the flow. Tomorrow. However, this apostle is the existence of the old version of the world.

Everything is a chaotic set.

However, for Catherine who has already made his own plan, it is a movie that is immersive and self-involving himself. It seems good.

Of course, some expectations are still needed.

Catherine doesn't want to make people in this world become zombies or monsters.

Although this wonderful world line is very in touch, the current Catherine is not expected for the time being.

"Well ... If you say it, this time NERV's battle is really shameful, it is hard to defeat ... and because it is still on the sea instead of the third new Tokyo city."

The third New Tokyo is used to meet the margins of the apostle, but other places are not like this.

If you have to say, true and tomorrow, obviously "shameful people lost abroad".

Probably this feeling.

"Well, my combat plan is to let these two people have the same body, become more understanding of each other than Ve couple, 'know each other, know each other's big fight, is good?"

"Oh ... tell the truth, there is no level."

Or, do you deliberately do such a fierce name?

"Well, in fact, these are not a problem, this plan is given to you, and the monarch is."

Catherine soon began to close his eyes - of course, she is actually reviewing her own blazing angel manufacturing steps.

The apostles are too fast, Catherine feels that if you go anymore, the problem that she is going to face may be more troublesome.

"The blazing angel, the painting is made with a white to do the red striped practice. As for the S2 agency has been destroyed, there is still a lot of situations where it can be selected."

Nuclear power, this is the most foundation, the cable is in a strange existence, and it is not suitable for its own blazing angel. As for other aspects, Catherine found that there is no suitable choice in terms of applications.

"Saying back, the driving force of the four machines ... It seems good. If you don't do it, I have a way to get the core of the apostle."

Relatively speaking, the energy of the apostle is also unimaginable. The S2 agency can be an infinite source.

"If this world is a global line of mixed together, that is, in addition to these apostles who have a chaos, there should be some apostles to be utilized ..."

For example, in the lava, there is an unproductive apostle.

Now this is dealing with the eighth aptegic, this is your chance.


The world line that blessed the living is the world line of EVA-MA.

This plan will turn the truth into a love father, but think about it is too cruel, so it is.

Well, it is still the exercise.

Today's update ~ hahaha. (Untransferous.)