Blooming America

Chapter 1,622 What is progressive

Based on the current system development, a online game is actually not difficult. The chapter update is the fastest, Catherine is now thinking, it is to develop a completely different game.

Everyone can do what they love in the game.

In this regard, Catherine feels very interesting.

One person is short, and the two are counting, Catherine is still very interested in this area. Let everyone come together to some good ideas, maybe you can organize some interesting stories?

Just a pity, what is programming, it is required for the technical threshold, so even if the game is developed, Catherine is not likely to make everyone all over the world to play games.

In fact, if you can, Catherine also wants to get a game similar to Chinese classical Xianxia, ​​what is the fairy, isn't it very interesting? However, it is not possible to be in culture.

"Elsa, you let the blizzard gave me a copy of the medieval material, I think what I should do. This time I want to get an interesting single game." Catherine is against El Sharosha said.

"Are you ready to do a game?" Elha curiously asked.

"Well, I want to be a fun game ... Well, Elsa, how do you think it is the background of Arthur? The girl inside the story has passed the difficulties, and then becomes the king of Britain." As for the girl This reason is very simple, because Catherine has done a Fate series game, Saber Arthur King can be said to be the entire series of friends.

"With you, but so much big event, you don't want to do it, why do you want to do a game?" Asked in Elsa.

In today's world, the world I knows with Catherine has produced huge changes: I originally becoming the world's second largest economy. Now because of the Shibuya incident, I have declined for a while until now I haven't slowed it yet. The whole Tokyo has become a natural country. There are no more classic comic books that should appear in history. Although Catherine has a heart to play, but she doesn't have the leisure man, let alone, she doesn't have seen all this content.

On the other hand, although the Soviet Union is very critical, the map head Gorbachev plays rain on the stage, but another dark tide has flowed underground, which can foresee, the Soviet Union of this world, the Soviet Union of the world, Future fate will change. Ok. Simply, a father controlled Lu Lu changed the entire Soviet Union ...

As for the continent of the United States, now ... cough, have been soy sauce.

The strength of the Ark Group,

It is now actually able to act as a national level, whether it is the above country, can be affected by the Ark Group to affect their development.

Elsa said that Catherine is not working, and there is this reason.

"Elsa, you don't understand. This is love!" Catherine moved to the sofa at once, and then lying down.

She waved her own little fist, while I mighty the inexplicable truth.

Elsa naturally won't be gone by Catherine: "In fact, what do you think of doing what to do? A little plan and condition is not!"

"..." Elsa said it is very right, Catherine actually waited.

But this time. Catherine can only bored lying on the couch and sighed: "But I feel being into regular work, even if I did not have me in fact, almost the only thing."

If everything is hurt. The company would like to open this big is not so simple, however, so Catherine "Appreciating use." She now doesn't do something ...

It stands to reason, even if the original Bill cover the world of children's shoes, should not be so busy fast enough fishes, but Katherine has absolute force here, you give me trouble in the business, I will destroy you directly flesh can do ...... At this point, Catherine still needs to worry about?

What? !

Do you tell the rules of the game?

I, Catherine. Edison said, do you understand?

This is simply not a level of fighting, Catherine's company is a sturdy steel tanks, dare guy stopped in front of the car, every minute you can teach a man.

Well ...... All in all, this world can pose a threat to Catherine, perhaps only aliens, right?

Thought of this, the idea of ​​parallel universes Catherine for more eagerly, though parallel space previously discovered in Japan last sixteenth century, but maybe in the future will be able to find more parallel universe it? In this, will there be a future world?

This is very interesting.

What is the future of the next world? Think of thinking about it.

But after all this space-time how it is, in fact, not too Hawking himself made clear, because two parallel world, is like two parallel lines never interact, both interactive world, it is incredible things, this is like someone in that two parallel lines drawn on a diagonal same.

But ...... Who exactly is this slash, how is painted, that's a problem.

If you can find this cross the line, then the interference is another parallel world, it will become a little simpler a little bit.

Aside from parallel space, is now able to attract the most attention of Catherine, it should be is a fantasy world. The virtual game is a very very loved by the scene, and made some very evil homemade play a class, it is not very interesting.

Is Flord not saying, H is the motility of human progress.

Catherine feels that even if it relies on H, you can progress (big fog).

"Ah, such a game to do it, certainly very interesting, Elsa, inside this game, you can try to walk on the streets bare, this is not a good top praise ah ~" Catherine said with a tone of evil.

"Kate! What are you doing!" Elsa directly blush.

Catherine has just thought of a very evil idea ...

However, probably because Catherine wants to h, so what happened over this Soviet, she didn't care.

Just at this time, the map head Golbacheov and the father controlled Lu Lu, there were some things that had to be said.

And this thing, it can be said that it is also thoroughly changed the future direction of this era.

Ok, let us put the time until December 1991, this is the initial initial change in this world ...


Yesterday didn't have the Internet, and then sleepy, smashed.

But change the place tomorrow, it should be better.

By the way, the outer unlimited team is the IF route, and EVA is the future route, not the same. (Untransferous.)