Boss’s Death Guide

Mouse extermination

Six elders came forward, and the son even made such an oath, and the ordinary men soon dispersed.

Until then, they had great respect for Lancelot, and this time they were stirred up by hearts and minds that Lancelot was not worthy of being a son - they believed in God of Light, not the son of Lancelot.

Linda saluted to the Six Elders and watched Lancelot for a moment. "Lancelot, I'd like to see if you can really control the plague! ”

“I'll try.” Lancelot said lightly.

Linda hates Lancelot so much that the clouds are so faint that it seems like nothing is on her mind. She works so hard for her rights and carries a heart all day long, but Lancelot always doesn't take these seriously...

He looked at Lancelot with no expression, and Linda left with the Bishop of the West End.

“Six Elders, thank you.” Lancelot also saluted the Six Elders.

“If you make such a decision, do as you please.” Six Elders then looked at Qi Jingchen: “I hope you will not disappoint His Majesty. ”

The eyes of the Six Elders were slightly strange, but when Qi Jingchen wanted to take a closer look, he couldn't see anything, as if it was just his illusion before.

Six elders arrived quickly, walked faster, and soon disappeared into Qi Jingchen's sight.

The West Side has calmed down again, and now this is a place abandoned by God. It seems to those outside that everyone inside has suffered from the plague, and if not necessary, no one is willing to come near it.

Lancelot brings people in from the outside and looks around for a week: "The next time, I'm going to live here. ”

Qi Jingchen nodded: “Welcome.” Even if Lancelot is now sickened and considered unworthy of being a son, he also has his own men, not to mention the king of war who is still behind him.

Qi Jingchen felt that with Lancelot's participation, the control of the murine plague would surely go faster. What was more helpless was that after reading the information on antibiotics that was still available, he found that they were not qualified to produce antibiotics.

Not to mention that they don't have all kinds of laboratory equipment, and even the information they keep is not perfect. It's hard to produce several antibiotics that can cure the plague. Even now, even if they run to Earth, they don't have access to antibiotics.

In the late days, antibiotic production was put on hold, and everyone thought it was of little use. In fact, if they hadn't met the plague, antibiotics might have had little effect on other plagues.

Fortunately, when Lancelot vowed, he only said to solve the plague, not to cure those already sick... Qi Jingchen said: “I need your help. ”

“I will do everything I can for my own life.” Lancelot looked at Qi Jingchen with a smile, while the people of the West Side, who knew they had escaped the heist, knelt down towards them.

They almost died just now, they didn't give up on them to keep them alive, these people are well aware of this, and they are very grateful to Qi Jingchen and Lancelot.

Lancelot had previously heard Qi Jingchen say that the situation in the West Side had stabilized, and he knew that the situation on Earth and Yale was different. Qi Jingchen might really have a solution, which is why he made such an oath, but he did not really understand the situation in the West Side.

Now suddenly, Lancelot was stunned to see a bunch of bald heads saluting themselves.

Qi Jingchen found Lancelot staring at the bald heads of the people of the West End, and said, “There will be fleas in their hair, so I let them shave. ”

“So...” Lancelot laughed and looked at those on his knees: “I don't know anything about the plague, you have to thank me, and you don't have to thank me. ”

The people of the West Side heard Lancelot's words and looked at Qi Jingchen. In fact, they also really appreciated Qi Jingchen more. After all, Qi Jingchen has been helping them these days.

Lancelot wasn't lying, he really didn't know anything about the plague, so he didn't interfere with Qi Jingchen's management of the West Side, just let his own people send all the plague in the city to the West Side and send a lot of supplies.

That's when they found out that there was a plague outside the city.

The situation is very serious and they have to react as quickly as possible… perhaps we should go outside too.

The holy city is surrounded by vast plains and is home to many villages, which also have a very large population.

Because the apprentice here is fertile, and there has never been a disaster or heavy taxes, the villagers are very happy in their lives. In the previous period, the price of alcohol skyrocketed. Many of them made a little fortune, and everyone was more than happy.

Now, however, their happy lives are overshadowed.

People died in the village. They were black when they died!

This way of dying, the old people in the village know, it's a plague, and it's a terrible one!

These people were abandoned by God, so they died, and even died black, and a lot of people in the village had touched them before, and would they get sick?

Are they all going to be abandoned by God?

They were worried. At this time, someone else was sick in the village!

The inhabitants near the Holy City were all followers of the Light God, and after knowing that they would be abandoned by God, they instantly lost their desire to survive and didn't want to do anything.

