Boss’s Death Guide


Nie Yi refused to cooperate, and the people at the interrogation department were a little annoyed. One of the young and beautiful girls was a fan of Yu Shuo. Ben didn't like Nie Yi. Now he's even angrier: “What do you mean you hurt people and make them look like grandfathers? I'm telling you, you can get a death sentence for casually wounding a bunch of idiots in the safe zone! ”

“Death penalty?” Nie Yi laughed and shook a pen in her hand: "Go ahead, I'll record it all, make a good reference, and show others how the interrogation services are convicted. ”

The laws of the B City Safety Zone are known to Nie Yi, so he did something before. Although he blew up those people, none of them would be seriously injured. At best, that is, more scars on his face in the future.

Normally, the interrogation service doesn't care too much. After all, there are too many fights in the late life. If they care about anything, they will probably end up tired.

In that case, the girl is being threatened with private vengeance in the Gazette.

The young girl was offended by Nie Yi's attitude. As a member of the interrogation department, she was held by others. “What if you recorded it? It's your fault! You pervert who likes men! ”

“Do you believe I'm going to kill you now?” Nie Yi suddenly looked at the girl and there was an ice knife in her hand.

The sun came out of the window, and the ice knife shined brightly, and there was smoke around it.

I don't know if the cold air on the ice knife is too infiltrating, or if Nie Yi is too cold. The girl was shocked and couldn't speak for a while.

The middle-aged man behind her sighed and pulled her back.

Nie Yi can still be so bullied after hurting people, I'm afraid, as he said, Yu Shuo first provoked, he took charge.

Moreover, although Yu Shuo and the others looked a little miserable, they were not too seriously injured. In this case, it is impossible for the interrogation department to really punish Nie Yi. At most, Nie Yi will be fined a little material. If so, what good will it be for them to provoke Nie Yi?

The middle-aged man stopped the young girl from talking, and Yu Shuao and others were already wrapped up with the help of a doctor.

This is not the first time Yu Shuo was beaten by Nie Yi, but it was definitely his most embarrassing time. He brought so many people. He thought Nie Yi would definitely not beat them, and they could understand the details of Nie Yi, but he didn't think it was just one move, and he actually lost on his side. He didn't even know what Nie Yi did!

Nie Yi!

Yu Shuo looked across the street at the very comfortable young man. The anger in his heart could hardly be contained, but soon he calmed down again.

During this time, it was not known if Nie Boyuan was much cooler because he had lost to Asahi, but this time he was subjected to Nie Yi's greatness, Nie Boyuan always had to give him a statement.

He has sent someone to look for Nie Bo Yuan. Nie Bo Yuan should be here soon. By then... Yu Shuo just imagined the image of Nie Yi being reprimanded by Nie Bo Yuan and felt happy.

But then, his face hurts. His face suddenly doesn't look good. He always values his appearance. If he really destroys his face...

He has to tell us what happened today!

At this time, someone hurried out and Yu Shuo looked at the past, but didn't want to see someone who disgusted him - Secretary Zhao Chengqi.

“Secretary Zhang, what are you doing here?” The middle-aged man who had stopped the girl rushed up.

“Major Nie brought very important intelligence to the B City Security Zone this time, and General Zhao asked him to come immediately.” Secretary Zhang said.

After Zhao Chengqi just saw the information sent by Nie Yi, it was quite a shock. He immediately asked Nie Yi, and as a result... Nie Yi was taken away by the interrogation office because of a fight with Yu Shuo at the entrance of the security zone?

After knowing that Yu Shuo and others had only suffered minor injuries, Zhao Chengqi felt that the interrogation office had nothing to do with anything. Nie Yi's character he knew. Although he was a little lonely, he had to avenge a little, but he would not proactively mess with others. However, that Yu Shuo especially liked to find a presence.

A grown man jumped on TV all day, sometimes the military found something, Yu Shuo explained on the TV station, many people thought it was Yu Shuo made!

Just like that mutant plant a while ago, it took the military a lot of work to find it. It hasn't been studied yet. Yu Shuo said on TV that something like this should be studied for the benefit of all mankind, and then asked them to hand over the plant!

Zhao Chengqi did not like Yu Shuo, and of course Secretary Zhang, after a glance at Yu Shuo and others, said: “I heard there was a little skin trauma when the two sides cut each other? You don't have to go to interrogation, do you? ”

The middle-aged man was a little hesitant, but when Secretary Zhang arrived, he had to take Nie Yi away, but he was still a little unhappy - Secretary Zhang was not afraid of Yu Shuo, but they were afraid of Yu Shuo, let alone wanted to be remembered by Yu Shuo... so he thought, the middle-aged man looked at Yu Shuo.

Yu Shuo's face was covered with bandages. He looked up at Secretary Zhang and said coldly: “Secretary Zhang, is it too much for you to define my murder as a one-word consultation? ”

Secretary Zhang's face changed. At this point, another person walked in at the door.

The mayor of the B City Security Zone, Nie Boyuan, hurried in with two pedestrians from the outside and saw what was going on inside, frowning immediately.

