Books to Dominate Married Women

100 yen in ten books

Yeah, it was an interesting novel. I was lucky today.

When I dropped out of school, I took a peek at it because it happened to be a used book city in a shopping street on the way to school. I bought the novel on top of the bundle of old books that I sold for 100 yen in total because it was a novel that I wanted to read for a long time. It was a much more interesting novel than I expected, so I was very satisfied.

Speaking of which, what are the other nine books?

When I came home, I concentrated on reading the novel, so I didn't see what the other nine were like.

Um... What is it? This book. I have a book titled "The Book of Wife Domination." Is it like a sensual novel?

I'm also a healthy teenager, so expect a little. I saw it through my eyes in the Book of Wife Dominance...

It's more like an occult book than a sensual novel. Um, if you cast this spell, all wives with partners will remain what you think. Ah ha ha! Maybe I can take it to school tomorrow. Some of the boys in my class might try it seriously. Well, let's try the spell in the book. "

I felt extremely light and cast the spell that was written in the book of wives' rule.

Ming, can you please take out the garbage before dinner?

Yes, Mother.

My family lives in an apartment that is classified as luxury and can be trashed 24 hours a day. It is my daily routine for my mother to finish dinner and take out the garbage, including the waste used for cooking.

Apart from combustible waste, is there any waste to take to the accumulation site? Mother. "

When I asked my mother, who was preparing dinner for two members of her family, she thought for a moment and shook her neck.

No, I'm fine. I'll just ask for combustible waste.

Yes, Mother.

When I opened the door of the apartment room with combustible waste, the wife of the next room also came out of the room with a bag of combustible waste.

Oh, Myeong-kun

I lowered my head.

"Good evening. Was it garbage?. If you don't mind, I'll take it with me to the staging area."

The wife in the next room nodded at my words.

Yes, please.

I got a bag of combustible garbage from my wife in the next room.

Anything else?

My wife in the room next to me looked me in the eye.

I'll do whatever you want.

... yeah. What does that mean?

Um, if there's anything I need to do. Can I see you after dinner?

The wife in the next room bowed respectfully and profoundly to me.

"Yes, Mei-kun. I'm waiting for you.

Something strange, right? I've known my wife in the next room since I was little. My husband is on a long business trip now, so I will help you if you need a man.

I see. I'll talk to your mother and see you after dinner. "

The wife in the next room bowed respectfully, staring at me.

Yes, Ake-kun is waiting for you.