At this point, someone came to the village.

“The Son says there is a way to solve the plague, as long as you take the God-forsaken to the city to find him.” Those people told the villagers that.

Really? The villagers were all surprised, they trusted the Son so much that they had no doubt about what they were saying.

Once they packed up, they were going to take the patient to Al-Quds.

When Qi Jingchen and Lancelot came out of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, they met these people, saw that they were taking patients to Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and even more and more people were gathering together. Forgive me, they had always rarely revealed their emotions and couldn't help but frown.

The Lancelot affair has not yet reached the countryside, but Al-Quds Al-Sharif is now well known. Many people are angry with Lancelot and are still panicking. In this case, if the surrounding people bring patients to Al-Quds Al-Sharif...

The people of Al-Quds will surely be very angry... if nothing happens, it should be done by Linda or someone from Linda's side.

They're really tired of trying to get them into trouble, even if it's just a little trouble, and luckily they found it early.

“Open a door on the outer wall of the West End where they send all their patients.” Qi Jingchen: “There's still a way not to get infected with the plague, but also tell these people. ”

The city is surrounded by walls, and the West Side has a long section right next to the city wall, and now a hole in the city wall will allow those patients to enter the West Side.

The villagers approached Al-Quds with their patients, but they were stopped by some men in Light Gods uniforms: "The Son sent you there. ”

Those patients were taken outside the walls of the West End.

Some of them have mild symptoms, others have been pushed by their families with cars. Although they feel that these people are abandoned by God and should not be contacted, the vast majority of them are not able to really give up their loved ones, and speaking of which, they have been contacted long ago...

Everyone was taken to the door of the new door in the West Side, where Qi Jingchen had already brought people to wait.

The sorcerer was basically reluctant to come to such a place, but Lancelot had a few particularly loyal men, but he called them in. The sorcerers were responsible for providing clean warm water or building houses, or helping Qi Jingchen to transmit his voice far away, and the matter of caring for the patients was left to Nie Yi to pick out from the West Side.

The person Nie Yi picked out was the one who dared to confront Jingchen when Qi Jingchen first came to the West Side.

“The house here is for male patients, the house over there is for female patients, you just wash the patients, shave their hair, and leave them here.” Qi Jingchen said to those who had sent patients.

“Shave your hair? What's this about?” Someone whispered privately.

“The plague was caused by rats and fleas, shaving their hair to ensure that there were no more fleas inside.” Qi Jingchen Road.

Those people obviously did not believe Qi Jingchen's words, but did not dare to ask. After all, Qi Jingchen's status was too noble for them.

They dared not talk to Qi Jingchen much at all.

“If you want to be free from the plague, be sure to pay attention to hygiene when you return, and do not touch mice and fleas.” Qi Jingchen added, however, he found that all these people were blind. Not only were these people blind, even those who came to help in the surrounding West Side were not very believable.

For these ordinary people, rats, fleas, lice, these things are really too common. Who doesn't have a lot of mice, and they don't have some bugs? They grew up with these little things, and they didn't think they were going to get sick.

Not to mention, the plague is because of God's abandonment... their loved ones are in contact with God's abandoned people so bad things can happen like this!

“You don't believe me?” Qi Jingchen looked at a bald-headed man next to him, the one who was yelling at him and forcing the Shinto people to open the West Side door.

Qi Jingchen didn't care much about being offended by such small things, but Nie Yi was deeply disgusted by such people, so these days have been the hardest work arranged for those lazy people, now to receive new patients and bring them here.

These people are unwilling and willing to resist, yet Nie Yi has the ability to make them irresistible.

“Believe, believe.” The bald head nodded.

“Really? Then tell me.” Qi Jingchen Road.

“Did the Light God let the rats and fleas punish us?” Naked man, he is such a lazy man, the house is never clean. Sometimes when I wake up, the rest of my bread has been eaten by the rat only half left, and after eating the other half, he is not sick...

Qi Jingchen: “...”

Qi Jingchen wanted to say something else, Lancelot suddenly said: “Qi Jingchen, if you can, the plague is caused by rats and fleas, so you better not say more. ”

“Why?” Qi Jingchen looked at the past inexplicably.

“For it is written in the doctrine that those who suffer from the plague are those who are abandoned by God.” Lancelot said.

Qi Jingchen had always known that Lancelot was a man of great faith in God, but now listening to him did not seem to be the case - if he truly believed in God, he would have come to question himself at this time.

