Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 20 Mysterious Player

Fang Zheng said to Yu Wenzhen: "It seems that your Blue Star team is going to the top, but how did you know that Dong Jiuyi should use electronic warfare aircraft?"

Yu Wenzheng smiled and said, "This is a secret."

Fang Zheng said: "You are about to play against Dragon Tigers. You are a member of Dragon Tigers. Do you have anything to say?"

Yu Wenzhen said: "I was in that team and wanted to grow up, but they looked down on me, and the credit I made had to be taken by them. Then I would definitely like to be self-reliant and create my own team."

Fang Zheng said: "So you are a hidden master, right."

Yu Wenzheng said: "Where, if I am a master, why have I been defeated before?"

Fang Zheng said: "After you pulled in Dong Jiuyi and Liu Chengyi, you are no longer defeating the war. You seem to have a stance that you have to win all the time. If you win your original team, then you will be famous in the world."

Yu Wenzheng said: "To be honest, I'm not sure about the Dragon Tigers. They are all commanders."

Fang Zheng said: "Your next war, headed by the navy and air force, is mainly to capture islands and ports. The difficulty is not small. Are you sure you have no problem with the science of sea dominance?"

Yu Wenzheng said: "The science of sea dominance is inherently very complicated. There is no fixed method, only the bottom is in the heart. You will definitely win, at least not lose."

Fang Zheng said: "Good luck, I will cheer for you."

I only saw someone talking: "Who is cheering for?"

Fang Zheng and Yu Wenzhen saw that it was Cai Qun, the captain of Dragon Tiger.

Fang Zheng said to Cai Qun, "It turns out that it is your old man. What wind brought you here?"

Cai Qun pointed to Yu Wenzhen, and the other party was saying: "Why would you lose to this trash? I'm still going to fight you."

Fang Zheng said to Cai Qun: "Please relax, even if I win, I won't be your opponent."

Cai Qun was saying: "Watching you play "Sand Table Game", I was so upset, pulling foreign aid, pulling alliances, and tainting things about pure military science.”

Fang Zheng said: "What do you mean by tarnishing military science? There are many forms of warfare. Why are you so narrow and discuss things purely with guns and mathematics?"

Cai Qun said to Yu Wenzhen: "Your positioning of your Blue Star team is so casual. Winning is a fluke, and losing is certain."

Yu Wenzheng said: ""Sand Table Game" is a truly realistic military science. According to the actual military science, that person can almost only learn one profession and only do one thing, and we have 7 people in a team, and one person is already There are a lot of things to learn, so I am very flexible."

Cai Qun said: "Spoken words and expressions are obviously not specific. That Dong Jiuyi can use fighter jets perfectly, and Liu Chengyi is a conductor. You are Dong Jiuyi playing navy and electronic warfare, and let Liu Chengyi personally lead all kinds of battles. Different arms fight, this battle is not good!"

Yu Wenzhen said: "Before Dong Jiuyi was drawn in, she was a person who was good at playing various game consoles. She had a talent for playing game consoles and was good at fighting and competing in various forms. Liu Chengyi was a master of history and military affairs. People who have studied the details of every military and case, and are good at practice. So they must have a flexible route, they can't be blocked in a certain role."

Cai Qun said: "What you said is a set of things. I didn't say anything in our team before. If you want to prove yourself justified, you have to beat me."

Cai Qun left arrogantly, and Fang Zheng couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Yu Wenzhen: "Fight as long as you look, and put on the air of the old man."

Yu Wenzheng was saying: "I know him very well, and I think he will not condone unqualified people at all."

Fang Zheng said to Yu Wenzhen: "I'll give you a trick. The secret to naval battles is eight words. Fight for talk and talk for fight."

Yu Wenzheng smiled and looked at Fang Zheng and said, "What more? I'm not good at this."

Fang Zheng said to Yu Wenzhen: "You are not good at it, you can't win, you can ask Liu Chengyi, see if I am right?"

Yu Wenzheng smiled and watched Fang Zheng leave. This was the first time that Fang Zheng had chatted with him in such an equal manner. Yu Wenzheng thought: If I can't win today, it won't be like this.

Liu Chengyi said to Dong Jiuyi: "What do you think of today's battle?"

Dong Jiuyi smiled and said to Liu Cheng: "As long as you are there, I will be happy. I have no other thoughts."

Liu Chengyi smiled and said, "I'm still thinking about this, and it feels very strange, why would anyone give Yuwenzhen an electronic warfare plane?"

Dong Jiuyi said: "It is strange to say that the best way to deal with the cluster is really electronic warfare, and Yu Wenzheng revealed it to himself in the first place."

Liu Chengyi said: "I have found someone to investigate this matter."

Dong Jiuyi said: "Do you want to investigate this matter too?"

Liu Chengyi said: "Every detail in the war cannot be ignored, especially this kind of understatement, but it is very crucial."

Dong Jiuyi said: "That's right, who is checking? How to check? What?"

At this time, Wei Jin suddenly appeared and said to Dong Jiuyi: "I found an IP. Every match of "Sand Table Game" has a data record, and even the player's IP address will be recorded. I know some hacking techniques. Find the source of the player’s location. Here I have the IP of the player who was shot down in Figure 95 when you were tested by Zhang Millennium, and the IP of the player whose 32 tankers were shot down during the second duel, and this time Yuwenzhen When chatting with someone, this person reminded Yuwenzhen to provide you with the IP of the electronic warfare aircraft. Guess what I found?"

Dong Jiuyi said, "Then what did you find?"

Ji Dan said: "I found that these IPs are all the same player. Although the IP is changed, that is, a few addresses are changed, but even if the address is changed, the account corresponding to this location can be found, so I just Locked, this is the same person."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yu Wenzheng knows this person, I want to ask him."

Yu Wenzheng appeared beside them and said, "Who do you want to ask?"

Liu Chengyi said: "The person who gave you the electronic machine also reminds you to give the electronic machine to Dong Jiuyi. Who is this person?"

Yu Wenzhen said: "I don't know who he is, but he is a very mysterious person. He won't let me reveal the secret."

Liu Chengyi said, "Have you seen him?"

Yu Wenzheng said: "It's ridiculous. This person has known me for many years, but I haven't met him personally. He generally doesn't use this method to give me weapons and let me win. This time for Hongmeng, he found it for the first time. I want me to use an electronic warfare aircraft."