Seeing Nie Bo Yuan, Secretary Zhang's face changed. Zhao Chengqi was not afraid of Nie Bo Yuan and was able to quarrel with Nie Bo Yuan, but he could not work against Nie Bo Yuan. Now that Nie Bo Yuan is here, he has to give in.

“What the hell is going on today?” Immediately after Nie Boyuan came in, he asked, looking at Nie Yi.

“Your baby son has a dirty mouth and I beat him up.” Nie Yi glanced at Nie Boyuan and the whole person looked lazy. The B City Safe Zone is where many survivors most want to live, but now he hates it more and more... When he explains the Dark Guard, it's good that he leaves with Qi Jingchen as soon as possible, in case anything unhappy happens to him all day.

Of course, before he does, he better kill Yu Shuo... Qi Yin's powers have been enhanced, which shouldn't be a big deal?

“Dad, I didn't say anything.” Yu Shuao, with a stubborn face.

“Nie District Manager, Nie Yi is here to send important information, and our general will not make him suffer because of a little trauma.” Secretary Zhang saw Yu Shuo's expression and thought Nie Yi was going to suffer.

“How are their injuries?” Nie Boyuan did not immediately accuse Nie Yi, but turned to the middle-aged doctor and asked, “Is there a monitor? ”

“Young Master Yu all suffered skin trauma," said the middle-aged man, then took out the surveillance: “Chief Nie, the surveillance is here. ”

The surveillance was silent, showing that Nie Yi and Yu Shuo were originally talking, and Nie Yi suddenly attacked Yu Shuo.

Seeing this situation, Nie Boyuan's face didn't look very good. He turned cold to Nie Yi's face: “Will you please stop causing trouble? What do you mean, hit your brother? ”

Nie Yi doesn't care about Nie Boyuan's reprimand at all: “It's none of your business, as long as the interrogation is not biased. ”

He glanced at it.

Ping Shengchao pulled out the pen on his hand and pressed, and then Yu Shuo's voice came out: “Finally, your little lover has legs to walk on his own? Nie Yi, it's better to hold him all the time before someone finally snatches him away. This way, the teenager with the fine flesh likes more people. If you strangle a wound on him, it must be very pretty..."

As this voice appeared, Nie Boyuan's face grew ugly. Nie Yi looked at him and asked softly: "Mayor Nie, your precious son said he didn't say anything, so he said... If I said that about your lover, would you want to hit me? ”

He doesn't care about Nie Bo Yuan's feelings and is lazy to argue, but that doesn't mean he is willing to be wronged... Nie Yi looks at Nie Bo Yuan and wonders what Nie Bo Yuan will do next.

Shame on you?

Nie Yi was ready for Nie Boyuan to get angry at herself, but I didn't expect Nie Boyuan to glance at Yu Shuo: “Is that what you said? ”

Yu Shuao's heart sinks.

Before that, Nie Yi had been constantly and perfectly ignorant of other people's misunderstandings. He thought the person would be lazy to argue this time, but did not expect to gather evidence in advance.

In private, he could always find a reason to explain it to Niebuoyuan, but now, in the public at large, I'm afraid his reasons will only be laughed at.

When Nie Boyuan saw Yu Shuo hesitate, he naturally knew that this must have been Yu Shuo. He was angry and guilty at once - he was angry at Yu Shuo and guilty at Nie Yi.

Nie Boyuan has always been a stern father in front of Nie Yi. He often reprimands Nie Yi, but Nie Yi is still his son, and he still cares about Nie Yi.

Perhaps because of this, he defied himself, liked a man, and became more angry when he still spoke. After Yu Shuo provoked a few words, he felt that he should teach Nie Yi a lesson.

But Nie Yi just left!

When Nie Yi was getting tired of Qi Jingchen under his own nose, Nie Boryuan was very averse to Nie Yi, but after Nie Yi left the B city security zone for a long time, he inevitably worried.

Seeing that Yu Shuo was getting better and better around him, Nie Yi lived and died without knowing how much suffering he had suffered. His original preference for Yu Shuo's heart was to go to Nie Yi's side. That's why he became cold with Yu Shuo.

Far from smelling, the more he couldn't see Nie Yi, the better Nie Boyuan thought of many Nie Yi. After recalling the way Nie Yi held her leg and called Dad, he couldn't help but start reflecting on whether he was really wrong.

In addition to Yu Shuo sending someone to invite him this time, he still wants to see Ni Yi quickly to make sure he is not intact.

Nie Boyuan's heart deviated. At this time, even if Nie Yi was truly wrong, Yu Shuo had nothing to do with it, he didn't want to pursue it. After finding out that Yu Shuo actually deliberately provoked Nie Yi, he was naturally furious.

Nie Yi has been out for months. She has not been able to come back for New Year's Eve. Now that Yu Shuo is back, she goes to provoke her. Is this to drive Nie Yi away again?

With this in mind, Nie Boyuan couldn't help but start wondering whether Yu Shuo had been beaten by Nie Yi before, and whether Yu Shuo had also made a mistake first.