However, Lancelot did not say much more, and the patients in front of him had to deal with it... Qi Jingchen blinked, and shortly after Kung Fu made up a new statement.

“Once a Dark God subordinate was turned into a mouse by Dark God because he annoyed Dark God. In order to be able to return to Dark God, he lurked into your house, came out at night to steal your food, punched holes in your house, told your news to Dark God in order to do his work, you should not ignore them...” Qi Jingchen no longer needed to say more, everyone was a "so” look.

In Yale, it is not possible to randomly arrange the Light God. After all, the Light God is very powerful, but the Dark God has long disappeared into history. Under the circumstances, it does not matter even if it is said.

“All those rats, all of them?” The bald man trembled and asked, "Are they abandoned by God because they didn't kill the rats?

“Rats lurking in your homes are like this, and fleas on them carry dirt on them.” Qi Jingchen Tao, some mice are still very cute, such as hamsters, and if he really killed all the wild mice, it might also destroy the ecological environment... he simply added a qualifier - the mice that live in people's houses.

After that, Qi Jingchen suddenly felt that he was really talented as a god, because everyone in front of him believed it.

Next, he didn't have to say anything, and the patients said it themselves.

“I slept the other night with a mouse bite on my leg! ”

“I'm a flea, I have some fleas in my house, those guys must have been on mice before! ”

“Those rats are evil! ”


These patients quickly cleaned themselves up and entered the West End, while their families said that they would definitely kill the mice when they returned.

“You have to be careful not to let them bite and not to have fleas on you. Otherwise, if you are ill, you may have to wait to die.” Qi Jingchen added.

Can't cure it? These people were a little disappointed, but when they thought about the plague before, they couldn't escape it without saying they were sick, and they immediately felt acceptable.

Some of the patients came to the West Side on their own, and the vast majority of the patients were brought to the West Side by Lancelot.

At this point, they noticed that there seemed to be more patients in the North than before...

“Let them kill their own rats as soon as possible.” Qi Jingchen Road.

The West Side is dirty and broken. The people here rely on the help of the Light God for their lives. He can burn down their houses if he wants to, so he can kill all the rats, but elsewhere in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, he can't do that.

Those ordinary people may have fought their whole lives to find a place to stay in the Holy City. How can you say burn? If you really want to burn it down, it's also a big problem for those who lived relatively well before.

And the West Side is surrounded, and mice can't get out, and they can't get in, not anywhere else.

Qi Jingchen's remarks about mice were propelled out by Lancelot.

The people of the Holy City didn't believe Qi Jingchen when they heard about it, but now they believe it. They think that the plague may really be related to mice.

“Have you heard? The rats in the house are subordinates of the Dark God! ”

“The rats were dark and very dirty, and I didn't think they were good anymore, so here they are! ”

“The plague also has to do with mice. Do you say that God abandoned us because he saw that we had mice in our house? ”

“We have to kill all the rats! ”


Throughout Al-Quds Al-Sharif, everyone started a blazing operation to exterminate rats.

No one used to take the rats seriously, so the rats were able to reproduce in the homes of ordinary people, and now everyone hates the rats, and to kill them, the situation is completely different.

Countless mice have been killed, and residents have spontaneously burned them all.

I heard that Qi Jingchen was relieved, but his breath was relaxed too early.

The day after all ordinary people in Al-Quds killed rats, more people became sick!

Not only that, but Al-Quds Al-Sharif is in disarray.

Although Lancelot said the plague could be solved, Yale's ordinary people were very scared of the plague. They were reluctant to work anymore and go shopping for food to hide in their homes. They did little more than kill mice for two days...

Al-Quds Al-Sharif functioned almost entirely by ordinary people, and when they started doing nothing, it was paralyzed.

All the stores in Al-Quds are closed, many warriors and magicians don't eat, the roads are full of dirty things but nobody cleans them up...

The bustling city of Al-Quds suddenly became deathly depressed.

Linda had been watching Qi Jingchen and Lancelot's progress and laughed uncontrollably as soon as she knew about it.

Lancelot is still trying to solve the plague? It was a dream!

Now that they've killed so many rats, the patient hasn't lost the rebound, he's going to have bad luck!

She said, "How could the plague have anything to do with rats?" How many years have mice been around?

Lancelot and Qi Jingchen all tied the rat to the Dark God, but it didn't help at all.

Linda was in such a good mood that she even got herself a one-star pet rat to play with.