He thought about it and suddenly found out that Nie Yi had not taken the initiative to find Yu Shuo's trouble. Even when Yu Shuo was beaten, it happened only after Yu Shuo himself came to Nie Yi...

“Son of a bitch, how can you talk to your brother like that?” Nie Boyuan consciously wanted to slap Yu Shuo, then saw Yu Shuo's face wrapped with a lot of adhesive bandages before dropping his hand, and said: “Go back and reflect! ”

Yu Shuo really didn't expect to end up with such a result. It was all a little confusing. Nie Boyuan looked at Nie Yi again: “This time it's your brother's fault. Next time something like this happens, you must remember to tell Dad. ”

Nie Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised to see Nie Bo Yuan's attitude, but soon he also guessed some Nie Bo Yuan's thoughts, which were somewhat funny. In his previous life, he was opposed to Yu Shuofeng, and Yu Shuofeng would cry again. Nie Boyuan scolded him vigorously, feeling that he was targeting Yu Shuofeng.

Without him to make the comparison next to him this time, Yu Shuo was a smooth and smooth water, and Nie Boyuan came to pity him...

Why can't this man learn to be fair? If he had treated him and Yu Shuo fairly in his last life, he wouldn't have nearly been killed...

Of course, he is grateful for Niebuoyuan's injustice now. If it weren't for Niebuoyuan's bias, he would certainly not have met Qi Jingchen.

“Since there's nothing wrong, I'll go first.” Nie Yi walked out with Qi Jingchen's hand.

Nie Boyuan saw this scene in a moment, but thinking about Nie Yi's life outside the past few months without knowing what it was like, it was not easy to reprimand Nie Yi anymore. Finally, he just said: "Your previous house has been distributed to others. Wait for you to come home. ”

“No, there are other places to stay.” Nie Yi refused.

“Sister-in-law Liu has missed you so much, and she has a physical problem...” Nie Boyuan added, remembering that Nie Yi had taken a lot of people with him when he left, but now there are only a few left...

“I'll be back.” Nie Yiduo also remembered Sister Liu.

Sister-in-law Liu's health is not good. He has always known that this woman who has been taking care of him for a long time has a heart attack, and it is precisely because of this illness that she has never had a child.

Sister-in-law Liu's heart disease is not particularly serious. If she takes the medicine until the end of her life, she will be fine. Even if the situation worsens in the future, she will be able to perform surgery to alleviate it. There is nothing wrong with living at the age of seventy or eighty, but after the end of her life, the situation will be very different.

Diabetic hypertension, which many middle-aged and elderly people had before the end of their lives, and many people's illnesses that were inappropriate, could kill people in the end, let alone heart disease.

Sister-in-law Liu was only a minor heart attack, but she grew worse after the beginning of the end of her life...

Nie Yi did not take Sister-in-law Liu, for other reasons. Sister-in-law Liu is quite old and still ill. Running around with him outside is no good for her health. Instead, she stays in the B City Safety Zone... Nie Boyuan has always respected Sister-in-law Liu, and the B City Safety Zone is stable. How can she enjoy her late life?

Nie Yi decided to go see Sister Liu later, of course, before he met Zhao Chengqi.

Zhao Chengqi's office was still there. After Nie Yi went in, Zhao Chengqi said: "You bastard, you finally know to come back! ”

Although Nie Yi has been out for several months, he will leave some information as he passes through those large security zones to send them back to the B City Security Zone, so Zhao Chengqi has not forgotten him and even appreciates him more and more.

“Of course I knew I was coming back.” Nie Yi smiled and let Qi Jingchen sit beside them.

“You've been out there for so long, you're strong again," Zhao Chengqi looked at Nie Yi with sadness, "I've asked you to get a reception, but now you have to tell me about those... dark guards. ”

Nei Yi also did not hide it. He quickly told me what happened to him and gave a detailed account of the Dark Guard.

Zhao Chengqi looked carefully at the information in his hand and suddenly said: “The coast of Jiangnan is the most populated place, there are many deaths, there are many survivors, there are numerous safety zones large and small, and it is not easy to manage them. Today, even if we send someone to look into it, we may not be able to find anything. ”

Nie Yi also knew this and nodded: “But this still needs to be taken seriously. ”

“Attention is certain, Yu Asahi said he would prophesy, said a lot of things, often mentioned that a dark alien would be detrimental to various safety zones, I guess that person might be just off the coast of Gangnam.” Zhao Chengqidao.

Qi Jingchen has been quiet, but laughed when he heard this - he had nothing to do with the coast of Gangnam.

“By the way, Yu Xuangguang is a bit subtle, you can contact him more, but be careful.” Zhao Chengqi added. They are good for Asahi, even gave Asahi a lot of convenience, but dare not trust Asahi at all.

“I will.” Nie Yi was not surprised to say this to Zhao Chengqi, but he didn't think that he had just come out of Zhao Chengqi and actually saw Yu Xuguang coming from afar, which he was talking about.

“Nie Yi, did I hear you brought news of the Dark Inhuman?” Immediately after Yu Xuangguang saw Nie Yi, he asked, the light of hatred flashed in his eyes - the dark intelligentsia had killed his sister in his last life!